The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2230 of the Chapter 2230 of Tennis Prince

A few minutes later, the Shan Wang Industrial and Xiangbei High School two team players began to warm up in their own half.

"It seems that the enthusiasm of the two team players has begun, Scholar, you, how can the team win, you give you a prediction!" Qiang Tianhao digged a pit.

"Hao Second Jun came up to dig a pit, if I predict failure, I will not be shred by those who fail to fail!" Sugiros thought.

"Oh!" Schoshan smiled, slightly thoughts, then slowly moved, "the Yamang Industry is the defending champion, strong strength, its main players are all national grade. And the high school of Xiangbei is the black horse in this national competition. As far as I understand, the strength of his players is not good, so I can't get the last moment of the game, the result is still unprediced! "

"Yes! Sushan Jun said yes, with the experience of my life, these two teams are also quite, this final is destined to be loaded into the history of high school basketball league, let us wait and see!" Before the Ho's two games, it was still normal, and the talk is also dripping.


The Kings industry began to run the ball, and the high school of Xiangbei is a shot in the shot.

"Hey! Sakuragi ... You don't want too much! Usually this time before the game, the opponent will look very strong!" Wooden said to the Sakuragon in the practice of observing the mountain industry in the land.

He thought that Sakuraffe saw the atmosphere of the King King industry, it was a little nervous.

"If you say it back, they are really a bit!" Wooden is just thinking.

bass! At this time, the Sakura was moved, and he picked up the basketball rolled on the ground and threw it to the one-year class of the Maki King industry complex.

"What are the Sakuragon?"

Sakuragi has rushed to the half of the king industry, and the king industry is born in the first grade.

"Hey, are you?"

"Passing the ball!" Sakuragi drunk.

Snapped! The first grade of the mountain industry was scared by Sakuragi, and the basketball passed the basketball to the Sakuragi.

This time, the Nakari Industrial and the eyes of all people of Xiangbei were attracted by Sakuragi.

"Sakuragi is not good and warm!" The night was soaring and shake his head.

"Drink!" Sakuragi is already the right hand, and directly jumped directly in the free throw line in the mountain industry. The right arm will show later.

"Sakuragi!" Wooden was scared by Sakuragi.

Dang! Sakuragi right-hand, put the basketball into the basket of the mountain industry half!

127 chapter, provocation before the game

"Ah!" The wood was shocked to fall, he didn't expect the other party to the mountain industry, Sakuragi actually provokes.

The players on the Shanwang Industry and the warm-up players on the Xiangbei field are also attracted to the dunk movement of the Sakuragi, a fashionable expression.

It is completely ignored that the action of Sakuragi is serious, and the night long style of stretching movement is to joke, and a pair knows the expression like this.

"Actually deduct it?" After watching the Sakura Mission, several people were still prepared to laugh at the Sakuragi, but did not think that Sakuragi actually went smoothly into the basket.

And its movements are still simply desirable, and the air of the air is also vividly shadowed. After all, basically look at the night long-winding basket, and the Sakuragi is invisible to be very affected by night.

"It's amazing!" There was a speaker on the table.

"Hey ~ ▉! Red Maozi, this is not the half of you, what do you mean! Of course, there are many fans in the Kings industry very dissatisfied.

"Wow! Sushi, you see No. 11 players without Xiangbei actually in the provocative king of the king industry, but also a very beautiful meter! It seems that the momentum of Xiangbei today is full!" It is the master that is not too big.

"This ..." Schoshan is obvious, he has never seen the situation where players dare to provoke when they warm up in the Shan Wang industry.

"Hey! Red Murch! Your guy is too unlikely! Little courtesy does not understand, it is not like this! The stupid material!" Qingtian, the Qingda, Hainan, pointed to the Sakura.

"Shut up! Your loser does not speak!" Sakuragi picked up the basketball slowly.

"You!" Tsing Tianxue said by Sakuragi.

"Moreover, I just want to say a greece!" Sakuragi single-handed [into] pants, throwing the basketball picked up the Basketball to the Sino-Hakata of the Kings Industry.

Snapped! Hiya Ya Hao grabbed the basketball, and there was no expression.

Sakuragi slowly returned his own half, and the three wells and Miya also joined the Sakura Wheel, and the three people were bumbled to dance to the mountain industry.

"I go ~ ▉ Three guys are not good and warm, do you do. ¨?" Night wind is also speechless for three live treasures.

"Haha, the players in Xiangbei are very confident, don't take a good job at all!" The Qianhao Hao in the explanation room did not laugh at the slightest.

"What is their attitude, the black horse is great!" The king industry on the stage was angry, and it was awkward.

"Flower ... is really a fan!"

"Flower ... It is good!" Needless to say that the Sakuragi Legion will be happy to see this scene.

The Sino-Hakata of the Shanwang Industry looked at the three people such as Sakuragi. It is still a faceless expression, just picked up the basketball on the ground, suddenly throwing to the half of Xiangbei.

"Zebei ... go to he say hello!] Hakada ya history sounds.

The Zebei Rongzhi, the Shan Wang Industrial, is like a greenery, and it is generally brushed from the Sakuragi, chasing the basketball thrown out of Hakada.

! At this time, after Zebei Rongzhi took the basketball, flying directly in the Hunan half, and the right hand launched the basketball.

! What did you have never thought of that the basketball of Zebei Rongshi tandem in the basket is in the back of the basket, and his body in the air is losing balance, almost a fell to the ground.

"Cut ... I thought it was too powerful!" Yanchuan Feng and Red Mood Democratic also appeared in the play.

"Wow hahaha! Laughing at me, the king of the king of the mountain, Zebei, Rong Zhi, Zebei, failed, and still fossed the ocean! It is rare!" Guaixian Hao two very happy.

For the explanation, it is quite boring before the game. It is basically nothing to do, and now the two players are actually challenge each other, which is just the preheat of the final, and its dramatic effect is also good.

Qian Tianhao is happy, the night grows is dissatisfied.

Just Jiebei Rongzhi's goal is almost in the back of the back of the middle night, and he was caught by the night and right hand.

"You are not good and warm, you will not be so simple, if you are injured, I can't help but say that the night is very helpless.

"You are the long wind of the Xiangbei Ace Night?" Zebei Rong Zhi's eyes looked at night long asked.

The night long is completely the king of the Wuxi Mountain Industry, the king of Zebei, who came from him.

At this point, the focus of the audience is in the body, and everyone knows that the result of this final is largely determined to the results between the two big kings.

bass! Suddenly, the night-lived wind began to accelerate.

One step is upgraded to the fastest, and its speed is much faster than the Zebei, which is just now.

Just now, the long wind has been warm, and it is already slightly sweat, which means that the night long has been adjusted to the most perfect state.

"Let you see what is a real plant!" The speed of the long wind accelerates the limit. Several respiration came to the three-point line of the Shanwang industrial half.

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