The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2082 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"How can this guy outbreak capabilities!" Roman Roman has been self-evident in the world's first outbreak, but the footsteps of the night long-term high frequency are only a sense of screaming.

"Tan Ni!" Just in the moment of the night, I was a big drink, and the two major Brazil of Thareni, and the future of the football, the defeat of the football, put it down as a player. Dignity, choose the bag of the night.

One is a football transformation, one is Brazilian national treasure, in the crucial moment, two people must also pay attention to any one-on-one, must catch up with the cold in personal technology.

The facts have proven, one-on-one, today's football no one is the opponent of the night.

"These two stinky bones!" Night winds look at the movements of the two and the Nidini, suddenly slowed down.

It is an offensive player, but their body talents are unquestionable. The fullness of the two people will not see any flaws.

But the night grows does not need to have a flaw of the opponent.

bass! Suddenly, the night length of the wind returned to the ball, and the body suddenly returned.

"He wants to come out!" The two genius players in Joint Tan and Tottini almost realized that the night length flakes were blown out, they immediately stepped forward.

However, the night-catching wind did not come out, this is only a rhythm change, he suddenly slows down the rhythm to pull the ball back, followed by, but also in the right foot.

The speed is slow, and then accelerate from slower steps!

The average person is impossible to do so fast rhythm changes, and the magnitude is so amazing, but the night grows can be easier, because now in the invincible of the king, the atmosphere of the body has exploded!

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Chapter 2196, killing is killing! (Second more)

"No good!" Xin Tan watched the night-hearted splicing between his and Tangani passed through the thunderous trend, but there is no way. ㄨ ㄨ ≦ ≦ ㄨ ㄨ

Can't keep up, even the foul is not good, you can only describe it.

"I have been even three people! The God of War is still accelerating! Can he create a miracle?" He Wei's emotion suddenly got up.

"Can't let him pass, be careful about his pass!" The night lengthy wind that faced the wind, Li Wal is still very calm.

As long as the ball can hold the Chinese team's last offense will drag the game into the overtime game, Li Wal believes that the Brazilian team is in an absolute upper, the door will have been obviously injured.

At this time, the Brazilian 10 Lili Walfacked on the road forwarded in the night, and Jiko and Rudy blocked the possible passage angle on his body.

The passage of the long-distance rushing of the night long wind made the Brazilians were also very taboo.

After all, now in the half of the Brazil, the number of people in the Chinese team will account for excellence. Once the night grows to attract defensive, the Brazilian ball door will be very dangerous.

So Li Wal chooses a person to defend the night, he wants to use this defense to prove that he is still the world's top player, Brazil is still the center of the world football.

However, the next moment, Le Wal realizes how it is true.

! The sound of the sound is echoing in the lord, and the night grows actually differentiates more than ten residues in front of Li Wal in a moment.

Each residue is so real, each of which has different actions, and advances to different angles.

Goddess dawn goddess !

This moment's night cost is not reserved, this is his last bid on Li Wal.

Respect a opponent, use your strongest state to defeat him!

Li War did not move, he couldn't move.

Diving boat-type defensive, two-stage horses, have become a paper tiger in front of such a god-level skill.

When more than ten residues Qi Qi passed through profit, the night-lived wind came to the frontier of the Brazilian area from the middle of the blink.

The second defense line of the three cores of the Brazil team was instantly running, and the night growth of the Brazil was eager to enter the unmanned environment.

"Blocking him! Blocking him with everything!" Before the Brazilian team, the door will expose the fear that can't hide the Eye in the eyes. He is afraid.

"Changfeng, I can't let you passed, the glory of Brazil football is guarded by me!" Omi checked out and rush toward the night long.

If you can, Omi is definitely don't want to stand opposite the night, but he is wearing a five-star Brazilian jersey, as long as the game has not ended, he will take our strength.

Regardless of the opponent, Oimi has never fearful, this may be why Omi can compile the main side guards in the Brazilian team of Star Clouds.

"Old check, you are too slow!" The golden light suddenly increased at night. At this time, the night length of the wind suddenly came back, and he suddenly lit a golden aperture suddenly on his feet.

! When the night is long, the right foot is a backward pull ball, but the body is turning left.

At this time, the Brazilian team also rushed to the right side of the night and slouting directly to the right side, and it was ready to put the night long wind.

However, next second, the night-hearted wind rushed into the Brazilian team from Oki and Carol Shi.

Dang! Omei check and Carol Shi hit together.

"It's impossible!" Caroli glared in his eyes, and the football was rotated from his eyes. Just like a wisdom, he took the initiative to return to the night length.

Super God-level ice princes!

"Scorpio! The God of War has entered the Brazilian team! He has passed the two big stars in Brazil, and it is a skill! It is a skill!" He Wei crazy shouting, the adrenaline in the body soared.

! At this time, the night length of the air suddenly re-control the instant of football, and the two sides of the left and right sides of his body, the two major Brazil, the two major Brazil, and the fouling in the disabled zone directly hit the night.

"I cao! Is this Nima playing? This is a beautiful football!" Countless Chinese fans cursed in the TV.

However, the night-catching wind did not pay attention to the big movement of the two old fritters, and his body didn't even fluctuate.

"Ah!" Instead, the two big Brazilian screamed, the body was bounced by the strength of the muscles of the body, the whole body, the whole body.

"Single knife ball! Single knife ball!" He Wei heart can't stand it.

The night long wind uses a unreasonable way to break all the lines of the Brazilian team, the five-star Brazil shines the world's superstars, no one can block the footsteps of the night.

At this moment, the world's fans took breathed, and everything in the big scorpion seems to be stationary.

In addition to the night grow!

In the face of the last eyes, the night's long wind suddenly started to sway, and the air on both sides of his side was sprayed by the speed of the night-catching rocking.

The Sasar made a move in the first time, his nerves are too nervous, it can't stand it.

Therefore, the night's wind swayed in the moment of shaking.

! The last pass, the night is on the foot of the ball, the right foot, the whole person flew to the air, and instantly took the ball to the Sasal!

"Finished!" The fans in Brazil on the stage have been completely stayed.

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