The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2276 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Zebei Rong Zhi was flashed by night, in fact, the night's wind and right hand wrist flexible turn, passed the basketball to the three-point three-yard.

"Worse!" Matsumoto hurriedly chase Sanjing Shou, but Sanxi Shou is already thrown out of the basketball, it is a three-point ball!

Matsumoto does not hurry to hit his body, and the game is at this time, his physical strength is also consumed!

Yeah! Matsumoto and Sanjing Shou took together, and the three wells that were directly standing unconditionally.

The three-pointer in Sanjing Shou showed a perfect arc in the air, and the hollow network!

The audience is quiet.

"Three points of goals are effective!" The referee fell in an instant, "Shan Wang Industry No. 6 player pursued a foul! Plite one goal!"

"Wow! It is three plus one! It's too cattle!" The audience was ignited by the magical projection of Sanjing Shou.

Matsumoto reveals the color of fear!

"The three wells did!" Muku did not live loudly. He knew how it is not easy in Mitsui Shoutou.

"It's so good to join Xiangbei, you can witness this is too good!" Xiangbei replaced the Mudged Field Emperor even shed excited tears.

"Good!" Afly ran over, and the Sanxi sushou hit!

The night is bright, "Maybe this is the opponent I have been looking for, my opponent has been around me!"

"Xiangbei! Xiangbei! Xiangbei!" At the table, Xiangbei responded to the group shouted, as a fans of Xiangbei felt unlimited pride.

Who, which team can play a hill industry that is unbeaten by the king?

Only Xiangbei!

! With the punishment of Sanjing Shou, 114-194!

The whole of Xiangbei leads a lot of more than two cars, and the time is only less than 50 seconds left.

The victory has been divided, but the audience at the scene is still unfinished, they are still looking forward to wonderful goals.

The burning attack of Xiangbei water silver diarrhea will never let the audience disappointed.

The king industry, basketball is still in the hands of Hiya Ya.

In the case of the Rongshi Fighting, Hakada became the last hope of the King Industry.

Although Hiya Ya said that such a big score gap is already weak.

However, Hutian Yachang is still conscientious, and in the basket turns, he wants to protect the last dignity of the king.

! The basket was suppressed by the Yaconda Yachang, but the final dignity of the king was smashed!

He took the basketball in the hands of Hakada!

"Dry! Red Wood!" The wood outside the field shouted.

Sakuragi took the basketball of Red Wood, and at this time, Shenjin became a summary of Zebei Rongzhi surrounded, they wanted to break the basketball in Sakuragi.

"Give it to me!" The night is suddenly flashed by the Sakura Mutual!

Snapped! Sakuragi will throw basketball, an except for no night's wind, no one can pick 213 basketball height.

"Good high!" The field is shouting, the night length is in the air, and the basketball is in the air, one hand.

Counterattack! It is a fast counterattack of Xiangbei!

The essence of running is in the end of the end of the game, and the last second of the end of the game.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Night long windshields have not passed a half-game, and a basketball is always passing forward.

A red figure jumped from the three-point line of the King King industry, gliding in the air, and finally took the long pass of the night-length wind to the basket!

It is Li Sichuan Feng!

Super air connection!

scold! After Sichuan Maple brought the ball, in the air, the body was completely opened.

! Then it is a super buckle, and then gently fall.

The roof basket of Zhuan Feng is always like this, and the elegant is very written.

116 to 94!

The slaughter of Xiangbei has not terminated, the last pride of the poor king's king industry is also crushed.

No one will be a forever champion, no one can always be unbeaten!

"It's an air force. This is the real strength of Xiangbei High School? It's too strong! I have never seen such a strong team!" Guaixian Hao second tied, he almost forgotted that he was an explanation, he hated I also became a member of Xiangbei High School.

Experience this great team!

176 chapter, champion Xiangbei!

The next twenty seconds, the king industry has given up the game.

The audience in the audience stood up and began to applaud, and the applause resounded throughout the basketball hall.

Although the mountain industry is weak, this final is undoubtedly a great game. The two team players are all exhausted, and the game is also very glue.

And the sudden outbreak of the night, so that the game ended in advance, which made this epic finals a little stimulus, more than a legend.

beep! In the applause, the referee blew the whistle of the end of the game.

116 to 94! Xiangbei finally won the mountain industry with twenty-second points, and ending the Hanwang Industrial Dynasty, he won the first champion in the history of the Hunan High School.

The five people in the mountain industry were on the spot, and it seems that it has not been completely coming.

The five people in Xiangbei High School are Qi Qi came to the midline on the basketball court.

"Ah!" The five people are very big, and their hands are hit by each other. At the end, they have grown together.

On the stage, the red scorpion was already tears, and the people of Xiangbei rushed into the basketball court.

Even a calm Anxi coach is also standing, hands holding up!

"The game is over, the champion - Xiangbei high school!" Qiang Tianhao's twin in the explanatory room, "This is the most exciting game I have explained, thank you Xiangbei! Thank you Wang! Thank you for everyone and TV before the TV Every audience! "

"Today, at this moment, we have witnessed a history! A new moment!" Guaixian Er is quite excited.

The mountain industry is only silent, especially the Rongzhi, Zebei, is completely black, he is not willing, not willing to make people championships like this.

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