The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2105 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Pick up the basketball on the floor, the night-long turning turning to the three-point line, the face of Red Wood, and the face of the face is already black, and the dead is dead.

"This time, I will never let you go!" Red Mood has a very low center, and a look is ready to start!

"3 to 0!" Night, the right hand, the right hand, the left hand erected three fingers.

"What are you talking about?" Aiju has a constitution, there is no reaction.

Night winds, no matter those, it is directly to start, and the body starts in the air, and the basketball is put on the right hand, and then projected.

I didn't think that the night length of the night did not think of the three-point ball. When I wanted to cover, the basketball had been shot from the night's fingertips, flew over his head.

The eyes of all people are gathered to the basketball.

~ ▉

Similar three-pointers!

The right hand, the right hand, the right hand, has always been a projection, and then slowly falls down, his mouth is angry, "Today is still good!"

"It is three-pointers!" Wooden glasses white light, "and seeing his feeling is quite soft, unlike it, is it a shooter?"

"Ah! The long wind is too strong! Even the shooting is so accurate!" The red scorpion of the battle in the battle raised his head, rushing to the red face, "Look! I said that the long wind is absolute super genius Let's not believe it! Now I know is amazing! "

Snapped! Night wind will give the basketball to gave a red cockroach!

Red Wood graphic grabs the basketball, and the heart has set off the sky, and the vitality of the night grows to him is getting stronger.

Everyone in the field couldn't feel that the kind of substantially oppressive power released when the night length was serious, almost indifferent.

"This kid is really just a tall," there is some empty in the minds of the mind, and the body is in automatic coast. "

Basketball courts can be a fierce battlefield, from not to take half a little!

Night-catching, it's seen that the night grows can also understand that red citizens usually be too invincible in the high school in Xiangbei, which will inevitably produce a kind of in the north, and it is absolutely first. Mentality.

And I have a dunk, there is a somewhat insulting hat, plus three shots, Red Wood, the constitution is a bit being hungry!

However, the night's long wind doesn't want to be polite with the Red Wood, and everyone knows that the Red Mood is really awakened. It is quite terrible, and the night grows temporarily do not want to expose too much power.

Snapped! When the night length of the wind, the right hand is stretched, the lightning shot, the red citizen is high, the height of the driver is not low, the moment is taken by the night, the wind is single-handed!

It is the break of the night!

"How come? I have breaking the ball again!" Mu Wei suddenly tense.

Snapped! Snapped! Night wind does not have any pauses directly to the three-point line.

"End, Red Wood Captain! Oh, no, it should be the deputy captain of Redwood!" The nozzle angle of the night is slightly tight.

"This kid wants to shoot !!" "A red cockroach reacted, directly pocked the night.

bass! The two jumped at the same time, and this decimal is full of efforts, and the height and arm of nearly two meters and the arm are almost covered.

It is unfortunate that the night is actually the beginning of an extremely exaggerated back, and the floor has an oversized angle.

The reddish constitunce contracted sharply, he found that he suddenly lost the control of the night's wind, the right hand of the stretching cap is completely unable to stop the shooting of the night!

"Go!" The fingertips of the night will again and basketball SayGoodbye!

The basketball continued to roll forward, crossing the five-finger relationship between the Red Wood, flying to the direction of the basket.

The night is the second time to projection, and it is three points in the super, and the air is also drifted with a little drift. Slightly escape the Cap.

Snapped! Basketball is on the edge of the basket, and finally played into the basket!

5 to 0!

At this time, the two people started less than five minutes from the two people. The night's wind won the game with a huge part of 5 to 0, and strong as Red Mood is actually a point.

"Red school, or do you want to play a game?" Night wind looked at the unwillingness of the red cockroach.

"No!" Akiki's constitution waved, his face, "stinky boy, you won!"

The sense of redness in the heart of Red Mood, but at the same time, there is more in the heart of Red Mood. Because the night cost is joined in the high school basketball of Xiangbei, this year, Xiangbei enters the national competition, and even dominate the country. Another empty talk.

Red Moods and Months and Many Strong Strong People have traveled their hands. After the fight against the night, he is very clear that the strength of the night, the strength of the night is superb!

More critical is that Redwood always feels that the night cost is not fully engaged, this is the most terrible place for night long 4.9, deeply unleadage!

"Stinky boy, starting from now, your night is the new captain of the high school basketball in the Xiangbei!" Achili said.



"Captain!" Some of the venue are exposed anxious look.

"Well, you don't say anymore! May gambling! I will talk to Anxi coach!" Red Moods and just turned his head.

"Haha!" At this time, the night is bokey, "Afi is just a joke, I am just a joke, you don't have to be true! I have no interest in the captain, I just want to pass the master and the legendary master. ! "

"A stinky boy, what about playing me?" Red Mood has turned into an orangutan ...

PS: Today is too much, just add more chapter, thank you!

006 chapter, new part

Next day.

Night live wind into the Xiangbei campus, cherry blossoms fall, there is a beautiful feeling.

"Classmates, do you want to join the volleyball, our part is very powerful!"

"Classmates, don't listen to him, he is blowing! Come to our swimming department, what is the girl, a lot!"

When the night, the night, I saw some familiar scenes. It turned out that today is a formal start, that is, the day of the community recruits a new person.

Winding these various societies, the night long-lasting wind is straight to the high school basketball hall of Xiangbei.

When I entered the basketball hall, the night was very stunned. He first noticed that it was not a red face, nor is the cool face of the shot of the shots on the court.

It is a very prominent Sakuragiki!

That's right! Night-hard wind saw the first eyes of Sakuragi, knew he was the legendary bloody man Sakuragi.

The sword is eyebrow, both eyes have God, although the whole body is not as good as the night, but it is also quite sent 31, and the height is also slightly higher than the night growth.

"I didn't expect Sakuragi or I was lie to play. Haha!" The night's mouth is slightly fighter. He thought that he had changed the plot, and it took a little effort to deceive the Sakuranghua flower. It seems that it is not available at all!

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