The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2264 of the Chapter 2264 of Wangzhao System, Prince of Tennis

Everyone's eyes looked at the basketball that roll forward in the air.

! Hollow goal! A three-point!

The whole game is quiet, there is only the crisp sound of the basketball network ...

162 chapter, expandment

"Ah!" The people of Xiangbei also had the mountains and kings, and they were surprised to hide their faces.

"Wow! How is this possible? This time the continuous three-point ball?" Some people in the tour group in the Thaser King industry were exclaimed.

"Three points! It is three-pointers! The gods from the high school in Xiangbei - Sanxi Soul!" The Qian Tianhao in the explanation room began to open again. "Never look at a shooter!"

"Well ... He is not a person in fighting, Sanxi Shou knows that he is a basketball, his teammates will still grab the rebound, and pass it to him!" The high-headed shoulders on the stage. Tao, "Now Xiangbei has been condensed into a whole, no longer a person who is very windy!"

On the field, the high-headed voice just fell, and the three wells that were not open to the eyes did not shoot in the basketball that heated into the Matsumoto.

"It's the ball! The king industry mistakes!" Guaixian Hao has opened.

No one knows how the Sanjing Shou is doing the ball in this situation. Before the three wells were very easy to get rid of Matsumoto, he really had no physical defense.

bass! Night wind did not go to -220 - thinking how Mixi Shou is magically breaking, he just lit up, rushing to the basketball taken by Sanxi.

"Good speed!" There was a speaker on the table.

"Yeah!" Night Changshi has just passed from Shenzhou, he has been brushing, and he has hugged the night with a back, just in the night of the night.

The movement of the deep into the spirit is really violating the spirit of sports. Although he is completely long with his strength, he still hinders the footsteps of the night, and finally let the basketball out of the world!

beep! The referee whistle sounds!

"Wow! If you are not foul, it is a dunk. It is a dunk! It's a good response!" There is a Mountain Industrial fans in the table.

"Shan Wang Industry No. 4 intentional foul!" The referee raised his hand and made a cross posture.

Shenjin has become a glimpse, the remaining four people in the field of the field are also surprised.

"What!" Tangbiao Wulang also surprised.

"I am going to ... this is so surprised!" The night grew and shook his head. Nothing is wrong! "

"Well! Our chance is coming!" The desire of winning the victory in the eyes of the high school replacement of Xiangbei.

"Wow! Hunan high school has been a chance of throwing throws! They are only two-pointers of the king industry, this is a good opportunity to kick the score!" Yu Tian Hao second solution said, "freely, the king of Xiangbei Let's take a look at the free throw rate in this summer league ... "

Guaixiao 2nd to disturb the table of free throws in front of him before the game.

"Nani!" Qiang Tianhao was shocked. "The mid-rate of the free throw of the night long player is actually 100%, but the number of balls is more than 30, the previous thirty-four billing baskets are all hit!"

"All hits?" The site all people heard this news through broadcast. "What is your joke, how can someone?"

"Tangben ... If you still don't want to do a way, the game is going to end!" The high-power on the table pushed the glasses on the rigid, and the eyes were drifted into the field Wulang.

!! There are two free throws, no problem, no problem, all hollow!

So far, night long-term winds are all leagues, all hits, hit the hit, and even more than the so-called god thrower of all teams!

76 to 72! The leading advantages of Xiangbei have expanded to quit, and they also hold the right.

"This penalty is too accurate, this key moment is not soft at all!" There is a audience on the table.

They saw that the night is on the court, and it is easy to give a moment, and they can not see the sweat when the night grows.

Night long winds are more than three-pointers, and there is a penalty basket. He pursues perfection, and does not allow you to miss a good bureau because of free throw.

And this kind of funeral is a good bureau, or even the tragedy of the championship, the night grows have seen too many times.

On the field, the ball of Xiangbei, Douben Wulang did not call, and there was no indication.

In fact, the night's long wind felt this time, it should be called a pause, to arrange the strategy of defensive three wells, because everyone knows that Xiangbei will let Sanxi Shou projected three-pointer.

And Xiangbei is doing this, and the Red Mood has once again made a shot of Sanjing, and Sanjing Shou has slipped out. The ball is almost exactly the same route, it is like a slow shot. .

Snapped! Snapped! Basketball is still transmitted from the night long-lasting wind without hesitation!

bass! Three wells will throw it, and no matter what the defensive defensive in front of them, no matter where they are located.

! Basketball is directly drilled into the basket directly like precise guided missiles!

"Is it three-pointer?" Yutian Hao's second excited, then, "No ... the referee is the three wells, it is a long distance, it is a pity!"

78 to 72!

Even so, Xiangbei will expand the advantages of scores to six points!

"Wonderful! It is too exciting!" All the audience in the scene boiled, whether the fans of Xiangbei or the fans of the mountain industry, this time is sincere being a manifestation of Sanjing Shou.

Night live wind did not think that the first one who smresped the fans of the King King industry, but he never gave up the male Sanyi Shou.

"Good!" Night wind and Sanjing Shou have a palm. At this time, Sanxi Shou lifted his hands and changed, but the fire of the burning spirit in his eyes was getting more and more prosperous.

Night winds feel the gas field that has never been experienced from Sanjing Shou, as if the three wells will be boiling.

"Hey ... It turns out! Now there is only a gamble!" The golden light of the Fangtang's eyes is flashing. It is finally an instruction to his players.

"River Field!" Tang Ben Wuiro called Hiya Ya.


"You are watching Sakuragi, don't let Xiangbei grabbed any frontcourts!" Tangben Wulang Shen Sheng, Xiangbei A series of momentum seems to be the X factor on the high school in Xiangbei, that is, Sakuragonia, and his rebound.

As long as the rebound is controlled, the three wells in Xiangbei cannot be so accurate forever! This is the idea in the brain of Tangben Wulang as a top coach.

163 chapter, Feng Yun changed

"God!" The night is disdainful. "Now the Xiangbei is no longer a person's team, do you think it is useful? Moreover, Hakada is not necessarily to prevent Sakura!"

"Wow! Head, he complicated to the red head boy!" The fans of the king industry in the table were very surprised.

On the other hand, Hudian Ji Ji Men, who has been sitting at the scene, has also been replaced by Tangben Wurang, and he is staring against red!

"Can the US male can deal with the center of the other party? The other center of the center is also very strong!" The fans of the king industry are obviously not very confident on the Yudi Meries.

"I have to use my best to guard the basket!" Hai Tianmei male did not want to live up to the trust of Hutang coach.

"Is this going to press the last Baoda?" In the inside line? "The night was swept away from the gone of the mountain industry.

On the field, Sakuragi is too excited and missed his own defensive people, and the only shot of the Yumudi Mijun male and shot into a goal.

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