The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2277 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"I will come back!" Zebei Rongshi finally looked at the night-long wind on a glance, then he didn't return to the player channel with the head.

"Go back!" Tang Ben Wulang took the shoulder of the people, "the victory defeated is a frequent event, today's failure will become your motivation, and finally become a precious property tomorrow!"

"Xiangbei! Champion! Xiangbei! Champion! Xiangbei! Champion!" The joyful cheers sounded on the stage.

Everyone in the Xiangbei around the field, expressed gratitude to the audience of the response.

Finally, when the champion trophy issued by the Akiku Jacquivo, the audience boiled.

All people who love Xiangbei are difficult to help at this moment.

Anxi coach made every Xiangbei player to raise a championship trophy, even if there is no player on the game, it is also a part of Xiangbei, making his own contribution to the wins of Xiangbei.

Every time, the fan fans cheered once, no one is willing to leave at this time, after all, this is the most glory of Xiangbei High School.

"The last issue is the final value of the final value of the player MVP in the summer league!" Qiang Tianhao second personally came to the court, asked the audience, "Please tell you the name!"

"Night long wind! Night long wind! Night long wind!" Ten thousand viewers on the audience were shouting the name of the night.

"Congratulations, night long-term drama! You are I have seen the most talented basketball!" Qian Tianhao seconds MVP's trophy to the night cost.

Laughing at night, laughing, no words, but holding the MVP trophy!

~ ▉ is also a boiling ...

After this, it is the photographic and interviews of various media, as well as press conferences.

Night winds found a chance slipped straight, and his brain sounded a long-lost hyperincidence system tips.


"Congratulations to the owner to complete: copy the world's only task: lead Xiangbei High School to receive the National Competition champion! You got a mysterious gift package, is it open?" Superning system asked.

"Mysterious spree? Oh! Yes, I remember there is this task!" Super god system sleeps for so long, night long winds will forget the existence of superhen systems.

I have experienced so many worlds, the night's favorite or the world of planting.

Night wind feels that he and the world are very harmonious. On the basketball court, the night's stay also feels an unprecedented happiness.

However, the night is also known, you can't stay in this world forever.

In the world of the world, complete your own years of wish helped Xiangbei high school to win the national champion, and the night is very happy, and I also won a mysterious gift package.

"What would it be?" Night windmares riding a bicycle and rushing back to the collapse hotel.

"Do you open the mystery package!" The system has asked again.

"Open!" Night wind turned directly.

bass! In the void, only the treasure chest of one person can see slowly, the golden light is overflow.

When the night length, the neck is in the neck, it is actually a golden door.

"What is this?" The night is very surprised.

"Congratulations to the owner to receive any door, you have received three opportunities to use any door to arbitrary world!"

"This is any door, and can you lead to any world?" The night's eyes looked at the golden door, in the previous night, the long wind is already seen in the lottery system, this treasure is. .

I didn't expect that the first time I was actually in this world, and there were three opportunities.

"Well! This is really good!" Night, I nodded, "There are still many worlds, I really want to go!"

bass! After the golden rays are exhausted, there is an arbitrary door option in the lunch of the night, there is a parental arc, there is a three-word inside, that is, it can use three times.

"The only task of the copy world has been completed, is it jumping next?" The superhen system suddenly asked.

"No!" The night is rushing, "I can stay in this world for a long time?"

(Good) "You can stay in the plant world for a week, every day, you will consume 10,000 redemption points!" Super god system coldly relied.

"Well! Give me seven days, I want to continue to stay in the plant world for seven days!" The night's wind doesn't want to leave the world of the dunk.

"Yes! Redemption seven days success, this moment after seven days will make space jump!" Super god system slowly.

"Very good!" Night winds accelerates riding a bicycle to the hotel galloped.

The reason why he is redeemed again for seven-day dunk is because the night grows still looking forward to the last opponent.

Originally, the night's wind thved that the Kings industry was his ultimate, and it was also the strongest opponent, and in the finals, the night's wind found himself wrong.

The most powerful opponent has always been by yourself.

Night long wind defeated all the teams in the country, except ...

Xiangbei High School!

Chapter 177, the last opponent

Seven days later.

Within the seven days, the news that won the high school in Xiangbei was reported to report by major basketball week magazines, and the topic is the king of the mountain! The New Dynasty of the Xiangbei was born or similar.

On the other hand, the night grows within seven days, complete news, like the human evaporation.

Many reporters want to interview with night long, and many universities scouts, they have not found the night long wind throughout the Kanagawa Prefecture.

Night long winds certainly don't want to waste valuable time by these guys, and he has more important things to do, that is, find his new teammate.

High school basketball hall in Xiangbei.

After returning to the high school high school in Xiangbei, the Anxi coach took three days of holiday, and then the Basketball of Xiangbei was restored to the previous rhythm.

That is, keep training, because of a championship and self-satisfaction, eventually only the existence of a flower.

Among the basketball halls of Xiangbei, the walls of the slogans that dominated the national slogans were already hanging on the banner of the champion. The following is a photo of the championship.

!! Time is just 9 o'clock in the morning, everyone just finished the warmth of the day.

"Changfeng, the stinky boy, where to run in a last time! It has already begun to come together, actually have not come!" Achilici is very dissatisfied to the wood.

"Ah ... I listen to the color of the color, saying that the long wind has been requested - 657- fake, saying is something important. It will come back in this two days, red, you don't have to worry!" Muxue pushed the rigid Glasses drive.

"I am worried! Continue to practice the ball!" Red Wood is facing.

"Wow, haha, I know, the little wind, I must be afraid that I am surpassing him this day, so he is only hiding!" Sakuraffled is laughing!

"Idiot!" Yanchuan Feng and Sanjing Shouqi channel.

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