The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2261 of the Chapter 2261 of Tennis Prince

Only the great opponent can have a great game, in order to have an unforgettable goal!

"Not bad!" At this time, the mouth of the night's mouth is slightly, this is the game that night is long, this is also the opponent you want.

And all the last glories just just started ...

159 chapter, Jun is in the world

On the field, the offensive of the high school in Xiangbei.

After arriving at the frontcourt, basketball in the hands of the night, and standing opposite him is Zebei Rongzhi.

From the game, I can't help the night, and there is no one to limit the night long.

In the last ten minutes, Tangbiao Wulan is undoubtedly pressed all the bets [in] Zebei Rongshi, because he knew that Zebei Rongshi is a super player that can reverse the game.

Unfortunately, the opponent he encountered is a night.

On the field, the night length sweeps the Zebei Rongzhi in front of him, and his hands seem to come back and emit balls.

Snapped! At this time, the night's long wind suddenly put the basketball from the right hand to the left hand, then suddenly started.

This is the usual action of night long winds, but this time is faster than usual, the action is even greater. "47"

Zebei Rongshi also started with night long, he used his best to attach the night's wind, and the footsteps unprecedented.

Originally his speed is not as good as the night, but in this case, Zebei Rongshi has stimulated the body's potential, actually to keep up with the night.

But it is just to keep up, you want to stop the night is almost impossible.

!! The night is getting faster and faster, just like a sharp knife directly stabbed into the heart of the inside of the Kings industry, no fear.

You only have ahead of the eyes of the night's eyes!

Even if you face the five strongest kings of the king, you can't see a fear in his eyes ...

Just because he is called the night and wind!

! When the night's long winds stepped into the mountain industry for three seconds, the five people in the King Industrial Farm were almost shrinking in the three seconds.

"It's coming! The performance of the night!" Qian Tianhao I knew that the night grew is to perform.

A few people on the stage, the Sakurai Legion, the Sakurai, and the red scorpion also knew that the night's grew well, every audience knows that the night grows in such a deep place to jumping up what mean!

The five people on the King Industrial Site certainly know.

"Blocking him!" The Houslaki, a Hansang Industrial Coach, a Wen Wen, also caught the style. At this time, there is only one thought in his heart, that is, you must stop the night!

If you make this ball into this ball, the king industry is definitely a hit.

At this time, the three seconds of the Kings industry has been full of four, in addition, Zebei Rongshi, who is around the night, also spans the three seconds with the night long.

"Drink!" Night hard, there is not much thinking, no swelling or big wind.

It is the direct feet to jump all forward, and the whole person is like a rocket.

In contrast, the five people in the King Industry also jumped almost simultaneously.

In other words, six people have jumped in the basket of the mountain industry, and people who have seen this scene will be exciting, "kao!"

The scene of the next is unforgettable for the eternal life of everyone.

After the night's wind flew up, he welcomed the mountains and the wild, and there were Matsumoto and deep in the left and right sides, and there were also Zebei Rongzhi who wanted to chase the cap behind.

That is, the five people are in general, and the night long wind group is surrounded.

It is unfortunate that they are too small to watch the night's resistance in the air. I have to know that the strength of the night is all in all the body of all superman, the most variatory one.

!!! ~ ▉ 's body is almost at the same time and the night grows in the air.

A continuous and dull collision sounded throughout the basketball hall, under the watch, the five main players in the mountain industry in the night, and the five main players in the blooming lotus, each in different directions, heavyweight Pour on the floor.

The audience on the station can clearly see the pain of the five faces.

At this time, the current staff caught this wonderful moment, with a close-up of the camera with the basketball hall.

When the night cost is flying in the air, after one hand, the basketball is back, the whole person is completely opened in the air, and the hard work is hit, and the remaining five people in the Kings industry are on the floor under the night length. .

"This is simply the king of the world!" Qian Tianhao in the explanation room was stupid.

The audience at the scene is also stayed. Everyone who is used to the night long-term metamorphosis power has also risen, and the eyes are filled with unbelievable eyes.

Dang! However, the night length wind bending archery, put the basketball into the basket, when the basket is going down, the audience on the scene and the players on the field are sold in the basket, the rack of the rack, the sound of the reality ... [

65 to 6..4!

"Wow ... this is too ..." The audience on the stage suddenly flew, and the king industry's fans stayed with wood chickens, and the opposite of Xiangbei was caught down.

All Xiangbei fans are standing, the entire basketball hall, thoroughly turned into a red ocean.

! When the night is loose, the hand hanging on the basket, after landing, five people rushed to the mountain industry, "You are still far away!"

"You!" Hiya Ya Hao was very dead, but the ball did not say it just now.

The referee did not blow their foul is enough to give the face!

"Too strong!" The first time on the stage was completely complete, in his eyes, this kind of ball is probably not possible to complete it.

This requires timing, need to despise all power, and there are many restrictions such as amazing bounce and lagging ability.

On-site, only Sakuragi Flower Road, which can have the opportunity to do this, of course, the current Sakuragi is impossible. His skills need to have a long time to have a chance!

The cheers of the audience have lasted over four or five minutes, and the scenes on the stage are confusing. The basketball hall is repeatedly played with the night long-lasting, the top shot of the Jun to the world.

Obviously did not slow down, but everyone stunned when watching, but the night is in the air. It is a slow motion.

"It's too domineering, this ball, I decided to choose this ball as the best goal in this game!" Guaixian Hao 2 has a little one.

Indeed, I just have a meal of the dunk, which is difficult and ornamental, may not be the best in the night.

However, just the extent of domineering, it is a well-deserved NO.1, and it is unique, only the movement of the night long wind.

"Maybe he can play NBA now!" Suddenly he suddenly appeared such a thought that he was scared by himself.

Soon, before, Tian Hao will self-smoking his face, because the night grows will also stage a more anti-sky goal ...

160 chapter, he is back!

"I am evil!" Zebei Rongshi first stood up, wipe the sweat of the forehead, the strength and speed of the night long wind, it is called the courage of Wanfu!

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