The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2229 of the Chapter 2229 of the Prince of Tennis

From the first grade, Joined the King Industry, the King Industry has not been defeated today, and it has not been defeated since three years, and it is a truly kort teacher.

"Can I interview with you? Take a few words!" Xiang Tian Yishe went to Shenzhen to meet.

"Yes!" Shenjin has been very polite promised.

"As far as I know that your hill king industry can be invincible in the high school basketball world ... But your opponent is the most beautiful Xiangbei high school, you think you will fail the first time in them. What is it? "Xiang Tian gave a deliberately asked.

"No!" Shen Tian has a simultaneous reply, "We have a good basketball!"

"Then, do you think of Xiangbei High School, which player will cause the biggest threat to you?" Xiangfei hurts.

"Night long wind!" Shenjin said that he did not think about it. The two days of studying the night of the night, so that the king industry has a certain understanding of the strength of the night.

At the view of the mountain industry, the night is undoubtedly the real core of Xiangbei High School, as long as the night grows, other players in Xiangbei are not enough ...?

"It seems that the Kings industry has already prepared it!" Xiang Tian Yifeng couldn't help but sigh.

"Oh, Xiang Tian reporter, you come?" Tangben Wulang laughed at Xiangsu, "Our team members will never be very good!"

"No one will win the best, no one will be absolutely lost, so the basketball game is so interesting, isn't it?" Tang Bota Wulang said deeply.

Final day.

The final of Xiangbei High School and the Kings Industry was arranged at two o'clock in the afternoon.

It was originally a game started at two o'clock in the afternoon. I came to the far-reaching basketball hall to wait for this final battle at 7 o'clock in the morning, and the number of fans is still a lot.

Whether it is media or fans on the battle of this finals, the organizing committee also decided to broadcast this high school to the country.

Including Tokyo Chao Day TV, Fuji TV and NHK are also Japanese delivery associations are ready to broadcast this game, which can be said that this high school summer league is the national level.

At a short afternoon, the Xiangbei High School rushed to the abyss basketball hall, and everyone of Xiangbei got into the basketball hall.

I went into the basketball hall, and everyone of Xiangbei also heard a noisy noise.

"I really said a lot of people like a small wind!" Sakura Work surprised.

"Nonsense! This finals are very high, I heard that the whole country will broadcast!" The color of the colors said after the people.

"Ni!" Sakuragi is a glimpse, "That is not to say that this genius will appear on TV?"

"Sakuragi! You can't stop your kid, the game is about to start, we still go to the clothes room to change clothes!" Night long reminded.

"Good!" The people in the Xiangbei faults and fish into the locker room.

Just entered a locker, three wells got up and prepared.

"Xiaosan, where do you want to go?" Asked the night, "I can't want to go to the toilet!"

"Many things, you have to manage!" Sanjing was broken by night, very angry, and went to the toilet.

126 chapter, before the game

"Can be evil ... and have been smashed by the boy!" Sanjing is very angry into the toilet, "I am really useless, the two-year empty window takes me absolute confidence, oleas!"

Sanjing just entered the toilet, came to the casual pool to prepare pee, Andxi coaches actually appeared in the three wells.

"Ah! Anxi coach!" Sanjing was shocked by Anxi coach.

"Oh, it is a three well classmates, it's really clever!" Axi replied.

"I will come to the toilet today, how can I encounter an Anxi coach?" Sanjing heart doubts, no urine.

"Sanjing classmates, just see that Color is the list of the scene of the mountain industry!" Anxi suddenly said.

"Ah, just haven't come to see it yet!" Sanjing replied.

"They seem to have specially changed a person to play the position of the guard!" Anxi coach continued.

"Only my opponent change people? What is going on?" Sanxi Shou was shocked.

"Today, I was replaced with a first lineup called a Cong Cong ... He is a 20 defensive expert in the national middle school community. No matter which aspect, they have the projection of Mixi. Very careful! "Anxi coach explained.

"This ..." The three wells listened to Anxi coaching, but it was more nervous.

Xiangbei High School Lotting Room.

"Hey ... what aircraft, Xiaosan! How can you come back!" The night grew is talking to the three wells that have just come back. "Why wouldn't it be nervous to urgency?"

"I am dying! I am MVP in the country, how can I be nervous!" Sanjing mouth hard.

"Haha, no matter you!" Laughing at night, then it is slowly standing.

! Night long wind polar knots, "Are you ready? I can have been waiting for a long time to do it!"

"Oh!" Everyone in Beijing was driven by the night's wind, standing together, from the player channel to the game of the basketball hall.

"You see, Xiangbei high school came out!"

"That one is night long, yes, that is, I am very powerful! I will be a player of three hundred and sixty-scale dunk !!"

"Xiangbei! Xiangbei! Xiangbei!" The audience on the stage shouted.

In recent time, Xiangbei High School is a high-way forward, eliminating many of the national competitions, and everyone's play is also good, which makes Xiangbei have a large number of fans.

boom! At this time, the Kings industry is also drilling from the player channel.

"They are here! It is the mountain industry."

"King! King! King!" At a moment, the aid of the mountain industry immediately pressed the Xiangbei High School.

As a ward of the national contest, we dominate the national team last year, the Kings Industry is more than the black horse Xiangbei high school, and its response is also in the moment of high school. "

"It's really, what is nothing! Noisy!" Sakuraffled complained after the night length.

"Oh ... it's okay ... After a while, after the start of the game, I will let them shut up!" The nozzles of the mouth were slightly piloted.

"The audience of the audience, the audience of the audience before the TV, I am your old friend - Qian Tianhao, a very fast voice from the sports hall and the broadcast TV, is a famous basketball Explain that Tianhao Second.

Qiang Tianhao two as a basketball explanation, it is a high popularity in the basketball industry throughout Japan, because he has explained fast, and it is very excited. Love is called the ball being called the roaring emperor.

"Today, I am very honored to ask the Chinese Men's Basketball National Team to serve as the guest, Mr. Si Shan, please call the audience!" Guaoda Hao second to the Sushi sitting around him.

"Hello everyone! I am in Shan Mountain. It is easy to come here to explain this century battle for everyone!" Schoshan said.

"Wow! Buildings are coming, see this game is really fire!" A fan on the stage said.

"Yeah, there is a roaring emperor! Haha, today's game is too old, you can buy a ticket is lucky!" The ball is smiling.

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