The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2263 of the Chapter 2263 of the Prince of Tennis

161 chapter, shooter spirit

"Good!" The night's long wind couldn't help but screamed.

Sakuragi is also an exciting expression, which is excited than night long wind.

"How is this possible?" Matsumoto looked at the back of the three wells, and conceited the horror in the eyes. "He has been tired and standing is unstable. Why can you also invest so beautiful three points?"

"Call! Call!" Sanjing Shou and Red Tap turned back to prevent, there is no communication between the two, but the fist is pair.

The woods in the field are looking forward to this scene for two years, and the whole is two years!

"Okay! Xiaosan, kill them!" The most exciting thing on the stage is the friends before Sanjing Shou.

! On the field, I was so forgotten by everyone in Xiangbei. This game was depressed to death, and it was a three-point ball shot basket.

And it's also simply destroyed!

70-168! The two teams seem to play three points!

After the night's wind guards the defending Zebei Rongshi, Shenjin has been resurrected and retrieved.

This is the terrible place for the Sanwang Industry as a niece, exceptional toughness, if the general team is in the wild, the madness is so hard to fight.

There is also the strength of each of their players, as long as they have a slight negligence, they all have the ability to end or reverse the competition.

"Wow! Now the hit rate of the two teams is very high. The captain of the King of the Shan Wang also sent it to the city, the game is getting more exciting!" Guaoda Hao 2 excited roaring.

"Give me the ball!" Sanjing Shou sent a basketball to the night-wind, and he whispered from the night's long-term wind.

"To start?" Night long-lasting horns slightly tightly, "Reassure, as long as you dare to vote, I will pass the basketball to you!"

For the shoot basket of Sanjing Shou, the night-length wind never passed the ball, and he believes that the projection capabilities of Sanjing Shou is more than anyone.

"I am now a dizzy ... My physical strength has lost too much in this virtual degree, although I have never pumped smoke, but I have never trained in two years!" Sanxi Shou forehead Dosing of the sweat, it seems that every step will consume great physical fitness.

"Sanzi! Three digles! Three digles!" Diabroom, Sanjing Shouneng heard the crazy shout of his friends.

"I have no more than a power to block the sixth, and I have no ability to get rid of him. I can't hit the basket like the long wind ... I don't have anything outside of the three-pointer!" Sanxi Shou bottom line pocket a large circle.

Red Wood Slide has made a perfect cover for the three wells, and Sanjing Shou came to the three-point line of the left 40-fifth degree angle of the mountain industry.

Snapped! At this time, the pass of the night, the ball is just rushing, and it is very perfect.

"Now I ... I can only see the basket!" After Sanjing Shougan, the rebound of Zebei Rongshi will go out of the basketball [shot].

Very beautiful shooting posture, typical Sanjing Shou style shooting.

! Basketball hollow network, basket network and the fans of Xiangbei on the table are rolling into waves!

71 to 70!

"Too handsome! Three digles!"

"It is good!" The friend on the stage is full of tears. Only they know how it is not easy to stand in this basketball court.

"Good!" Night live wind is also impossible for excitement, and is excited than yourself.

"Yeah!" Sakuragi is more excited than night long winds, directly to Sanjing Shou, slammed the shoulders of Sanjing Shou.

! At this time, the three wells directly fell to the ground.

"Wow! Xiaosan, you are nothing?" Sakuragi is a very embarrassing expression, "It has been unable to force!"

"Hao pain, who?" San Xi Shou was not easy to stand up.

"Why ... From which aspect, he has been exhausted. Why do he still go to the ball, why do you believe in him again?" Matsumoto will never understand this feeling.

A top-level shooter he wants to not only technology, practice, and he still needs a spirit.

A kind of never give up, no matter what circumstances, dare to shoot, put the responsibility to the courage of his shoulders.

This is such a great shooter in Leji Miller, Hornsek, Cole, and Hossers!

"Don't mind, Matsumoto! We continue to attack, anyway, he also supported it!" Heada Ya said said to Matsumoto.

"Will this? Hai Fei ... I always have a bad premonition!" Matsumoto is more intuitive to feel the spiritual gas of Sanxi Shou.

This kind of thing is very high, it is a novel plot. In fact, it is a kind of thing in reality, and this spirit often creates an incredible miracle!

"Xiangbei is really strong! But if they have been shot three points, they are beneficial to us, there is no inside of the night, and our pressure is much smaller. He can't be so accurate forever!" Tang Botomo Pakistan analyzed the chin analysis.

On the field, the Kings Industry chose the inner offense.

Wild sidelines hit the macro, the wild, the macro is a blue collar, but its attack power is not weak.

In the face of Sakuragi is too positive, the wild has been swayed behind the macro, and it has entered a hook hand basket.

72 to 71!

The king industry is beyond the score.

"I really hit their state!" The night's mouth is slightly fighter, and he did not think that the Kings industry was so tenacious.

Moreover, in addition to the night-long wind, the physical reserve of the King King industry is indeed better than the high school in Xiangbei, and the attack is in this critical moment.

Going back, the night grows is to pass the basketball to Sanjing Shou.

Sanjing Shou wants to take a three-pointer!

"This ball is not in, the posture is already a mess!" Matsumoto is already to prevent the limit, and the movements of Sanjing Shou have deformed.

"Will it go?" Everyone stood up.

Snapped! Basketball is finally out!

"Call!" Yes, there is no such thing as this mouth (Li's good) is completely spit out.

A fire red figure jumps in the inner line of the Kings Industry, is the night!

Large hands and right hands, in the huge history of Hakada, the bodies of the two major intranets are directly grabbed.

"What!" Wild, the wild, the hugeness of the Hutian, and the night length will suddenly appear from the three lines in the main line of the King Industry.

Snapped! This is still not finished, and when the night is not in the air, it will pass the basketball again, and it is passed to the hands of Sanjing Shou.

"Ah! He believes that his teammates will be able to grab rebound, so he has no shot!" Matsumoto is shocked to rise.

And Sanjing Shou is also shooting basketball!

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