The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2059 of the Chapter 2059 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

Snapped! Soccer falling from the air, in the Big Buildings of England, it is tightly bounced.

Just when everyone thinks that the last half will take 0 to 0, suddenly the zero jersey back is flashing, and the night-catching wind is in power from the Shuangde who is attracting attention by football, and then suddenly welcomes Football poured, the chest is unloaded.

Then, the right foot is allowed to shoot!

"China War forced Shooting!"

"He shot!" The explanation of all countries in the table is shouting.

boom! The football in the night, which has a strange arc in the air, flies to the goal of England.

"Oxual!" England Gate concentrated highly, and he had moved to the right in advance at night, and jumped, and reached out to the scope of the football.

However, Himan is still a step, and the football is slid from his right finger, and it has invested the absolute dead end in the right of the England goal.

The football is hit on the corner of the door and the beam, screwed into the England's goal!

10! The violence of Chinese War God is the first record of the Chinese team in the eighth battle, the 11th granules of the World Cup!

"Oh! Oh! We go to go!"

"God of War! War! God!" The Renchuan Wenhe Stadium is a complete boiling of China fans.

"Unbelievable scientific score! I can't believe my eyes, how violent and elegant goals! England Zero! China One!" British explanation to cheer with night long-lasting goals, same It is also worried that this ball will greatly blow England's morale.

Fortunately, the main referee fell in the end of the end of the first half, and the England players did not return to the player channel.

On the field, the Chinese team's players are crazy to rush to the night.

After the goal, the night grows and his teammates, and then the hands continue to wave, and the Chinese fans in the scene have made larger noise.

"Wow!" The Chinese fan saw that the movement of the night's long wind is even more boiling, yelling, the cheers continues, almost the entire Incheon Wenhe Stadium directly overturned.

"It's too handsome! We leader in England!"

"God of War, Your Buffy!"

"It is still necessary to solve the problem in the end of God!" Chinese fans in front of countless TV are excited, the World Cup is in this stage, and each goal is critical.

"Damn!" The offshore, England coach Erikon slammed the plastic baffle of the coach, and immediately returned to the player channel with his disciples.

This ball of Ericson has nothing to say, the England player does not make any mistakes, this ball is completely personal ability to stay in the night.

Cole took the top of the ban and wanted to create a counterattack in England, and did not expect it to capture the last chance of the first half of the night.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! When the two team players go to the player channel, the fans on the two countries are applauded.

Although the last half of the competition is just 1 to 0, the two teams have been playing very exciting, and the fans of the scene are quite comparable, and the fans are applauded.

After fifteen minutes, the two teams played back from the player passage back to the Renchuan Wenhe Stadium.

"To start, the second half competition!" Although only a short fifteen minute, the fans on the scene were like a long time, and huge cheers broke out.

Going back to the stadium, night long wind and Xiao Junguang station after football, first half of the Chinese team first.

The player of England, compared to the first half, the night long wind energy felt that they were more focused, and did not know what the England coach Eriksen said. In short, England's players happened. Variety.

It is a bit over, but at least the whole team is tight, and the English people can't afford to have a World Cup failure ...

Chapter 2170, the latter half of the battle (fourth more)

- As the main referee whistle, England and China Eight Trust will continue. + Miscellaneous ∽ ∽ +

Night winds allocated football to Xiao Junguo, Xiao Junguo, divided football to the foot of Hao Haidong, Hao Haidong.

Hao Haidong was not eager to attack, but returned the football to the night, and the night's wind returned the football to Shao Jiayi behind him.

The Chinese team opened in this part of the bow, after fifteen minutes of rest, the players on the field need to re-adapt the rhythm of the game as soon as possible.

If you start the attack, you will be easy to mistaken, and now, the Chinese team is a leader, so Chinese players don't worry.

However, England's players are different. They have an advantage in the middle field. At the beginning of the second half, they have flocked to the Chinese team half a field and began to actively grab.

Under the forced crowd of England, especially the speed of Evewu has caused great threat to Chinese players.

Wu Junren was forced to break the ball in Owen in the back, and finally had a night-catching night that passed the football.

"Give the ball to the Chinese captain!" This is the inertial thinking of all Chinese players.

The coach Juns is also a matter of email. When the player really can't handle the ball, the ball will pay the ball to the night length.

There is no way to play this super superstar's tactics. The average strength of the team is really weak than other strong teams, and there is not much player who can take a hand.

If you change a super star to play a Chinese team, the super superstar may have been exhausted.

But the night grows, and he has a constant person that is difficult to imagine.

In fact, the night-catching wind has not felt tired on the court, especially in the World Cup schedule is not close.

On the field, when the night long wind holding the ball, Owen and others have no effect.

Night wind is under the wrapper of Owen and Shuangde three, and the left and right are turned back and forth, it feels easily, and there is no pressure.

"This is simply in dazzling skills!" He Wei is sincerely admired, "The ball of the night's player is too strong!"

"Damn!" Gerard really wants to take the ball directly to the ground directly.

But the body confrontation and foot technology is not a grade, and the three of Gerard and other three people are streaming in the English-headed, but this is a contrast of the Pike Pick-up of the South American player. One It turned into a rough, and it was shaken.

bass! At this time, after the back of the night, I wanted to hook down the football from the night length of the wind, I have to say that the European velocity is very fast, he is also small, quite flexible.

Even if the Brazilian star encounters such a player, it is not good to deal with it, and now there is a double morality before the night.

! At this time, the night long wind suddenly used the right foot to bring the football, just avoided the Owen's hook.

Snapped! Snapped! Let the scene and the world's ball fascination, the night grows actually started with your feet!

The football jumped up and down, the fans and Shuangde were shocked by the ball of the night.

"Tan Ni, isn't this your stunt?" Brazilian players who are looking at the ball are shocked.

"Yeah, but I am sick by night, I think his ball is better than me! I don't know how he is practicing." Toungi shakes the brain, still some can't serve.

"Basta, this is in despising us!" The reactive Lampard's screaming directly fell to the night's big movement. At this time, Lampad couldn't manage so much, first The night is in the wind and then said.

On the field, the night length saw the movement of Lampad, and the golden light is flashing, he is waiting for this opportunity.

! The night's long wind suddenly turned, the right foot of the city, pull the football backwards.

Turn around and turn around! Night-hard wind made a basketball court who was often used in many stars, and suddenly opened the shovet of Lampard and took Gerald behind him.

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