The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2071 of the Super Short System of the Prince of Tennis

"It seems that the body is completely recovered!" Night wind did not use full, just test the situation of Lay War's physical recovery.

"What's wrong, the long wind? Where is you?" Li War deliberately stimulates the night's wind, in fact, Li Wal has just recovered the body is already alarm, and the light is to keep up with night. The action spent a lot of physical fitness.

"Hey! If this is the case, I will be welcome!" The night grew in a hundred battles, why not know that Li War was deliberately provocating him.

But all this doesn't matter, when you have absolute confidence, no matter who is in front of them.

Snapped! The night's long wind suddenly sent football to the side, and the whole person immediately took a hurry.

Forced outside overtake! Unreasonable way.

"It's too fast, too fast, the speed of the night growers is too obvious!" He Wei called.

Night long winds have passed the riol Walle almost instantly, don't say that Le Wal is older, and the Budgetary War is difficult to keep up with the night of the night.

What's more, the two are in a strong resistance, and the War is in an absolute lower air.

Between two points, the night is the shortest!

The night is a big step, and I will pass myself for a second after you.

"This stinky boy is still so horizontal!" Li War chest hit a hurt, wait for him to react, can only see the number of people who go forward again in the front of the night. The back of the jersey.

"Baskets! Fast!" Brazilian coach Robert shouted Brazil's line of defense, before the game, Robert has studied a lot of video overnight, but did not find this way to solve the night's point.

Robert can think of the way to limit the night's wind is to let him fall into a personal battle, and consume the physical fitness of the night.

As long as the night is always in the middle, immediately package, Robert's long-term wind is the extreme.

This is also very normal, the fool knows that as long as the death of the night, this Chinese team wants to defeat the five-star Brazil is simply an idiotic dream.

On the field, I saw the night-long wind that was forced to fall. After the blink of an eye, I rushed to the frontier position of the Brazilian team, and the two major side guards of Brazil Oimi and Carolshi also surrounded.

This time, Caroli did not dare to pay attention, he and Omei found that there was no rush to stretch or tweak, but to form a civil wall block in front of the night, and did not allow the night long.

After the night length of the body, it is not only the anti-Warries back to the anti-fight, but the midfield is also returned to the frontier of the big restricted area.

For a time, the night length is defensive by the four major superstar packages of the five-star Brazil, so that the five-star Brazil is treated so, and the entire football may only have a night.

Pick the ball? Directly rolled directly? Or or take a rainbow?

At this moment, there are countless choices for night growth.

However, the night's long winds have no longer wait, if they are forcing people, they are likely to be replaced by the two major superstars behind the Lili War and Jiko, which is not as strong as the front of the front.

! In the first instant, the night's wind suddenly chose the right foot back to the right side of the football.

"Good luck and light action! Beautiful!" He Wei watched the angle of shooting at night, immediately called it, "I have to shoot!"

Almost in the long-lasting wind, the exemplary movement before the exterior is in the end, but this time the night is replaced to the right foot dial, the speed is faster than before.

"Remote!" Carolshi is desperately pocked to the night growing. The ball just left to Carolshi is too deep, he doesn't want to have a chance to shoot at night.

bass! However, let Brazil's four big stars did not think of the flash angle of the night, and there was no shot, but the right foot continued to connect, and picked the football to the Brazilian area.

"Not good!" Omi checked the football to watch the football, he suddenly turned back, a gold high body shadow behind him.


When the game, the flying flying is the strongest, he can't take the price of the Brazilian player in front of you, watch the night's long wind to the Brazilian team to the Brazilian area, flying immediately rushed to The best position is ready to jump.

"Scorpio! It is the ball! Opportunity!" He Yilong called, and he stood up on the stage.

This is a good opportunity, and the night cost has attracted most of the Brazilian players, and flying has a space that is completely jumping.

The previous game has also proved that the flying head of the world is world-class, or even super-class.

He not only has two meters height, but also excellent bounce and bullet speed, it is simply a high-altitude bomber.

"Little ghost! You are too arrogant!" However, when he flying is about to jump, he suddenly appeared in front of him.

It is a Brazilian branch of Brazil!

Kafo used powerful body power to die and died, and his hands also had a hidden pulling action.

The flying flying in the height is actually not capable of jumping, but it is the same tall Lucio, which is inserted by the card.

"Ah ... it's a pity ..." He Wei couldn't help but sigh, the overall strength of the five-star Brazil is too strong, except for the position of the middle, they are in an absolute upper wind.

"Ox!" The flying glanced at the football was taken out of the banquet, and the evil eyes saw Kakfu, the referee did not say, flying there was no way.

Carton is a face that doesn't matter, 'your kid is too tender,'

On the court, the Brazilian team's counterattack!

Several people in the Chinese team have not complained to the master referee, because Brazil's fast counterattack has started.

Lucio came out of the disabled ball, and was easily unloaded by the midfielder retrace, followed by the vast field of vision, immediately shocked, transfer football to the Chinese team halfway Di's feet.

"MD! Old fritters!" At this time, the night's heart was smashed, and only turned to go back.

The experience of Brazil's guard line is too rich, especially the old fried bars of Kafu, often play a great role.

Chapter 2184, unfair context (second æ)

On the table, the Chinese fans are silent, and the Brazilian fans are jumping and very active. / Miscellaneous

On the field, Rodda was unloaded, and he faced the defense of China Dragon God, China Dragon God, who turned to the right.

Xiao Junguo stared at this unpleasant guy in front of him, and there was no big idea.

Rodda is a well-known king in Brazil, Lord, and even public evaluation Roddy is guy who can dance with football.

Snapped! Sure Roddi, the tall Xiao Junguo completed a wonderful person.

His left foot suddenly turned to the left one, the body hosted to the left, Xiao Junguo immediately responded to the right.

However, in this moment, Roddy suddenly used the left football to bring football back to one, football is like a football that is stuck in Rudi, as part of his body.

Niu Tail is over!

Xiao Junguang lost balance by Roddy, and he did not think that in addition to the long-lasting wind in addition to night cost, and so simply, not sloppy water.

"Scorpio! Roddy's move is too beautiful, Xiao Junguo players have been lost, dangerous!" He Wei glared over his eyes.

Brazilian Ball Belle has evaluated Roddy, and his body has unlimited energy. As long as he is enthusiastic, it is a great moment.

It is obvious that this moment that happens in the big puppet court is a great moment of Roddi.

After he passed Xiao Junguang, the speed was faster, and the ball is still a rhythm, which represents Roddy's current state.

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