The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2262 of the Chapter 2262 of the Prince of Tennis

The five national ranks of the mountain industry, two of which have two tonnage more than one hundred kilograms of the big man, there is no way to stop the footsteps of the night.

"Matsumoto, together with me!" Zebei Rongshi turned his head in Matsumoto low-channel, the game arrived at this time, Zebei Rongshi has already throws a personal victory behind the mind.

He must be victory, to be a champion, rather than a personal ability to overcome the night.

To put it bluntly, a shower was created in the heart of Zebei Rongshi, no one faced with such a night, and won't be shaken!

"Well!" Tongben nodded.

Although the situation on the field, the night length is suppressed to Zebei Rongzhi, but the situation of Xiangbei seems to be too good, mainly due to physical problems too serious.

Especially Sanjing Shou and Yanchu Feng, the two are almost standing on the court.

Moreover, the rhythm of the game is getting faster and faster, and the consumption of the two people is still intensifying.

Zebei Rongshi has discovered the biggest weakness at this time, and 31 is on other players, and the reason the score can be recovered.

In fact, there is too much to consume too much in Sanjing Shou and Yanchuan Maple, leading to great decline in defensive strength of Xiangbei.

On the field, the attack and defensive conversion, the offense of the Kings industry.

The front field of Xiangbei High School, basketball is still in the hands of Zebei Rongzhi.

"Come again, the two teams' fighting cards!" The Qiang Tianhao in the explanation room did not have a shock of God, and the fierce competition of the two teams began.

Snapped! Snapped! Rocks back and forth in front of the night, and Zengzhi, Zebei, tried to break through the defense of the night.

It is unfortunate that the night's wind is not a lot of Sichuan Feng. If you are physically, the night's wind is the best one in the ten people. In other words, the physical reserve of night long wind is more than a long time. Zebei Rongshi is much better.

"I can't be evil!" I can't do it! "Zebei Rongshi did not have a way to play the night, because this night's live wind is already prepared, and his luck cannot be so good.

bass! At this time, the Yacondian Yachang of the inner line of Xiangbei suddenly slipped out, and made a no-balling for Zebei Rongshi.

Snapped! However, the quality of this no-balling is not too high, and the night is completely unstoppable, but it is an overwhelming, the right hand is stretched, and the basketball in the hands of Zebei Rongzhi is lost.

That is, the basketball is actually magical to fall into the horses of the three-point line.

There is no hesitant, raising your hands!

It is three points!

"Kao!" The night did not hurt, this ball is basically defensive, but helpless goddess seems to be particularly popular today.

! Basketball has drawn a perfect curvature in the air, then it is a hollow network!

67-165! The mountain industry is again higher than the score! "≮ alternative: ^ ^

"Well!" The king's industrial replacement of everyone excited, each is completely integrated into the atmosphere of this game.

"Matsumoto! Dry!" Wei

"Matsumoto! The strongest!" Everyone in the tourist group of the Kings Industry in the Taiwan was screaming.

"Beautiful three-pointers! The king industry is not awkward. They did not have the impact of the ball just who had just had night!" Yutian Hao two faces were hitting a chicken blood. Cut

In this stage, he has even forgotten that he is an explanation.

"Betting!" Three wells on the anti-Song Ben, breathed, he was all sweat, and the whole jersey was shi.

"Xiaosan, what's wrong with you? Do you want to take a break?" The night grew is deliberately talking to Sanjingshi.

"Hey ... What is joke! Saucy, who do you think I am?" Sanjing Shou was in this time, actually is a smile in his mouth.

"Of course, you know that you are called the man of Yan Yan!" The night's heart is meditation, and the basketball has passed half a game.

"Shan Wang Industrial These guys are too small to see my teammates!" The night long-faced horns showed a context. "Do they really think that in addition to me, I can't do it in the Hunan?"

Snapped! Snapped! The night long-winding ball arrived in the three-point line of the Shanwang Industrial Half, At this time, Zebei Rongzhi and Shenjin have two people and one left and right in the nights of the night.

"Wow! The king industry is a pinch, they want to block the offensive of the night!" Qiang Tianhao second solution.

"Please! Shenzhen! Zebei! To prevent him!" The coach of the king industry in the field is in the middle of this time, there is no tactics at this time, he only believes his team member.

!! Basketball is flexible in the night long-lasting wind, and the night length is started suddenly, directly killing the inner line.

On the other hand, Sanxi Shou is standing outside the three-point line or does not breathe.

"This guy is clear that it is exhausted, why is the Xiangbei still change people? Is it really no people?" Staring at the Sanjing Matsumoto is at least from the three wells, he is ready to go back to prevent the night .

"Who are I?" Sanxi Shou suddenly asked Matsumoto.

"What?" "Matsumoto's doubts," Is this guy tired? "

"Who are I? You said it!" Sanxi Shou face, and the eyes flashed a golden light.

"What this guy is saying, let him go down!" Matsumoto attracted many attention by Sanjing. 323

bass! Suddenly, the three wells that had been tired and the gas was actually ran, ran from the forty-five degree angle to the bottom.

"What are he doing?" Matsumoto.

bass! Suddenly, there is a tangerine thing in the inside of the mountain industry, it is a basketball!

It is the back of the night!

If you don't look at the night, you will pass a back of the basketball to the bottom corner.

The three wells just run to the bottom corner, caught the basketball of the night, without any adjustment or aiming, taking the ball directly.

Very fast!

"Hey! I am a three wells ... It is a man who never gives up!" Sanjing Shouju will maintain the movement of shooting, and look coldly looks at Matsumoto.

! With the voice of Sanjing Shou, basketball drilled into the basket, and even even the basket is not touched. It can only say that the three wells will be too much.

68-167! Xiangbei High School has taken back the leading advantage!


"Three thousand!"

"Sanjing predecessors!" The replacement of Xiangbei also had a thoroughly of Xiangbei in the table.

The cheers called shouting, it was even better than the night, and the ball is still big!

Just because of Sanjing Shou, the man who never gives up.

He is back!

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