The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2102 of the Chapter 2102 of Wangzhao System

Of course, night long winds don't care, he cares about that your physical quality and basketball strength have backed from the world of the dunk.

The cherry blossoms fall, and the season of new students enrolled in the past, the night-lived wind quickly came to the school gate, which is one of the most famous scenes in the original cartoon.

Shenchuan County Li Xiangbei College.

"Is this a high school in Xiangbei? Sure enough, it is much stronger than the honesty high school in the black basket world!" Night wind slowly, "Today is the school day without any messy societies, it seems that this 1990s Still nothing to have a culture in the next year! "

The night long-term winds raised the holy place in countless fire baskets - Xiangbei High School!

Just enter the teaching building, come to the corner of the second floor, the night is not careful to knock a person, accurately say a girl.

"Ah, it hurts!" The girl was checked.

"You are fine!" Night wind quickly reached out and helped her.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! It is not good, I am going too fast!" The girl looked up and looked at the night.

The girl in front of the night, the girl in front of the shawl, the eyes of the eyes seem to speak, the long-awaped sweet people, a sailor is also very cute, the whole body is filled with youth, is the Jie Jie A small beauty of a grade.

"Wow! You are high! You should be almost like Yanchuan Maple. Are you a athlete!" This girl is coming, and the body is more than the body of the night length 117.

"Amount ... Hello!" The night is a bit happier.

"Hello, hello! Wow! Your muscles are also exaggerated, more hard than my brother!" This girl is actually pinched with the left arm of the night, and the tofu is eating tofu.

The night is speechless, "I'm just hard, I am not hard, no one is hard! I will come back, this girl is somewhat familiar!"

"Amount ... here, teaching building, this is not good?" The night grew is a bit embarrassed.

"Ah! Sorry, I think you are very polite, I will forget to introduce yourself. I am a red wooden seed in the first grade three shifts." What about you? "Red Wooden is reacted, pretty face slightly red, cute vomiting small she head .

"Hello! I am the transfer of school students this year, the second grade of the seven class night long!" Night long laughs. It turned out that she is a red scorpion, and it is really a cute moving, it is no wonder that Sakuragi will love him at first sight!

"Night ... Long Shu Jun? It's a strange name!" Red Wood is biased.

PS: Celebrate the new world to open, it is added! Take a break, there may be a second chapter! I am coming, haha! Yes, there will be after the body's dunk. I didn't think there were so many book friends to see football kid. That is, I must see after my primary school, so many years, many things have been forgotten. It is making a course, if you don't accidentally, you will start writing football teenagers after the dunk is finished!

Chapter 002, Xiangbei High School

"Haha, please advise!" Night lives looked at the lovely expression of Red Wood, and laughed out of your right hand.

"Well! Ok, please advise you!" Red Wood is also a delicate little hand and night length. It is very happy.

"Right, do you like playing basketball?" Aiji suddenly asked, the eyes shine with golden light, and said the famous sayings in this dot.

Night long-faced horns slightly, "no one prefer basketball than I prefer!"

"Too good!" Aiju Qingzi is happy to jump, pull the night, go outside the teaching building, go to the direction of the high school basketball hall of Xiangbei, "I will take you to the basketball hall to see, very beautiful. My brother is the captain of the basketball of Xiangbei! Wait a minute, I will tell my brother, I must let the Changfeng Jun join the basketball! "

Good height, the night grows in the plant world is high or the previous one meter, than the original Sakura and Yan Shufeng only a little bit, the key is that the night grows muscles, in the eye of the red, even if it is night long The wind is just a newbie, this physical quality is also very suitable for playing basketball!

Moreover, watching the night's wind is also extremely enjoyable basketball, Red Wood, the sun, I feel that I have a good helper for my brother.

Come to the high school basketball hall of Xiangbei, and the big basketball hall is quietly standing here, both quaint and atmospheric.

A door to the door of the Basketball Hall of Xiangbei, clean and tidy the wooden floor, look up is the slogan of Xiangbei Baosheng, here is the basketball hall of Xiangbei High School, and the holy place in the midst of many grungers.

In the ballhouse, Red Wood is picking up a basketball outside the court into the court.

"Red Wood Sessratisk"! Red Wood is broken through the three seconds ... "Akiwu Qingzi quickly launched the basketball and looked at the scene in the simulation game.

The night is very windy, and the eyes are gathered to the bits of Red Wood.

The charcoal movement of Red Wood White can be said to be a quite standard, just look for a long time, slightly sorry.

At this time, the slash is not only too slippery, or it is stumped with himself, and the red chop is falling on the floor, she slipped!

"Haha, the great sunny player, fell in the crucial moment! Heaven, Xiangbei high school lost the chance of the killing`! "The night grew is smirked while mimicing the northern tone of the red wood.

"Hey! Really, Changfeng! Don't you look at me!" Aiji Qingzi said, "my country's middle age is the master of the basketball, just just the floor is too slippery!"

"Haha, I am sorry, Qingbi! Your move is really cute, I can't help but smile!" The night grew away and wanted to pull the red chop.

Reduzi is pretty red, standing up, picking up basketball and throwing the direction of the night.

Snapped! The night-long wind shines, put the right hand, put the basketball directly in the hands, agility, the Thunder is like the wind!

"Wow! You respond quickly, and you can also grasp the ball! Long Shujun, can you plant a dunk?" Aiju Qingzi looked at the night of the night, excited.

"Prouch?" Night's mouth with a smile, "It's good, then I don't warm up, I will show you one free!"

Night wind also wants to try to see how many of his abnormal physical fitness is left, and it is also good to commemorate the first day of commemorating the world.

"Too good! Changfeng, see you!" Achilica is excited, his face is full of smiles.

"How does the Changfeng Jun be dunk? Is it a single-handed dunk? It is a two-handed dunk?" Red Wood looks at the night, full of expectations.

"Qingzi, I am coming, don't blink!" Night shot basketball.

Snapped! Snapped! Basketball jumps between the left and right hands of the night, "Well, the state is good!"

If you don't have a warm-up exercise, the direct dunk is very easy to be injured, but the night's wind does not plan to do a super-difficult movement, it doesn't matter!

Snapped! The night-long wind is all in one hand in front of the basketball, and the body is also a big step in instantly, the body is already speeding!

After three steps, the body of the night is like a blast!

"The speed is weakened!" Although it is not close to all, the night long style feels that his body seems to be imprisoned, it is better to be fast!

"Ah!" Aiwu Qingzi was a full of mouth, and his face was surprised. In her opinion, the speed of the night's wind is too fast, and Bikawa Feng is still fast!

! Another big step! The night long has stepped into the three seconds!

scold! The night is cold and drunk, after the left foot is in trouble, the brush is brush, and from the ground. The body of the Sakuragi is split in the air, and the right hand of the ball is close to the back, waiting until the body turn over again, just, the basket is in front of the basket.

The right hand of the night is a beautiful arc, and the basketball is pressed into the basket!

Dang! The basket is constantly rushing, the basket is also shaking.

"Changfeng Jun ..." Red Wood is completely stunned.

Night wind looks to see your hands, strength, speed, and bounce are limited!

Originally, the night-length wind felt that all the comprehensive capacity values ​​were more than 90, and it was really too broken. Now that night's strength is limited, in fact, the capacity value of all aspects is still around 80, that is, the physical quality of the night long is still unpubged in the plant.

"I don't know how to compare with Sakuragi." Night long wind suddenly thought of with Sakuragi figurine than body quality.

Turning to watching the expression of Red Work, the night is long and smile, "What's wrong? White! I am still good!"

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