The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2298 of the Chapter 2298 of the Prince of Tennis

Although the Red Brigade is very late, the score efficiency is not bad, and it is still a hundred points in the case of the assists in the night's wind. Among them, the title of the ghosts, the ghosts, and one person bolds. More than 30 points.

It is worth mentioning that the Sakuragi, three games, the rebound brush, directly brushing more than 20, the score is also the highest, the three games have got 18 points!

This is a miracle of Sakuragi.

In addition, Sanxi Shou, three-point ball hidden rate, high scary, the second score of the audience, in addition to the night, it is four minutes of Sanjing Shou.

The three games, the data distribution of the Red Team is very balanced, and almost every player has a good play.

When the night grows in Xiangbei, the people of Xiangbei are naturally relaxed, but the night's long wind is indeed fully mastered the ball, and the data of other team members must have an impact.

Now that night is not in the Red Team, the data of the red team has a significant outbreak, especially Li Shoufeng.

White teams are still a team of a person with a person, an absolute core.

This is also something wrong. When the night is holding the ball, all the offensions on the field must be launched around the tissue of the night.

The NBA is also the same, they want to pay for personal basketball and team basketball.

In fact, this is a pseudo-proposition, and there is a team of super superstars to play around the super superstar, those who have no superstars, naturally only play a team basketball.

Of course, basketball is the movement of five people, and a person needs help.

Strong Basketball, Jordan, also needs Preek Rodman, Kobe also has Squs and Gasol, etc.

Many times, a person who can win a game, but a person can't win a long season.

All the strong teams are the same, they need super heroes, but also the green leaves of silently dedication.

At this point, on the mat, the Red Brighters sitting aside, the white team is sitting in the other side.

"I didn't expect them to be so hard!" Xian Dao wiped the sweat with a white towel.

"Ah, the people in Xiangbei are no longer the first rookie!" Mingshen nodded, "especially Sakuragama, it is really amazed! Are you said, Night?"

"Well? Night long wind?" The white people doubtfully looked at the night long wind, sitting in the chair at night, and the neck did not respond completely with a towel.

"What happened to him?" Shen Zong Yiro's doubts, "Is it too tired?"

"No! He entered the state! This guy did not wonder how to invest in the end of the third quarter, he has entered the state of the basketball player's most hoping in the basketball court, the whole body of the heart! Only basketball! "Mastiler is solemn.

"What?" The white team is very surprised. They all have heard this magical state. Once they enter this state, the player's body will automatically react to the situation on the field, very wonderful, white team Several people did not reach this state.

Legend has the state of this whole body, you can play all the potential of a player's body, and the real 100% strength!

"This guy is more than us too much. How much is he barely thanks?" Mastiler stared at the night of the long wind. At this time, the night's long wind is full of heat, and the golden light is alive. meaning.

The red team's performance was stimulated by night long winds, so that he entered a state that he never reached directly in the plant.

When the player enters this state, the whole person will become a score machine, and everything that is around around will be automatically blocked by him.

For example, one of NBA's greatest super superstars, Kobe Branet, who is closest to Flying God, once brought the NBA historical second high to eighty points in the competition of the war.

To know how terrible numbers are a horrible number in modern basketball, even the basketball has not done.

······· Flowers, ······

Of course, the first score of NBA history is a hundred points of Zhang Bollen Zhang Hao. That score is largely intentionally reached, normal games, all players are constantly passing to Zhang Calang, let Zhang Da Shuai does not stop shooting The score obtained.

At that time, the body confrontation is far less than the body confrontation after the 1990s, so Kobe's eighty-one gold content is still very high.

Night long wind remembers the most impressive thing is not the eighty-one points of Kobe, but the interview after the game.

There is a reporter to ask Biki, "When you get eighty-one points, what is the expression of Zen Master Phil Jackson, what do he say? And your opponents, what did they say?"

... [.

Kobe thought for a while, then replied: "Honestly, I don't remember! I was only scored this idea, I just got into the coach, my teammates, I only have a basket and basketball! "

"Even no opponents!" This is the original words of Kobe, and the night is very shocking, so the impression is very deep.

At that time, Kobe was a state in which the whole body integrates into the game. He didn't remember what the teammates were expressions. What did the opponents are doing, just put the basketball into the basket, it is so simple.

Nowadays, now, in the basketball hall of the Basketball Department of Xiangbei, the night grows into this wonderful state.

There is no tactical arrangement, there is no fierce discussion, there is no other triviality, and the night-catching wind is now only a simple thought.

That is score, then win!

Now the night's long wind is even forgotten why you come here, what super-god system, what is crossing, what new world is all thrown into the brain, there is only basketball in his eyes.

The red team is also hot, and their state is so exaggerated, but it is also to kill the eyes, they don't have the night's long wind or teammates.

At this moment, no one will be willing to fail, and victory is the eternal pursuit of everyone.

To ... At this time, the referee blows the whistle started in the game, the fourth game, and the final battle began.

Two team players simultaneously enter the basketball court with a large step star!

198 chapter, shocking cover

The two team players returned to the field, the red team's ball.

At this time, the expression of the five people on the Red Brighted field has changed completely, and five people face powerful, incredible night-long winds, forgetting the uncomfortableness between each other, forgetting all other triviality.

They only have victory in their eyes, only basketball.

Snapped! Sanjing Shou sent basketball to the palace of Miya.

As soon as possible, the Miyagi, who was pressed into the three-game competition, broke out the powerful battle of Yu.

!! Under the staring in the night, the Miyagi super high-speed with the ball quickly, soon, she came to the white three-point line.

At this time, there is no fear in the eyes of Miyagi. He simply stops who is standing in front of him. The night is good, and the vines are really, he is to organize the attack and let the Red Brigade go to go.

It is so simple.

bass! Just in the night, I thought that Miyagi looked at him behind him. When I accelerated a breakthrough, I gave a ball.

It is Nolookpa31SS, and it is not to see the ball. Miyagi seems to be free of the basketball to the right side.

Snapped! Basketball has suddenly been inserted from behind, in the back, at this time, the three wells caught the basketball outside the three-point line.

This pass is surprising, so that Sanxi Shou has also received the illusion of the night-lived ball.

"Beautiful pass!" The woods outside the field surprised, he was completely attracted by this game, the expression of the players on the field is too serious, even more serious than they fight the finals.

"Maybe this is a real final!" Mutant in the wood.

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