The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2104 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Night winds looked at the nature of the normal expression into the orangutan, could not help but feel funny, "Haha, gorillas should have been rid of! The legendary Xiangbei's soul has much strength, I really look forward, don't let I am too disappointed, Red Wood Captain! "

On the court, the two opposed, the eyes intended in the air, ~ ▉ , the war is touched!

"Ah, this guy actually dares to challenge the predecessors of Red Wood, don't he live?" An Tian whispered outside.

"It seems that it is good, height can also, I don't know if I can put a few rounds in Red Wood Captain!" The corner field next to it is also attached.

"Chang Fengjun, Redwood is also very strong, last year is we weak, so Xiangbei is only lost! In fact, the performance of Redwood in the center of the center is the first, you have to be careful!" Mu Wei public exposure Looking at the back of night long wind.

He is afraid that if the night grows, if it is mad, it will lose confidence and give up the idea of ​​joining the high school basketball in Xiangbei.

After all, now, Xiangbei high school urgently needs fresh blood to complete the dream of entering the national contest, and the body of the night's body looks a very good seedllar.

Snapped! Red Mood Dynasty gave the basketball to the night long, "I am your predecessor, you will open the ball first! Otherwise, others say that I am bullying!"

"That is really much as the red school!" The night grew is a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense! Let me see your strength, is it really like Qingzi's saying!" Aiju just helped his feet, and made a stretch.

Night long wind, one, double [leg] micro-flex, tiger back, the eyes are bright, the heart is burning, every time, the whole person's momentum is completely changed, such as a peer of the sheath, sharp !

"Headless boy!" Achilica obviously felt that the momentum of the night, and the feeling of hippie smile was completely different.

"Since the red school is so serious, I will make the 50% power!" The night is sudden.

"What!" "Red Wood, the words of the night, the temperament of the night, was half dead.

"I want to pass you on the right!" The night grew radial.

"The boy is too mad!" Red Mood has quickly used it to use the body to rely on the night.

Too late, the night's foot is on the right foot, directly squeezing from the right side of the red wood, such as a sword directly into the enemy's abdomen. 3

The first step of this guy actually is so fast? When I was still in the constitution, the night's long wind had killed the basket.

Between the blink of an eye, the night grows has been transheng, and the whole person opens in the air, "drink", the night is gently drinking, and the basket has been flourished with both eyes!


The basket is rolled into a white wave, and the free hand is over-hand!

The action is a lot, and it is quite fast! T

And this is just the warmth of the night!

"This ... how could it be? It's too fast! Too fast!" The wooden glasses outside the field were shocked.

"There is no response in Aiji students?" An Tian, ​​which is still a wooden chicken.

"Head boy!" Achilici has also been surprised in the Hisdenated Eyes, and the heart is extremely shocked. "This kid has just started the starting speed than anyone I have ever seen, including last year's Xian Dao! This guy is What is the first, two-year born, but never heard. I haven't seen it in the basketball weekly! "

"Hey! Who are you, my Red Wood, I won't let the captain of Xiangbei!" Aiji ignited the fire in his eyes.

Laughing at night, laughing, picking up the basketball on the floor, throwing back the Red Wood,

"Come on, red school, this!"

Red is holding the ball, saying that I don't say it directly.

Snapped! Snapped! The bow is holding the waist, and the red, the right hand, the right hand, the left hand, the basketball will be transported back to the basket, and it is planned to play the play.

······ Flowers ······

The night's wind hurriedly used the chest, and killed the Red Wood, and the Red Wood suddenly found that he was squeezed.

"How is it possible, the power of this kid is actually bigger than me!" Achilici said that he can't say it.

If the speed of the night, the speed of the bounce is better than yourself, and the red cockroach is still acceptable, but as a center, the power is actually lost to a front, which is unacceptable to the Red Wood.

Night wind looked at the expression of the ghosts in the Red Wood, and suddenly felt funny.

"How? Reduchi, my strength is not bad? Don't you let me!" The night's wind is quoted with words.

.... [.....

"Stinky boy! I am less proud! I am a red mood!" Red Mood has made the strength of the milk, forcibly crowding!

Night live wind is also a chest feeling a strong source of Juli, "Not bad, it is the soul of Xiangbei!"

Night long wind feels that the power of Red Mood is still quite good, at least 120kg's bed push, in Japan high school students are topped.

Red Moodli relied on his strength, step down step by step, every effort, the night-lived wind is also full of chest. Just like a nine-ring big cutter kept slashing a round shield.

Mars splash!

Of course, the night long wind is to reput the wood into the inside. If he is really serious, I am afraid that I will push it again.

what! Red Mood has been forcibly pushed to the basket, and his favorite attack range.

The reddish constitution is not hesitant to jump, it is really like a gorilla, amazing!

And the night grows behind him, "What about people?"

"Secretary, I am here!" Night live wind is also taller, I don't know when I appeared in the right side of Red Wood.

"Stinky boy!" Red Moods, the basketball, greeted the night, and the wind and the basket!

The night long face is cold, "I want to dunk in front of me? You have been tens of thousands of years!"

! The five fingers of the night are completely printed on the Basketball of Red Wood!

005 chapter, crushing red

The red citizens of the Red Mood have a good night's long-wind pan, and even the people are taking the ball and have night long wind!

"Red Wood!" Wooden is too surprised, high school two years, he has never seen that the Red Mood has been covered so thoroughly, so there is no story!

This ball once again made the wood, "this second-grade transfer student is not only the first step, but also is very good, and the end is that his strength is actually suppressed with red! It's just that people can't believe! His physical fitness is not a grade! "

"Red Captain, you are nothing?" The night long wind pulled the red wooden, and if there is no smile on his face, "I am sorry, I seem to be too serious!"

"Stinky boy" is suffering enough by night long, but it is really covered by the loud costume, and there is nothing to say.

The offices of the people in the high "nine-two" in the field are also eye-catching. In their eyes, the red is invincible. It is actually directly fanned directly to the ground. This shock is very difficult. Language is described!

"It is the long wind, there is also a brother!" Aiju Qingzi did not know where to get the news and rushed over.

"What is the sunny?" The night's wind sweeps the rest of the bikes to the stadium.

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