The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2058 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

This is the case on the football field. Only the powerful opponent can prove that you are really strong.

At this time, the first half competition has been conducted in the thirty-fifth minute, the rhythm of the two teams has become more and more fast, and the two rounds have been more than the rhythm of the Premier League.

Each two teams have a few great goal opportunities, but they are all between the ball, the score is still 0 to 0.

Obviously, which team will open a record in this game, they will make a psychological great advantage, and the other party is not well played.

At this point, England coach Eriksen already knows the first half of the tactics that it is arranged, and now England has gains a front field corner.

Positioning balls have been a big tool for England's goal, just because they have gold right - David Beckham.

On the venue, Fernand, Gerard and other english players have poured into the Chinese team's big ban.

Under the average height of players such as England, the average height of Chinese players is a bit poor, even the forward flying has to go back to the defensive.

- With a whistle of the referee, Xiaobei outside the corner ball is suddenly starting, then open the body, and the right foot is out.

Very chic action, Beckham's action cooperation with his color to the female fans is a fatal temptation, but it is no wonder that he is a fascination.

Of course, the Chinese players care is what his pass is more than the color of Beckham.

The football whistling, the high-speed rotating flying meteor took an arc in front of the Chinese team, and passed it back.

"Let me come!" The Chinese team suddenly killed Lampad suddenly jumped in unmanned defense.

"Not good!" Wang Dalei's attention was on the high Banstead of England, did not pay attention to Rampad suddenly inserted. When he turned back, Lampard had jumped, just to complete the head Gate.

"You are still going!" At this time, I have just been able to ban the nearby nights of the disabled area, I don't know when I appeared before Lampad.

! When the night is growing, he will jump a lot later than Bland Pud, but the ball speed and bounce of the night have made up for everything.

The two are almost simultaneously with the top of the football!

"You!" Lampard's eyes suddenly contracted, followed by he felt a hard to block, he was in the air and the night-catching body, and immediately lost the balance.

! Night long winds in the air to win the Lamad, and the scope of the football is over.

"Good overbearing defense! The ball is solved by the big ban on the Chinese team!" He Wei's explanatory room was so excited that the Chinese fans of the live explosion were drowned.

"No one can fight in the air and the Chinese war god!" He Yunrton had a meal, and it is a famous saying.

"As long as the feet are separated, it is the field of war!"

War god field! He Wei has been described very attractive, from night long-winding to the world to the world to the current position, no one can be in the air battle and the night growers higher.

Tankini, Jinger, including the day to Xiaolang, have now challenged the night's wind in the air, but they have failed without exception.

Just only have a little resistance, others are not opponents.

On the field, the heads of the night, the heads of the night were removed by the midfield. Shao Jia once.

The Chinese team's counterattack, England, defense, empty!

At this time, Wang Zhongming, who left in the frontcourt, rushed, and he did not look at the teammates, Wang Zhongming believes as long as I can run out, teammates can pass.

However, the defenders in England are very experienced, they have not retracted, but neat forward.

Wang Zhongming immediately fell into England's offside trap. In the experience, Wang Zhongming and the gap between the top players of these Europeans were still very large.

Shao Jiayi looked up at Wang Zhongming, and had to stop football, then pass the football to the night long style of returning to the midfield.

At this time, all players in England also returned to their position, and the Chinese team missed the chance of fast attack.

This is also something that there is no way. When you have a long wind, you must go back to defense. The Chinese team's counterattack is naturally less likely to be as easy as before the relaxed game.

To put it bluntly, the Chinese team is still too dependent on the night.

Previously, several people in China have played so good, and they also attracted most of the opponents of the opponent.

As long as the night grows into the attack state, he often attracts two defensive players in the other side, so that the chances of other people in the front field of the Chinese team come.

However, this game, the state of the state of the state made night long winds to the defensive end, and the Chinese team's attack seems to be so unstoppable before.

When the night is on the middle of the midfield, it is not a few minutes from the end of the half, and the two teams play very smooth in the first half, so there is no time to be completed.

That is to say, this is the opportunity of the last one of the first half of the Chinese team.

Chapter 2169, it is him! (Third more)

Incheon Wenhe Stadium, Chinese fans are constantly shouting on the table, "China! Muli! China! Muli!"

On the field, all players in England have returned to this side. Only one Owen was left in front of the front field, and all England players know that there is not much left in the first half, this is the last half of the last half. ≌ ≌ ≯ ≯ ≯ ≌ ≌

When there is not much time left in the competition, the current world football night-length wind often chooses to solve the problem with personal abilities, which is repeatedly to all England players in front of the front of England coach Erixon.

So when the night is in the middle of the midfield position, Double Dejlad and Lampad in the midfielder in England are in front of the night. After Shuangde, Skols is also waiting.

If the night's strength is forced to break through the individual's ability, Skor is a foul danger to stop the night length.

However, the night-long wind did not choose a personal breakthrough at this time, and there were not many time left, and the long-distance rushing to the front field, and the physical strength did not say, the time is not necessarily enough.

! Therefore, the night grewer looked up at the front field, immediately transferred football to the left of England half.

Shao Jiayi lives in England, easily unloading football, and the passage of night long wind is as accurate, showing him super common concept and control.

"Go back!" England midfielder defensive players contracted.

After Shao Jiayou, did not continue to bring the ball, England side guard Neville has started, ready to break the football before Shao Jia.

Neville can be said to be one of the best right backs in the history of Premier League. He defensive is stable, fighting, especially the physical fitness.

Now Shao Jiayi is very difficult to break through such a horizontal guards without cooperation.

Therefore, Shao Jia has a decisive direct foot pass before there is not much time left in the first half.

"Directly pass!" He Wei yelled, the football whistled to the air of England.

At this point in England's big ban, in order to compete for Wang Zhongming and Cole to pull each other, the two have no longer lead to football.

Although the flying flying in the high-jumped, although he jumped into football, he did not have a top part due to Moore's interference.

Flying the top of the top of the top of England, the football is soft and weak, and it is easy to get out of Ferdinand next to the door.

Ferdinand gave the football to the big restricted area of ​​his teammates, Kori, "You take the ball directly from the border, what do you do?"

Some panicked Cole didn't think much, a gathering headed the football in the air.

Snapped! Football high fly out of England's big banquet.

"Beautiful defensive, it seems that the last half game ..." He Wei voice did not fall, the main referee was already watching the table, the first half of the game entered the second stage.

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