The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2083 of the Chapter 2083 of the Prince of Tennis

! On the venue, the wind is facing the victory in front of you. It faces the Brazilian ball door of the air, still has no expression. He seems to forget that he is still in the game. He is just unequal football landing, in the air, use the right foot in the air. Football has entered the Empty Gate of the Brazil!

65! Night wind is in the instant of the 15th entrains of the World Cup, and also kills the five-star Brazil!

Everyone's expression is fixed in a moment of night growing, some people are ecstasy, some people are desperate, some people are stunned, some people are laughing.

Joy, remorse, pain ... All emotions gathered together, this is killing, this is football!

"Enter! Enter! Enter! China War beats the five-star Brazil! Night long wind kills Brazil, there is no accident! The game is over! The game is over! Victory belongs to our China! It belongs to each of our love Chinese football. People! "He Wei also suppressed his own ecstasy, he was screaming in the crazy.

At this moment, the whole of the big puppet, the Chinese fans are boiling in an instant, just like a blooming golden peony, the entire round stadium looks on the Chinese fans and jumping.

This is a Chinese national team player, which is also a fan that loves Chinese football.

The carnival is now just beginning!

2197 chapter, killing the final (third more)

At this moment, the eyes of the world have gathered to one person, and the night is long!

The night-length wind that completed the decision was awakened from the state of forgetting me. He looked up at the score of 6 to 5 in the scoreboard. ""

- At this time, the referee blows the whistle of the end of the game, and the whistle of the referee makes the Chinese fans on the table more boiling.

At this time, the night-long wind is habitually erected the collar of the golden custom jersey. He looked around the Brazilian stars falling in all directions, followed by unfolding your arms and welcoming the whole world fans.

This moment of football kingdom is at night!

I'm silent in the field, countless Brazilian fans who are speechless, they can't believe that everything you have just saw because it is too unhappy.

On the field, the Brazilian stars in the earth are in the ground are in the random feelings that the cruelty and the might of the vast wind are invincible.

The flying Dutch can't stop the night, and the South American hegemony Argentine also defeated the Brazilian who grows in the football kingdom, and the Brazilian will not stop the footsteps of the night.

The night grows and the Chinese team are only one step away from the throne of the world!

"Captain! I know you can go!"

"Great! Changfeng!"

"We entered the finals! We entered the finals!" The Chinese team rushed to the night length of the Brazilian team.

Even Wang Dalei seems to have forgotten the pain of his left hand, rushing, and grabbed the night.

On the field, eleven people were put on the hand, and the shoulders ran together to run to the corner.

Wang Zhongming, a burning package, is also a ghost face outside the camera, Xiao Junguang is a very fast reporter who has been defeated by the field to interview.

Countless reporters rushed to the night growth, but they were stopped by the security personnel.

The angle of the nozzle in the mouth is slightly, from the assistant coach, take a waterpread in the hand, on one of the camera lenses, signed his name.

This lens is recorded by the camera and played repeatedly in the future.

Night long winds have almost no business activities of advertising and endorsement, so his signature is very small, and each signature is very high.

After killing Brazil in the Korean World Cup semi-final, the camera on the camera was launched on the camera, and the camera was later taken and sold.

Of course, these are later, and now all Chinese players and Chinese fans are celebrating.

"I lost it again!" At this time, the two talents of Brazil Northern Nitani and Xin Tan were muttered.

If you lose to the night growing in the club, you will be in the World Cup, and you are still in the strongest five-star Brazilian array, not, but did not get the victory of the rolling, and being lore, this is the two major Young super superstar can't accept things.

Since the night long-lasting wind into the professional football, Xin Tang and Tamney have been chasing the back of the night.

However, after this game, they found that there were no matter what they worked, the gap did not be reduced, but it was more larger.

It's not that they don't work, nor they are not high enough, but they are not more efforts than they, with the help of the superhen system, and they are more talented than they!

At this moment, far in Brazil in South America, countless Brazilian fans can't accept the fact that the Brazilian team lost to the Chinese team.

They are sitting in front of the big screen on the square, do not want to leave.

At this moment, the whole football kingdom is crying, waiting for them is the next four years.


"Lis Well!"

At this time, the only one in front of the Brazil is a lord, and others are frustrated to return to the player channel with the coach Robert returned to the player channel.

Li Wal took off his jersey, handed it to the night, and did not hesitate to take his jersey.

Two big royal signs exchanged their jersey!

Before a year, the two won't think they will have such a scene.

"Thank you, the long wind! Let my last World Cup tour can play such a ball!" Li Wal stretched out the right hand.

"Lili Wal ... you!" The night grewered the hand of the lord, and the face was surprised.

Almost nothing, there is no different color, but the two lines of tears can't stop, and the night is very surprised because he has never seen the expression of the Wall.

"Goodbye!" Li War did not say much, after shaking hands, there is no hesitation to leave.

"He wants to retreat!" The night grew well looked at the back of the Warn disappeared, for a long time.

At this time, the night-long remembered a person who met in the world of the dunk, Fuji Trude.

The so-called man, even if you lose, you will talk to your opponent!

Li Wal and Fujian Supreme Division are such a man!

"Captain, let's put the coach!" Wang Zhongming rushed over and proposed to the night.

"Let's go! I am tired, go back first!" The night's wind suddenly became a little in peace, and he turned to the player channel.

"What happened to the captain?" Wang Zhongming looked at the back of the night-catching.

"Zhongming, come over!" At this time, he shouted Wang Zhongming, and Li Tian sent Wang Zhongming immediately throwing the doubts behind his mind, and rushed to the coach with everyone.

Soon, they raised Junas, and throw it again.

The Chinese team has entered the World Cup finals in history. They have created unprecedented, incredible history, and they are only one step from the real miracle.

At this moment, one person returned to the night length of the locker room, but did not hurry to take a bath, but opened the TV in the locker room.

At this moment, in Korea's Seoul Stadium, the other semi-finals of the Korean World Cup has also entered an end.

Night winds just turned on the TV, just swept the score of the upper left corner of the screen.

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