The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2096 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

God-level diving boat defense!

The night is wind and right, the left hand is turned around, the right foot is flashing forward, he did an action like Mercuromus hike in an instant.

The only difference is that the night is faster, and it is not necessary to give the Michael to the time.

When the Soccer, Mi Galer was played off in an instant, and Mija, which did not have football supported the balance, and fell to the grass.

"Invert it! Angel Michale fell! He couldn't fight against the God of War, the angel and the God of War have difficult gap!" He Wei excited.

The football that is flying by the night long shovet is directly stopped by the midfield.

"Broken!" The Chinese team is boiling again.

"Give me the ball!" And the night-long's night grew, and the body was bounced in the spring, flew to Spain.

Snapped! Shao Jiayou heard the shout of the night, immediately provoked football and challenge the central location of the midfield.

"Blocking him, fast!" Spanish coach is going crazy outside the scene, Mija is completely in the wind in the confrontation of the night, if he is attracted to personal attack, will devastate the overall offense of Spain Hit.

"I am evil! Long wind, this time you don't think in the past!" Landius screamed in the night long rush, a pair of fouls also stopped the momentum of the night.

However, the night-long wind did not let Shao Jiayi's pick-up, he suddenly came to the right foot knees, directly kicked the football again, and the football was rotated, just brushed the top of the Landios.

"And I am!" Guardio launched ambush after the body of Langudio, he had been waiting for the night's long-winding ball.

Guardiola's ball merchants are quite high. He knows that the night length of this state is now in this state, so he is waiting, wait for the night, the long wind is successful, the spirit is the most relaxed, ball.

! Guardio is rushing out, raising the right foot high, ready to kick the football on the border.

However, Guardio is too late, his strategy is completely no problem, the only problem is that even if he can pre-, the movement of the night is still can't stop the night length of the ruty state.

Because the night cost is too fast.

Guardiola just raised the right foot, the night's wind had already left the football, and the whole person finished the action, step forward, the speed is faster than before.

"Even the two major midfielders in Spain, the football has not landed, the scorpion! This is what kind of ball!" He Wei and the world's fans were shocked.

If Michael is shocked by various flavors of the fancy, the night is shocked by the world, and the night is used to surpass the human limit, and the body has a rhythm to surprise the world's fans to breathe.

"Can't let him be in order to do it!" Spain Wei Kamaqi rushed out from the Spain's guard line.

He is a rare player in the Spanish team, and running is also active than other Spanish defenders.

This is the characteristics of Kamacia, his technology is not the best, but he must be the one that can be run.

But today, when faced with football falling from the high altitude, Kamacia jumped, ready to take the football out of the border, he first felt that his speed was so slow.

When Kamio Yue, the night length is at least five meters away. However, when Kamo Yue is going to the vertices, when he prepares the top, he suddenly felt the figure of the sky to cover the sky. .

Dang! When Kamaco responded, he has been huddled in the ground.

And the night long style is easy to stop using the chest in the air. At the same time, after the right foot, the left foot is launched, and the pose taken directly in the front of the Spanish.

"Blocking his shot !!" Karazas was nervous.

Two big middle guards in Puyol and Bruce, desperately tall the night long wind.

However, the night-winding does not have a shot at all, but once again with the left foot to pick the football.

It is also chasing the ball!

Night wind flew into the big ban in Spain from the middle of the game, and the football flew from the midfield to the high-defense line, no landing.

"Unbelievable! This is simply that God has jersey in playing!" The Spanish Skyline is conquered by the night-catching ball.

What is the power of your own, and I am going to pull!

This is!

! When the night long wind passed the ball and passed the ball, the Spanish guard Ramos directly fell to the ground. He also guarded that it would be a red card, and his heart is only a thought, that is, the night length windshield under.

However, Ramos is still slow, and the night is wind and right, and the whole person jumps to the air, and the body is instantaneous in the air!

Fancy fell down the golden hook! This is a famous action!

2212 chapter, the legend of the shoulder (second more)

The ribbon has a loud noise, the right foot of the night, the right foot is heavy, and the football is on the football. + Miscellaneous ∽ ∽ +

In the first moment, the football of the purple electric light has always been in the top of the Karassis head, after the Spanish gantry, the football has bounced into the Spanish garde net.

43! The night cost is relying on a person's power, completed the hat trick of the World Cup final.

In the long history of the World Cup for decades, only the night growers and the English legendary star Hunte have completed such a feat today.

At this night, the long wind has grown into 18 goals in this World Cup. This data will not be able to break in the next few years.

"Enter! Enter! Enhance! The Chinese team finally recruited the leading advantage! Or God of War, he opened an invincible mode, no one can stop him! No one!" He Yizhen roared.

The entire wind wings are also in an instant, and the Chinese fans who are crazy on the stage and Chinese fans on the mainland of China are unlimited.

"Unbelievable!" The Spanish Skyline explained that they had not found the adjectives to describe their feelings at this time.

The words such as great and legend are not enough to describe the night-catching wind on the court. If you want to talk to a matter, you can only say this God battle, the god of war is more gods than the angel Michael.

On the field, the Chinese team rushed to the night long, and the night long after the goal was very passion, while rushing to the corner of the corner area, he also made a hollow celebration.

Finally, the camera is more in the world, and it is a celebration of the iconic bending archery in the world's fans.

"Great! Changfeng!" Xiao Junshui et al. Also excited.

Wang Zhongming and Fei Xiang were all surrounded the night-hearted wind and jumped the samba dance of the Brazilian celebration.

"Can't wait any longer!" The Spanish coach Boske is standing up, he calls the tonic player in the warm body.

"Oh? The Spanish coach Bosk seems to make a change in people!" He Wei noted the number of the fourth referee officials in the field.

Boske made two players, the defender line Barcelona players Dried Sharis replaced the flat in Puitoall, on the front line, Torres replaces Brayas.

In fact, Boske is thinking of three people, but he considers this is the finals of the World Cup. In order to prevent everyone, he still left a change.

"Old sand is on the game!" After the Chinese team, he glanced, and the night grew, he looked at the Barcelona giant Dried Sharis.

Although the players in Dried Sharis are older, the strength is not as good as Puitool, but in terms of mental strength, Driedharis is quite powerful. Many times, he can save the team when the team is in adversity. Morary.

In addition, Torres's debut also shows that Bosk wants to defend a fight, Torres is higher, and the offensive ability is stronger. Once the state is found, it will not stop.

Of course Torres is also a double-edged sword, once he doesn't have a state, that is, there is a dream tour.

The circle of the stadium, Torres, who has just got, put football to Rally, the game continues.

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