The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2049, Chapter 2049, Chapter 2049, Chapter 2049 of the Prince of Tennis

In addition to Argentina, most of the traditional strong brigades are among the Sixth Sixth.

The World Cup was held in Asia in Asia, and the performance of the Asian team was very gratifying.

China, Japan and South Korea have killed the Sixteen, which is the first 16th Asian team in the World Cup.

However, this is controversial and is a Korean team.

They played a lot in the group competition until the last round of the group competition will be promoted to Sixteen.

This last game is very big, and the Korean team won two penalty, and the other US team had two players who were unresolved.

twenty two! The Korean people reverberate the referee again at home, and they barely kills the September 16.

In fact, the performance of the Korean team has also been unexpected in the Korean Football Association. Originally they thought it would be easier to export in a small group, after all, there was a referee.

However, the last game made that big movement, but there is no way to do so obvious.

However, their good luck is to go, because the Korean team team is the second place, they will face the opponent of Asia, old opponents China.

A good friend of a Korean team, but now the team like a nightmare now.

The more critical is this knockout being arranged in Japan's Kobe Flying Stadium, not the home of the Korean team.

Poor Koreans are currently busy with the three referees of the public relations knockout.

The Chinese team collapsed hotel, meeting room.

"Our Sixteen opponents are actually a Korean team!" Flying looked at the packets on the big screen.

"Is this not very good?" Wang Zhongming confident, "I hate these sticks, just in their meal."

"But the Koreans have always been shameless. If they let the referee manipulate the game?" Xiao Junshu said nothing worry.

"A Xiao, don't worry. The guy of the International Football Union is not a fool, the Korean group match is so obvious that it has caused the dissatisfaction of each team. If they do a small action in the knockout, I promise that they will regret it!" The cold light is flashed in the eyes.

"Japan is not South Korea, and Kobe is not a Korean site."

"Well! Night is correct. We still put your attention in the game, the video of the Korean team group, I have all been analyzed, now give you the characteristics and habits of Korean main players." Yuns Open the computer and starting the Korean team player data on a large screen.

"Che Ren Tian ... Park Zhixing ..." Night long wind casually swept a Korean team lineup, in addition to these two people don't know.

Che Rentian is known as the Korean ball king, is now the core player of the Su Charen Celtic team, and Park Zhixing is the replacement of the Red Magic Mannea.

These two people have some impressions, and his tankball ball is also created by Cherenhe.

But now the night is not very much using the tank ball, because his base power is too high, even if it does not rose muscle, it is like steel like steel.

PS: The right hand is suddenly protruded from a bag, and the result is a tendon chast. Today, I was really unconventional, and I was not good now, and I have a cold. Now, the hand has problems, it is really tragic. Brothers come to a wave of custom and reward, comfort your injured heart!

Chapter 2159, Kobe Flying Wings (First More)

In the expectation of the world's fans, the Korean World Cup finally came to the most thrilling phase-out stage. ∠ ∠ ± ± ± ± ∠

The fifteenth day of the World Cup started, the first round of the 1st round of the world was fully played.

In numerous teams, the most concerned natural or the World Cup won the Great Popular Brazil, Germany and other teams.

Of course, because it is the first World Cup in Asia, the performance of the Asian team also is expected, especially the Chinese team killed from the death of death, and the host Korea team will encounter directly in the first round of the first round.

Since the last World Cup Asian qualifiers, the Chinese team has won the championship in autumn wind, and the Chinese team has occupied Asian chief and long year.

The Chinese team who lived in the world will have returned, and the domestic media is predicted that the Chinese team can easily defeat South Korea, Ting into the World Cup, the world Cup Asian team, the best results recording.

However, Koreans and Korean media don't think so, although the group fell and crashed by the referee to advance to the knockout, but the big Koreans still believe that they have advantages to China, just because they are host.

In the view of Koreans, the Republic of Korea is the center of the Universe, and their team should go to the end.

Of course, all Korean media have blindly boast their team, and very few relatively fair media, and predict the Korean team will be difficult to fight against the Chinese team.

First, in terms of value, this Chinese team is far from the Korean team, and the two nights and Xiao Junguang add up the price is several times the Korean team.

Secondly, the Chinese team killed from the group of death, the momentum is flourishing, and the Korean team is full of efforts in the group competition, it is difficult to go out, and the two team states are different.

However, these non-mainstream sounds in South Korea are soon drowned by the mainstream media.

A number of Korean media predicts that the Korean team defeated the Chinese team 3 to 0 or even a larger score, and the arrogance of Koreans naturally caused the dissatisfaction of Chinese fans.

The fans of the two camps were on the Internet, broke out through the network, and even anesthetic hacker.

The final result is that the official website of South Korea and the Chinese Football Association is black, the fans of the two camps can be said to be the water.

Of course, these are just some small episodes, and the real key is still in the game.

Japanese Kobe flying wing, Japan at 7:00 pm.

The battle of China and South Korea was arranged at eight o'clock in the evening, and there was an hour from the start of the game. The whole kinemate flying ball area is already boiling, and the Wu is full of people.

A large number of Chinese fans and Korean fans came to the scene, and they were able to accommodate 45,000 audiences of the Kobe Flying Stadium, at least 50,000 viewers.

Among them, the number of Korean fans and Chinese fans is quite, the two countries are close to Japan, and they are relatively easy to come to the scene.

7:30 in Japan hours.

"CCTV, CCTV. Audience Friends, everyone is good! I am your old friend He Wei, today in the Japanese Kobe Flying Wings for everyone to broadcast this Asian key battle, China and Korean competitions. "He Wei is trying to suppress his excitement.

"! ! ! China! Wins! Dry Bar!" However, the Chinese fans on the spot began to support loudly, they hit the two-meter diameter drum, and the momentum was very.

"Republic of Korea!!! Korean Republic of Korea!!!" Korean fans did not show weakness, they held plastic palms in their hands, while shooting while shouting.

The competition has not started, and the fans of the two camps first more.

"Wow! I came out, they came out!" At this time, the Chinese team and the Korean team player came from the player channel, between the gods, the entire Kobe Flying Course suddenly boiled.

Today, the Chinese team is wearing a fire-red neighborhood, and the Korean team is wearing a white visual team, walking in both parties is the captain of the two teams, night long wind and ruthen.

Just stepping into the flying ball, the night is around, and immediately feels very special.

Night wind lead Barcelona's top stadiums in Europe, all kinds of stadiums have been seen, and the stadium of Kobe flying wings is still the first time.

Both sides of the court are arched ceiling, and there is a larger radiator. If you look at the angle of overlooking, it is like two open wings, and the middle is connected to the endless sky, just like it is free to fly freely.

"So it is called Feiyi, it is a bit mean." The night is laughing.

Just a look at the night's wind and body, he looked at the night's face, and suddenly somewhat uncomfortable. "This guy is still so mad, he can't afford the Korean team, it is evil!"

Night winds can not work hard to pay attention to the car Ren Tian and Koreans. After the team takes photos and the national songs of the whole game, the night costumes begin to seriously warm up.

Whether it is in the face of the team, the night-catching wind will fully activate his body before the game, which is a habit.

After the two teams have finished enthusiasm, the referee convened the two players to the midfield. Because it is a key knockout, the referee carefully explained a competition rules and fair competitive cloud cloud.

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