The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2072 of the Chapter 2072 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"I want to have to go!" At this time, China Sun Sun Jihai immediately stared to Rudi.

However, Roddy seems to have not put Sun Jihai in his eyes at all. In the moment, Rodd suddenly took a back, then the left foot pulled the ball, the body suddenly rotated left!

Marseille returns!

Rodi's relaxed heart has overnight Sun Jihai, the action is full of beauty, very coherent.

"After another, I have been eager to have two Chinese teams, Roddy's ball and foot technology are too good." Lian He Wei could not help but sigh.

At this time, the Chinese team has a frontier position in front of the area, and the night-long waiters have returned to the place, and the speed of the night is close to Roddy.

Rodd felt the strong sense of compression on the body, this intended to continue to have people, suddenly left foot, put football!


The football is rotated and flies to the Chinese team.

At this time, the Chinese team's big banquet is already in place. If this goal is to pass the ban, the Chinese team's goal will be very dangerous.

"Staring to them!" Wang Dalei shouted with Li Yufeng and others.

Dang! However, at this time, Rodi's exquisite passed was taken out of the bottom line by a highly jumped figure.

It's a night!

"Is this guy monster? Can this be top?" The Brazilian team was stunned, it was obviously scared by the bouncing of the night.

Brazilian Corner, Li War Station After the football, you will be prepared to personally punish the trick.

In the Chinese team, all Chinese players have almost returned to the defense area, and the frontal players in the Brazilian team have also poured into the foundation.

One time, the people in the big banquet are crowded, and Chinese players and Brazil players pull each other, and they are desperate to compete.

At this point, the night's wind is near the point, his goal is to look at the anti-death and Tanni, these two people must be very jumping, and must be careful.

! With the whistle of the referee, Li War will send the corner directly.

Juttan and Tamney immediately moved forward, and a pair to compete for the first drop.

At night, he watched the two major strikers in Brazil, he also moved.

However, this is just a Brazilian running tactics, and the passage of the Passing of Lili Walfa is in the great district.

"A Xiao!" When looking at the football fell from his head, he fell quickly, and the night's hard work immediately realized the Brazilian corner tactics.

bass! At this time, Xiao Junguo just wanted to take the football out of the banquet. He gave a blue figure in front of him. The whole person fell in the air, and the body was extremely stretched!

Is Jikai!

The white ball king put himself down in the air, forciting his body shaping in the air.

Beautifully fell down the golden hook!

Dangdang, football should enter the net!

Jiko's defense of Xiao Junguang will shoot football into the Chinese team's goal.

20! Chinese doors will not respond to Wang Dalei, which is too close to the goal.

"GoAllllllllLLLLLLLL can go! 2 to 0, we go to the ball!" Brazil explained crazy madness.

The fans of the big pupil look at the fans of Brazil again.

"Well ... good wonderful barb shoot, movement stretch, pre-judgment is accurate. Body, it is too powerful!" He Wei's heart died.

The five-star Brazil's powerful striker line has not yet played, and the white ball Wang Jike has passed the difference between the two teams to two.

In the third half, the Chinese team has two balls behind the Brazil.

"The death! Brazil's offensive point is too much, it is unrest to prevent it!" Chinese fans in front of countless TVs are more anxious.

On the field, after the goal, Jiko ran quite excited to jump on the front of the Chinese team door, and shouted while the arm shouted.

The other players of the Brazil also congratulate the Jikai, which is a smile, and this united five-star Brazil is really terrible.

At this time, the Chinese team's momentum is even more low, and Wang Dalei took the right leg, he was very dissatisfied with his performance.

"This ball is mine!" Xiao Junguo raised his hand, indicating that this goal was he did not defend the mistakes of the United States.

"Harmony ... Is this the strength of the five-star Brazil?" The night floating vomited a turbidity, after being led by the Brazilian team, the night cost is still an amazing.

Just now, if the night is the first time to break the intention of fissive Wall, if you take the center of the town, Jiko will not be so easy to get the space of the hook.

"Changfeng, I admit that you are stronger than us. But the Chinese team is not Barcelona, ​​there is not enough helper, you can't beat our Brazil." Li War, who sent the assists, deeply looked at the night long, he I really want to have a true fairness of the night grow.

But this game is unfair at the beginning.

The value of the Five-Star Brazilian team is ten times that of the Chinese team or even dozens of times. The Brazil team will pull out a player will be the absolute core of the other team.

"Yang! You go to the warm body!" Yudanas, Ejuse couldn't help but let Yang Chen went to the field and warm up, and prepared to replace Yang Chen's appearance.

2185 chapter, gorgeous team cooperates (third more)

"Pay attention to defense night long wind, don't care!" The Brazilian coach Robert is still tired shouting outside the field.

Although the Brazil two goals, Robert did not relax. ξ ξ

After watching the Chinese team and England, Robert knew that in the game, there was no big idea for the night, you didn't know when he broke out, and then led the Chinese team to kick a wave.

The middle circle of the big scorpion, the night length and Wang Zhongming are standing after football.

At this time, an anxious expression is written on every Chinese player, Wu Junren and Ma Mingyu and others deeply feel the gap between themselves and the world, and there is no way to contribute to the team is what they are the most difficult.

- With the whistle of the referee, Wang Zhongming brought football to night long.

Snapped! The night-long-lived wind is a stop, and the two Brazilian middle fields of Li War and Jikai will surround it.

After the previous one, after a pair of loyal winds, Brazil did not use one person with one person's idea, as long as the night grew, it is bound to be two Brazilian players.

In the face of the two major Brazilian core, the sound of the night is so good, although only one Jikai, but the night length is obviously the pressure.

The defensive ability of Jiko is to be strong, and Jiko is very flexible. The ball is also high, it is very difficult to deal with. If the age is larger, if the second half is easy to lose, Jike should be the true core team of the Brazil.

"It's trouble!" The night is rarely impatient on the court, but this night's long wind is really uncomfortable.

! Night live wind is too lazy, he left the football to pick the football, pick it directly to Jiko and Lili Wal, then rush on the body.

Dang! After the two dull collision, the night-long wind was hard to rely on physical strength and confrontation, squeezed a road.

However, in this moment, the whistle of the referee sounded.

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