The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2060 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"The perfect movement, Shuangde is opened! Does the God of War have to open a personal offensive mode?" He Wei suddenly highlighting the night, and suddenly suddenly.

However, the night-long wind does not have a straightbreak of the road, but the football is over the front field.

The frontcourt Wang Zhongming's continuous running position, the heavens reward, finally let him ran a position.

Night-lasting wind noted Wang Zhongming's running position, a pass of half of the passenger, accurately sent football to Wang Zhongming before.

Wang Zhongming put the football forward and drill the little fairy leaping the English guard line.

"Scorpio! The opportunity of single-knife!" Wang Zhongming! "He Yilong called, the night's feet were too in place, Wang Zhongming's position is just parallel with several guards in England.

It's fast, it's a bit, and there is no space in a little bit, this ball is just right!

"Finished!" The many fans in England on the table, they didn't dare to see it again.

Wang Zhongming chased the football, there is not too much time, Wang Zhongming does not want to miss such a thousand chances of chances of chance to think about life in front of the other party.

! Wang Zhongming directly coherent, left football to push football to the lower left corner of the England goal.

The near distance is not used to find an angle at all, as long as the scope of the door frame is, it is basically a goal.

! However, this time in England has finally proved the value of its own English-headed top gates.

After the adjustment of the half, Heiman flew up, a fish jumper was collected in his arms.

"This is not entered! I cao!" There are countless Chinese fans in front of the TV.

However, the situation on the field did not have the opportunity to give Wang Zhongming's annoyed time. After the hands of Wang Zhongming fought Wang Zhongming's single-knife, he immediately got up, after crossing Wang Zhongming, one foot will open football to the Chinese team.

"Counterattack!" Shiman did a big drink.

England's counterattack, midfield position, Skols in unmanned defense, gave the football to the sidewalk teammate Beckham.

"I want to pass the ball!" This time Sun Jihai started in advance, blocking in Beckham, do not let the gold right foot have the opportunity to play.

! Beckham did not barely raise the ball, but passed the football to the middle.

Middle Road England Four Players Gerard welcomes football, a burst of running.

"This guy wants to be far!" Night-hard wind knew Gerard to have a stunning long-range ability, he didn't dare to neglect, immediately chase Gerard.

"This guy is too fast!" Gerald instantly felt the tremendous pressure beside him. He knew that if he was directly shooting more, he would be blocked by night.

! Suddenly to the left, Gerard sent football to the Chinese team's neighborhood.

At this time, a lightning-like white 8 flashed out!

Is Lampad!

2171 chapter, one foot heavy gun (first more)

"Lampad ..." With the English explanation, it is very infectious. ℡ ℡

! Lampard rushed to the football did not hesitate, he even didn't even look at the ball door of the Chinese team, directly screaming, and the right foot is striking!

The slamming, football is like a dragon to fly, speeding speed to the Chinese team.

"Dalei!" Xiao Junguo's conscious looks back, the Chinese team front Wang Dalei has already jumped, and the right hand is trying up.

! Wang Dalei's right finger screamed to football, slightly changed the direction of football flight.

Dang! Lampard's football force is very large, even if it is from Wang Dalei, it is still heavy on the door of the Chinese team.

bass! Wang Dalei rushed back and wanted to catch the football rebounded down, but the speed of the ball was too fast, and it has exceeded the limit of ordinary people.

After all, Wang Dale is not a three, he has not created a miracle, and the football is heavy in the grass in the ball door of the Chinese team. It has just passed the door.

11! The assistant referee can be seen very clearly, and he horses the flag to be effective.

Lampard used a rigid to the extreme vigorously dissipated to crossibrate the score.

"Oh! I am equal! We equalize the score! It is Lampad! How fantastic goal, I don't even dare to believe. Shuangde's cooperation, gorgeous pass, unlavable pumping, how magical double De miracle combination! "English explained climax.

"England! England! England!" The Incheon Wenhe Stadium is standing, and the English fans in the quiet half are finally boiling. They jumped and vented their unlimited joy.

Tighted the score, many times more than the first record, let the fans are happy and excited.

"A good shot! Lampad!"

"You are great!" All players in England flocked to Lampard.

Lampard is calm, he is not too excited after the goal, he lighters Wen's three lion tags of his chest, then hugs with teammates.

"Damn!" At this time, in front of the Chinese team, Wang Dalei, who did not rush to the ball, very uncomfortable to kick the football in the door to his own goals.

At the beginning of the second half, the Chinese team first won a great single-knife chance, but first goes to go, the score is the score is England.

This is the charm of football, you never know what will happen in the scene.

"Shuangde?" The night is cold and cold, glance, and the two people are indeed difficult to handle.

Both people have a super-distance shooting, you don't know when they will break out, if they are coming to a super-shot in Gerald, this game is difficult to play.

"A Xiao! Strengthen defensive strength, we must focus more on the game!" The night grewer convened the Chinese team together, Shen Sheng.

"Ah! Just now is my mistake, I didn't make it forward in time." Xiao Junguang was also annoyed at this time. He never handed over with Lampard, so it was not familiar with Lampard.

In fact, the night's long wind is not familiar with Lanpad, because the Champions League, Barcelona, ​​has not played with Chelsea.

From the current competition, Shuangde defensive ability is general, but the two have been combined. As long as the tacit cooperates, the attack power is very strong.

Especially the explosive score of ultra-long shooting will make the current Chinese team a headache.

Incheon Wenhe Square, the night long and Wang Zhongming station after football.

With the whistle of the referee, the night-length winds allocated football to Wang Zhongming.

Wang Zhongming has just stopped football, and the Moray's large English player has flocked, and it is the fastest in Europe, almost in the blink of an eye, I came to Wang Zhong Ming, and prepared to break the ball.

"Be evil!" Wang Zhongming immediately felt pressure, he originally wanted to pass the ball back to the night, but he panicked.

Wang Zhongming actually chose the most wrong back to the ball, and he will pass the football to Shao Jiayi.

This football is so weak, and the speed is extremely slow.

! Owen whirlwind from Wang Zhongming passed around Wang Zhongming, turned into a blink of the back of Wang Zhongming, stretching, and pulling the football, directly brushing Shao Jiayi.

"It's so fast!" Wang Zhongming first truly realized his and the world's top speed gap.

"This guy is really fast!" Night Changfeng did not think that the ultimate speed of Owen broke out is so amazing, in Barcelona and Liverpool's war, Owen is not so fast.

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