The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2278 of the Chapter 2278 of the Prince of Tennis

! At this time, the door of the high school basketball hall of Xiangbei was opened directly, and a shadow came in.

It's a night!

"Oh! A stinky boy, you finally come! I thought you were missing!" Sanjing Shou smiled.

"Oh ... I haven't been idle this time!" Night long-lasting angle slightly.

"Yes? What? What are you doing?" Sakuragi asked her head.

"This is not important!" The night was laughing, and then picked up the basketball on the ground, suddenly, "Let's play!"

"Well? What are you talking about, the long wind?" Wooden is a little doubt.

"I mean me and you!" The golden light flashed in the night.

"Head boy! The game is ok, every (dbaa) has a warm-up match!" Achilla came over, "Don't you think about it?"

"Haha, listen to a good idea!" Night hard haha ​​laughed.

"Go to death!" Zhongbei everyone directly gave a long finger.

"Okay! I don't have fun! This may be that I am playing the last ball here. I hope everyone can go all out and make this game as a final!" The night is suddenly positively.

"The last game? Changfeng, what are you talking about!" Wooden is anxious.

"Win, I will tell you!" Night's mouth is angry, "but, it seems that you don't win hope!"

Night long wind turns to the door, "come in!"

"Night long wind, your guy let us wait for so long, I am very uncomfortable!" The first thing I came in is actually the animal husbandry in Hainan.

"Aimo?" The people of Xiangbei stunned, "How are he here!"

"I spent a lot of skills that I could come in!" The night was laughing.

"What is the stinky boy please, it is clearly pulled out that I can't get into the shape of it!" The animal husbandry is low.

"Red Wood! After you get the champion, it is very leisure!" It's a tall man coming in, it is pure fish.

"Fish!" The eyes were surprised in my eyes.

"Duan Shu Feng, I haven't seen you for a long time!" The next thing came in is Xian Dang.

"Ah! The fairy road in Lingnan is also coming!" Other ministers in the Basketball in Northern Hunan also surrounded.

"Who else?" Everyone is looking forward to the door.

"You are good!" The last two came in.

It is a vines and the SHRI Division and Shen Zongmiro!

"Wow, these two come!" Xiangbei religious exclaimed.

"How, my teammates are not bad!" The night is laughing, "I don't dare to come now."

"Why don't you dare! This is very interesting!" Sanjing Shou smiled.

"Changfeng, do you sure to find a fish?" Some provocation of Aiwu looked at the fish.

"Red Wood, what do you mean?" Fish is angry with red.

"Calm! Fish, he just wants to irritate you!" The night is laughing, "I said, you all agree?"

"Wow! Long wind and seniors are playing!" Xiangbei was excited to replace the kings.

"Is this good? The Anxi coach has not come yet!" Wooden is a little worried.

"Haha! Glad brother, this is a chance to be a chance! Prove that the real core of Xiangbei is this genius!" Sakura walled his waist.

Sichuan Feng, a silent fire, is a basketball in his hand, "Don't talk nonsense, come!"

"Very good!" Night's trend nodded. "We have already palained it, you should warm up before, start now!"

In the eyes of the night, Jin Guang flicked, for this game, he spent a lot of effort to explode the animal and other people, so that these guys took a budget as his é.

Of course, the night's wind can also be found in Antian Corner and other people as a teammate, but the night grows, it can win the point of five people.

If the night grows to find the teammates too weak, this game has no suspense.

Every day and the group of Xiangbei people live in peace of mind, practice the ball, and the night growers can be said to be the person who knows this group of guys.

It is strong, and the strength of Xiangbei is more than just the strength of the basketball court, but also the spirit of Xiangbei, if the guy is really stimulated by himself.

Night winds don't know, his only known is that this group of Xiangbei will never give up any of the opportunities for winning.

This is the opponent who wants the most of the night!

"An Tian, ​​you are coming to be a referee, no problem?" The night grew the whistle to Antian.

"Guarantee to complete the task!" An Tian nodded.

Night-catching winds have found two-year-grade substitute to do referee, a total of three referees, and the official match.

Each is replaced with training clothes, and the red and other people in Xiangbei wear red deal, and the night growing is white.

"It's really nostalgic!" Wooden looked at the ten people on the field, suddenly remembered that the night Changfeng just came to the Basketball of Xiangbei, and also had such a red and white confrontation.

There is no change in the first lineup of the two teams, and the Northern Hebei is replaced by the night, there is no change.

And the white team, the first five people, it is the control of the , , small forward fairy, big forward animal husbandry one, finally the center fish live.

Chapter 178, the beginning

"This lineup is too luxurious, it is a panoramic star lineup!" Woodwide and other Xiangbei looked at the five people on the field, even Shen Zong Yilang can only be used as a substitute.

The most important thing is that the white team has night long, which should be the core of the soul of Xiangbei High School.

Once countless times, Xiangbei High School is celebrated overnight is their teammates, not opponents.

When the night's true standing is opposite, the oppression feeling of five people in the northern part of Xiangbei is not a general, but also standing opposite is not just a night.

Mingshengyi, Xian Dao Zhang, Fuji Trude, each is a king player of each team, and these people are combined, even if the princes, the Kings industry is likely to be played.

At this time, the red team is five people, but there is no fear in the eyes of the five people in the Hunan High School, but it is the fighting spirit of the bears.

Everyone in the scene is really a person who loves the basketball, and there is nothing more exciting than powerful opponents.

"Good expression!" Night wind swept the five people of the Red Brigade, "Let's come and have no regrets! Haha!"

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