The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2103 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Red Wood is coming back, from the child, she follows her brother to watch basketball, watch basketball game and magazine, but in real life (good money), Red Wood has never seen the difficulty is so difficult, and the action is so Big, and very perfect dunk!

Night wind a simple 360-degree turning big wind car dunk, Red Wood, only saw it in her brother's NBA video collection.

"Chang Fengjun, is it really a high school student? Even if he is a second grade, it is too incredible!" The heart of the red hooks jumped in the heart, between the first moment, she thought of a person, her day Thoughts I want to think about the night.

"No! Even if you can't do this move!" Hey shook his head, and his own thoughts directly gave himself.

"But it's really good. If Changfeng Jun joins our Xiangbei high school basketball, the brother's dream must be realized!" Red Wood is in the heart, "I must tell my brother, I must let Chang Feng Jun join Xiangbei. Basketball! "

Chapter 003, Red Wood

Night wind looked at the expression of Red Wood, and a little fun. This action can only be considered his ordinary warm-up action, and no one is defending, the difficulty is not high in the night.

"Qingzi, today's basketball is like no one, I will come to tomorrow. I should go to class, then I have a goodbye!" Night costumes, I want to talk to life, talk about what I do, but I'm going to talk about what. The appearance of class.

As a transfer of school, the first day of the night is still less than a late.

If you don't wait for Red Wood, you will come back to God.

"Changfeng Jun! Changfeng!" After waiting for the night, the red scorpion came back from the shock, and the show, closing the show, and closing the door of the basketball hall. Hurry to inform my brother, be sure to join the Changfeng Jun to join Xiangbei High School Basketball!

Come to the class of yourself, night long does not see what face-cooked faces, super god system to the class of the night long, there is no original role.

After the class teacher introduced some nights, the bored Japanese high school student has begun, and the night's wind is full of groggy over the morning.

It's hard to get to school, and the night is growing. When you go home, after you kisiao and celebrate from the Jasper, I came to a light play basketball around the house.

After coming to the world, Night-317-Changfeng is still a training mad, do not practice the ball a day, not comfortable.

Next day.

After the bored course in the morning, the night's wind came to the high school basketball hall of Xiangbei.

Snapped! Snapped! The sound of the shoe, and the Mo of the shoes and the floor endless, it seems that the second-third grade student in the high school basketball in the Hunan High School has begun to train.

"Corner field, your feet must be moved, defense should be close, are you in the god? Go to the racket to run ten laps! If so, give me a roll to go home, don't take the game!" The door, I heard the roar of the gorilla Red Wood.

The night length shook his head, "poor corner field emperor!"

At first glance, the roar of the roar, burly, height is nearly two meters, the iconic Mossi head type, a face of perseverance and serious, giving people a substantial vertical pressure.

This is the soul of Xiangbei, and the hero does not regret the red citizenship?

Hey! Laughing at night, "It's really domineering, at least be much better than the purple in the black basket! But this is a long way, it is indeed a difference with the gorilla, the outer number of the cherry-cherry It's good! Haha! "

The vulgarity of the night is very vulgar, a smile.

"Classmates, are you coming to join the basketball?" A Xiangbei player who wearing the vocal husband has noticed the night-hearted wind and ran over.

When the night is very windy, I already know that he is a wooden delay, and the night cost is also known to hide a handsome face.

There is only one in the original, but the wooden priest has a deep impression that there is a deep impression that does not have glasses.

"Oh, you must be wooden! I am the second grade of the seven-class night long! Please advise!" The night grew well looked at the muma.

The height of the wood is 178 cm, which is more short than the 186-centhone night length, and the night cost is down and down, the body is indeed very thin, and it is a lack of strength training.

Night-catching style is good, or it is worth opening, the original China and Xiangbei are always playing, and the night is also wanting to make the bench depth in the high school in Xiangbei.

Don't win every time you win the thrill, but the truly invincible king.

"Hey, how do you know my name! Please advise you!" Muyu wanted to hold the night of the night, he didn't understand why the night's long wind would know his name.

"What's going on, Wooden?" At this time, Red Mood has also left.

"Oh, red, this classmate wants to join the basketball, and he is the night and long!" Wooden turned back.

As soon as I heard the name of the night, the Red Wood, and the sister of the sister, the sister of the self (DBDF), the sister of the sister, constantly said in his ear, and there is more powerful and more powerful. I must pull him into Xiangbei. If you are in the basketball, you are bored.

"You are the future star of Xiangbei in Qingzi, the genius in genius?" Achi Wuben looked at night long wind.

"Well! The body is good, the muscles are very powerful! It is a good seedling of playing. It is not to know how technology!" Analysis of the heart of the Diwood, and looked at the night.

Night long-faced horns slightly, "Genius dares to say, but strength, if I join Xiangbei high school basketball, Red Wood predecessors are probably!"

The world that came to the dunk, the night is constant or the nature of being unruly, and the strength is, it is awkward!

With the personality of the night, did not say that he is the country in the country, it is already enough to give a constitutional face.

"Hey! Stinky boy, you are not small! Xiangbei first! That is, you don't put me this captain in the eyes?" Aiju Qixin's brow is picking up, and it is very dissatisfied with the night's ray.

"Hey! Hey! Hey ..." Mu Wei quickly stood between the two, he was afraid that two people had conflicts.

"Changfeng!" Wooden turned to the night length wind opening.

"Call me, you will go!"

"Oh, the long wind, you have a good thing! But don't underestimate the red wood! Don't look at our scores of our Xiangbei's basketball last year, but the performance of Redwood is impeccable!" Wooden prolition pushed his nose The glasses on the plane said.

"Hey, you are not wrong! But the Buffali is not blowing out, who is strong, who is weak, only the basketball in the hands can speak!" The night grew is a smile.

"You are a boy!" Achilici is very dissatisfied with the provocation of the long wind in the night. In the Basketball Basketball in the Xiangbei, no one dares to question the strength of Redwood.

"How can I not accept? The captain of Xiangbei? Otherwise, let's fight!" The night is sudden.

Stinky boy, what do you want to do?

"What I am gambling!" When the soul of Xiangbei was declared.

"Very good! One-on-one, half game, who will win first to five points!" Night wind rolled the basketball, "How, red school, dare not pick it?"

"Head boy! I am afraid you, come here!" Achille agreed directly. Bamboo

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004 chapter, the battle of the captain

"Kid, since it is a gambling, what is the bet?" Red and asked a key issue.

"It's very simple!" Night long-lasting horns slightly, "If I won, I am the new captain of Xiangbei High School Basketball, and the predecessors of Red Wood will only be slightly flexed, when a vice captain!"

"You!" Red Wood is blowing and blind, very angry, "Daren, this is so small to see me so much?"

"If you lose, what should I do?" Asked the cold voice.

"I lost it, I will be in place!" The night is laughing, and the golden light is flashing, "but, this is impossible!"

"Well! You let me open, let me play with this kid!" Aiji has been ignorant by night.

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