The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2265 of the Chapter 2265 of Wangzhao of Tennis


"I am going ... Sakuragi, what plane do you do? Don't you be so happy?" The night is helpless, and the only thing he can't predict is Sakuragi.

"Hey ... The king is afraid of this day! They sent this bald orangutan who got the gorilla to stop me from robbing the ball and air relay!" Sakuragi is proud.

"Flower ... He is smiling!" The Sakura Missionards on the stage stunned.

"Hahaha! You don't let go, you can't stop me this genius!" Sakuramus suddenly rushed toward the Yakata.

"Haha! I understand!" Hiya Yachang returned to Sakuragi a smile than crying.

Snapped! At this time, the Night High School, the night long wind still passed the basketball to Sanjing Shou, and the three wells raised his hand, this time the distance between three points is more step forward, and the body function at this time in Sanjing Shou is already unable to determine. Your own location.

How far is it from the three points, everything is with him as a shooter.

And this time Samous Shou's shooting is very unfortunately shot, basketball will pop up again.

"The rebound!" Tang Boten Wulang is spent outside.

"Yeah!" The Sakuragoni and Hakada, the Sakura and Hakada under the Kings industry jumped in the air.

Sakuragi jumped higher and the Yama is better, it is actually in the air to grab the basketball in Sakuragi.

"What!" Sakuragi found himself underestimated the rebounding capacity of Hiya, he was touched directly by Hutian Yadi by the air in the air.

"Wow!" Everyone in the field is big.

"Sakuragi!" The wood is more exciting to stand up.

"Hey? It turns out that you are behind!" Hiya Ya Hao took off the rebound buddy, turned his head and looked at the Sakuragi.

"Available bald orangutans!" Sakuragi jumped in an instant, and the Yacondian Yaci is a long, and the basketball is passed away.

Zebei Rongshi appeared in his most happened position, holding basketball, and at this time, the first is ... Night long wind!

It is also the opposition of the two teams!

"This time I want to win you!" Zebei Rongshi watched the eyes of the night.

"There is a nonsense, there is a matter of this!" The night's heart is heartly sank. He has not put the current Zebei Rongzhi in his eyes. Although the state of Zebei Rongshi is getting better and better, his potential is being Digging by night long wind stimulus.

bass! At this time, a white figure brushed from the night and the wind, not Zebei Rongzhi, but the river field of the ball.

The movements of Hiya Yaki are completely like a guards, directly entering the inner line of Xiangbei, Sakuragi does not follow the footsteps of Hiyu Ya.

"River Field!" Zebei Rongshi did not choose to attack but threw basketball to the basket of high school in Xiangbei, he wanted to connect with Hakada.

"Hey ... Drugs, I have been to wear it!" At that point in Zebei Rong Zhi, the night grew is jumping.

He has long seen that Zebei Rongzhi did not want to break through, and the eyes of Zebei did not overcome their desire.

That's right! At this time, there are few more people in the heart of Zebei, still afraid of night!

! After the scene of the audience was shocked, after the night was rising, it turned out that the air passing of Zebei Rongzhi directly took directly.

"It is a copy! This bouncing is too amazing!" Qiang Tianhao is also drunk, this kind of ball is also jumping down, you can do this guy!

"How is this possible!" Shan Wang industrial replacement is different, but it is rising big mouth, including the coach.

Originally he thought that as long as the bucket of the inner line, the Kings industry had counterattack opportunities.

The facts are also the same as he expect, but basketball is not a textbook, and the situation on the field is always changing.

Snapped! After the night is falling, it is straightforward to take the ball like the string of the arrow.

Zebei Rongshi is in the same place, and there is only a speed of the night. There is only a deep in the front field of the Shanwang Industry and has not yet come and run to the Hakata Mei Junan in Xiangbei.

"Blocking him! Shenjin!" Outside the Hall Sanglang went back to God, starting to have a roar in Shenjin, and he is now not worthy of the style of the king of the king of the king.

Snapped! Night wind quickly and killed the ball into the vicinity of the free throw line of the King Industry, and Shenjin was a heart, quietly waiting for the night's attack.

And the night flocking, Shenjin became a self-understanding of the night, and it was impossible to prevent the shooting of the night's wind, and the breakthrough of the cold wind is impossible.


So Shenjin has a deliberate retreat, always keeps and the night growing distance, put a pair of "you vote for death, I don't want to make the night cost breakthrough.

"Then I will satisfy you!" The cold light in the eyes of the night.

Snapped! Snapped! If the night is heavy, it will be changed, and then suddenly, he suddenly broke through the left side of Deep.

Shenjin has moved to the left side of the night. At this time, the night grows is another hand, then it is one hundred and eighty-degree change, and it breaks to the right.

bass! When the depression of each other is smooth in the opposite direction, the night is sudden, the left hand is supported, the right hand is still in the speed of the speed.

At this time, it is already a little pouring at this time, and it will slide.

And the night's wind is at this time, the basketball is behind the left hand and then pulls it, and it is also a full grain.

At this time, the night's wind can completely obey deep, because it has been completely lost.

But at this time, at this time, it was a heart to pull the basketball back to one, then the basketball took the basketball and shot directly.

! Basketball should enter the net!

80 to 74!

Night-catching a series of movements are simply like to play each other, and in the past, it is already giving up defending.

At this time, I was in a half-hearted and used my hands to hold my knee, and I kept gasping, like a dog!

164 chapter, tug

The audience on the audience also has the replacement of the two teams of the audience.

The actions of the night-catching wind have made it, and it is only a good ash with the PI shares. It is not to prevent the rhythm of the long wind, not to prevent it, and the physical strength has consumed a lot.

It is important to know that the game has been hit, and the physical strength of every field is very important.

"I am evil ... I actually forgot someone else!" The Outlook Ben Lang took his head and was annoyed.

"Scorpio! I have never seen such a smooth and wonderful action!" Guaixian Hao two even can't say the specific movements made by the night, because the night's wind is at all.

Just like it is on a blank paper, after the doodle, it is a way to take a moment of Tao, which is actually a force-mentioned Mo Bao, which is this feeling.

"Well! This is also a top ten ball that can enter the top ten wonderful goals!" The idea of ​​the idea of ​​the guest Schling is getting deeper.

"No, you must let this night's greetings join our university team. Otherwise, if you are robbed by other schools, you have not played!" Sushan is still worried about his alma mater.

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