The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2299 of the Chapter 2299 of the Prince of Tennis

"Yiro!" Mu Ji turned his head to Shen Zong Yiro.

At this time, Shen Zong Yiro has quickly rushed up, he desperately desperately desperately stops Sanxi Shou.

The entire three sessions, the three-day exaggeration threw into more than a dozen three-pointers, which made the Shen Zong, who is shooter, is very dissatisfied with his own defense. He doesn't want the Sanxi Shou to invest any one in his head. Bath.

bass! Sanjing Shou has a ball, and the basketball is thrown out in an instant, and the Shen Zong, who is late, is too serious, can't accept the feet, directly put the three wells down, and he also fell on the ground. .

Everyone's eyes look at the basketball in the air, basketball does not seem to be affected, flying over the air and fast, and finally drilled into the basket.

! The basket is rolled into white waves.

! At the same time, the whistle of the referee sounded, and the three fingers of the hands were dropped.

"Three points of goals are effective, white team pursue fouls, plus penalty!"

"What! It's three plus one, and it is still a hollow goal!" The openings of Xiangbei in the field are not self-exclaimed.

"Three wells ... do it!" Mu Wei seems to return to the finals of the national contest, and the three wells in the game also staged a number of offensive.

"Good!" After the three sessions go, I immediately climbed from the ground, and the right fist was held, and I fought down, it was obviously very excited.

"Three wells, good luck!" Screamed rarely.

Three wells directly across the gods of Shenlang, who fell to the ground, and his hands held his hands and fierce.

"Miyagi, good! Continue, don't be afraid of the bodies!" Sanjing Shou made a double boxing posture for the Miyou Field.

"Well!" Miyagi is also like Sanjing Shou's look, double boxing, the whole person's momentum is completely different.

"Small three! You are too good!" The night's eyes looked at the shiny three wells.

Once nights, long winds and Sanjing Shou are the most trusted each other's teammates, and the night growing is the most trusted three-day life in the Xiangbei, and there will be a chance to pass the basketball to Sanjing Shou, and the three wells is rare. Night long wind disappointment.

Night-hard wind knows that there is no superman body in Sanjing Shou, and there is no super high difficult basketball technology, but Sanxi Shou will always be the best shooter!

Nowadays, as an opponent's night, the wind is more confident. If there is no three-pointer, the Red Brigade has already collapsed.

Night winds can be sure, Sanjing Shou is a great shooter, and one reason is that he shoots every day.

The amount of night long-term winds think that the shooting is already very exaggerated, but Sanxi Shou is the only person who is more practicing the number of shots than night long.

The three-pointer movement, the feeling of goals is already deeply integrated into the blood of Sanjing Shou.

Going is like drinking water, eating, under exaggerated shots, these are not problems.

Get a ball, raise, shoot, shoot, goal! All the movements are all, this is the king of the shooter.

On the free throw line, Sanjing Shou shouted a few mouthfuls, in fact, the high-strength competition of the three-section, and the physical power consumption of Sanxi Shou is also very large.

Physical energy has always been a heart disease of Sanjing Shou, when the biennium for mixing, let Sanjing Shou have a full restore to [] peak status.

! After the midfielding of the free throws, Sanxi Shou is successful, the score has also become 104 to 110!

!! Going back, the night long wind is extremely speed-driven, and its body is like electro-optical rock.

"So fast!" Subway Subjects were shouting.

At this time, the night's wind has attracted any organization, he has decided to take over the competition, even if it is in a five enemy.

Snapped! Night winds face the center of gravity, basically give up the mountain city of the sea, still the breakthrough.

And it is forcibly breaking, put the basketball forward, the night long-term wind and electricity spans the first step, and this first step, 123 night long winds directly put the palace of Liangtian behind him.

"Wat!" Miyague looked back, the back of the rush of the night, the back of the bush has been dried up in the three seconds of the Red Team.

"It's coming, the performance of the long wind!" Wooden can't help but stand up.

"Your kid is going to take a dunk on my head!" Optimus Chugqi Qixian jumped at the same time, he burned the flame of the fighting spirit, exhausted with the whole fan, the basketball, right hand, right, right hand .

"Red Wood, you want to cover me, I have been tens of thousands of years!" The golden light in the eyes of the night, in the air, the waist, the body actually pulls again in the aerial anti-physical law.

The basketball raised by the right hand is hard to come to the hands of the red and nature. It is now looking at the basketball into the basket.

"Small wind !!! This is mine!" Suddenly, a flaming figure jumped from the back of the red wood, and the right hand pressed on the basketball of the night length.

Is sakura!


"Well?" Everyone on the field is stunned, especially the shock of Zhigang, and rare.

Snapped! Sakuragi fans the basketball in the loud wind, he covered the night!

The audience is quiet, all people have revealed incredible eyes!

199 chapter, domineering four shots

The basketball in the lord-hard hand was in the hands of the Sakuragi Fan. Miyacheng was surprised, almost did not grab the basketball.

"Good!" After the Sakuragi landed, he rushed out directly, and the wind should be wrapped at night.

"I am actually covered by the Sakura Wales?" After the night is far from the wind, there is also a kind of loss, the movement and choice of night long, there is no problem, the same is the same, there is no mistake.

If you don't have to say bad, it is too arrogant, you have to take basketball into the basket on the red wood, you have to know that it is not an easy thing to be a person's dunk, all of which is too much. Uncertainties.

But the night is still doing so, because he is such a person.

I just didn't think that Sakuragi growed so fast in Sakuragi. It used to stand in the Sakurakong flower that I kept chasing his back after him. It seems that I have a new leap.

"It's not bad!" The night's mouth is slightly tight, he is laughing!

"Changfeng, actually laugh!" The surprise of the woods outside the field is not smaller than anyone on the field, and he has never seen the night long wind is blocked.

Woodlings think that there is no one in high school students before the moment, but the Sakuragi is done, just now.

However, it is also a laughing of the night, and it seems that it seems to look at the kind of toddler, it is like a child, which is like a child who has finally found his favorite toys. Self-hearted smile.

On the field, the Red Brigade except Sakuragi, and a red figure is also rushed up in the first time, it is Likuku.

"Go back!" The animal husbandry came, rushed to the people on the white team.

At this time, the white half of the white team was back to prevent the Sanjing Shou of the defensive flowers, as well as the fish who had just rushed to the basket with the night of the night.

bass! After instant, Miyagi started to rank, his speed was very fast, and he saw that the night is eating, and Miyagi is like playing a chicken blood.

Snapped! When Miyagi drums arrived in the three-point line of the white team, he had three choices, one is a direct shooting, no one's defense, and there is a pass to the left side by Xian Dao, the last one, the last one The choice is to pass to the Sakuragon.

At this time, Sakura is already killing the basket. After the opening of the night, the Sakuragi is very excited. He has already celebrated it, and the Sakuraffled the Sakura, the first reaction, the first reaction under.

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