The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2097 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"China! Wins! China! Muli!" The cheers of Chinese fans on the stage did not have broken after the long wind in the night.

On the field, the night-long lives did not pay attention to others of Spain, he was a dead-Mykial.

The speed, strength, the body, Michael is already ahead of the sky, but it is still in the wind compared with the full-strength night wind, and it is not able to receive the ball.

However, the Spanish national team can not only be one person, Mijia is died, and the opportunity of other players will come.

Rayer gave football to Ine, Ine, in Barcelona, ​​made Ine a first-line player in the world.

After he simply stopped the football, he did not leave the football to the Chinese team.

"Pay attention to Raier and Torres!" Xiao Junguo reminded the Chinese team's defender.

Ray is very dangerous, don't say more, Torres ran up, after receiving the ball, the efficiency of the goal is also super high.

However, this time to save Spain is not Rayer is not Torres.

It is Landillas that is ignored by the Chinese team!

Randy welcomed the pass of Ine in Barcelona, ​​suddenly raised his left foot, directly punching!

The football whistling, flew to the top right corner of the Chinese team's goal in the blink of an eye.

"Be evil!" The front of the Chinese team's front Wang Dalei is highly concentrated. He responded very quickly. After high jumped, his left hand also trocked football.

However, Wang Dalei left shoulder injury caused him to have too much power at all, and it could not stop the Langdi 's shot.

Wang Dalei came to football but did not change the direction of football flight.

Dang! The football runs through the five guidance of Wang Dalei, and the heavy hit is hit on the net of the corner of the ball.

44! In the second half of the second half, Landius slammed the score for Spain.

"Good!" The offers of Spanish coach Boske saw Landy's goal, excited to jump shout.

The Spanish fans who have been quiet for a long time have also been burst, and the momentum has covered Chinese fans in an instant.

On the field, the Randi hands launched after the goal, quickly rushing to the corner, rushing to the lens, also puts the celebration of the thighs.

"It is my big idea!" Xiao Junguo is very self-blamed why he didn't make up before.

Wang Dalei left hand into complete numbness, although it hit the closed needle, but this does not mean Wang Dalei left shoulder is completely recovered, just to slow the pain, or no power.

"Captain, I ..." Wang Dalei was annoyed.

"Don't be lost, the game just started!" The night shot took a few people in the Chinese team, and immediately turned his eyes and was celebrating the Spanish team.

"Langdi, Ine!" Night wind knew that the guy from these Barows would not give up easily.

In Barcelona training competition, Randios, Ine included Driedharis were all dying in Night, and their ability to afford is much better than others.

Speaking of the end, the night growing is still a person, he can hold an attack alone, but it is impossible to be a person to make a defense.

Just watching Michael, the night grows is already rare.

Night hard knows that the guy like Michael can not give him even a silk space.

The wind wings are in the middle of the wind, the night grows and Xiao Junguang station after football.

The night length rushing Xiao Jun light, nodded, Xiao Junguang gods God, suddenly welcoming the ball of the night, one foot passed the football to the front.

At this time, all the attention of Spanish players are on the night, and they have not found the Sidewalk China's winger Hao Haidong ultimate acceleration, completely unattended.

2213 chapter, dragged into the time (third more)

"Back to prevent!" Bruil was screaming in front of Spain. * Miscellaneous? Worm *

Hao Haidong unloaded Xiao Junguang's pass, followed by rushing to the bottom line of Spain all the way.

"I want!" Ramos was originally contradictory with Hao Haidong. At first glance, Hao Haidong was going to pass, and immediately rushed to slider.

Snapped! At a critical moment, Hao Haidong is very calm. His right foot will be brought out of the border football one, while flashing Ramos steals, Hao Haiwei left directly into the feet.

! Football is immediately rotated, flying speeds to the sky of Spain.

"Not good!" In the front of Bruili, the big Bru Road is tall, but he can't get to football, he has a top.

At this time, a tall figure after Bruce Road is high, it is flying!

The flying in the height of two meters jumped near the point of the penalty in Spain, just like the Dapeng of the Wings, the football fell in the air and prepared to strong the headball.

"Opportunity!" He Yuli awkward.

In front of Spain, Karahas has been prepared to save, and the high-altitude bombing of flying was repeatedly studied by Karahas before the game.

However, a critical moment, a huge figure, which is a truck, is a dry sandlis just played.

Dried sandlis is flying, he is not as good as flying, and there is no flying high.

But the two people have a fight, flying immediately lost their physical balance in the air, and the compensation ability is completely no longer a grade.

Dangdang, flying was hit by Dried Sharis and missed this excellent offensive opportunity.

"Ah, it's a pity! But I have to say that Dried Sharis defensive is very beautiful. Sure enough, it is a top two!" He Wei said many times of Barcelona, ​​and the evaluation of Diharis is also very high.

"Ox!" Flying invertedly looked at Diharis.

"Kid, you are so true!" Dried Sharis gently gave the football to Camacho on the side.

On the field, Spain's fast counterattack.

After Camago reduced the football, I took the football to the Chinese team's half.

It is Randios, stopped the football in the Chinese team half a chest.

Only, this time, Langdios just thought of being stopped by China Long Shenjun, and the two were very qualitative. Xiao Junguang also talked slightly, and Landy did not get rid of Xiao Junguang, only to put football to the sidewalk Under the foot of Guadio.

Guardio pulls the football position on the side line. Looking up at the Chinese team's big ban.

At this point, the three major strikers in Spain have rushed into the big ban on the Chinese team. Among them, Torres is the highest, and the other two are very short, and the headball is not threatened.

bass! At this time, Guardio launched the foot, his headband passed to the near point of the Chinese team's goal.

"Remote!" China Sun Sun Jihai deadly Torez, Torres, a fish jue, wants to succeed, but there is no top position under Sun Jihai, football is directly to Torres's back.

"Well?" Wang Dalei and Sun Jihai are all.

The wrong way is wrong, Torres is inadvertently headed, and the top of the Chinese team's goal is the far away.

"Danger!" He Wei saw the situation in the situation.

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