The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2313 of the Chapter 2313 of Tennis Prince

At 4 o'clock in the morning, the night-long wind came to the Wushu High School Stadium.

The birth of a proud shadow is of course uncomfortable, and it has come to the gym to start training.

These two days, the night-long winds pursuant to practice, the ball is also the weakest ring in the current vulnerability of the night.

Although in the past few days, under the horror exercise, the prefect of the nightly balloons of the volleyball is rising straight, but the skills you want to completely mastered are not so easy.

Moreover, volleyball hair balls are not just the movements and feels of the hand, but also add feet to practice.

Volleyball is more important than basketball, the rules are more required, and there are more restrictions. In this case, the foot method is more important.

At present, the night is still not talking about the pace of practice, and more are the ball training in the hands.

As for the pace, there is currently the low nerve reaction and body reflection to make up for the shortcomings of this.

!! In the gymnasium, the moving movement is not stopped, he has a hands-on-hand, and the left and right hand form a largest posture of the ball and is waving.

In his opposite, the shadow mountain is keeping the racket to the night, and there is volleyball around the night.

The sound of volleyball and arm strikes continuously, and there is no pause.

"Hey! Shadow Mountain, are you tired, can you still have a little more?" The night grew, and there is still a lot of increasingness to the shadow mountain.

These days, the night's live wind is practicing the ball, and the time to practice is more and more, and the ball can be said to be one of the most important rings of volleyball.

If you can't get up on the serve of the other party, the back of the back will not come.

After a few days of practice, the ball of night long wind has become more skilled. Although it is still not possible to control the direction of the volleyball bounce, at least each ball can be matched, not too exaggerated.

Some speeds are not fast, and the night length is already able to pick back to the probably position.

Therefore, the night grows hopes that the Yingshan shoots can be faster and faster.

"This guy ... getting more and more arrogant!" The shadow and mountain didn't feel somewhat, but the heart had to admit that the progress of the night-long's progress made him very surprised.

"I will accelerate it immediately!" The shadow and mountains have a stomach fire, and the power in the hand is strengthened.

!! ... In the first moment, the sound of volleyball and arms hit the rhythm suddenly.

The mountains began to shoot the ball in different directions while speeding up.

At this time, the night-catching wind began to slide, the ball shoes and the floor MO rubbing sound, so that the night Changyu is still going to the basketball court.

"Hey, this kid is also a model!" After ten minutes, the bald mana also rushed to the ball, watching the night-catching wind that constantly brought the ball on the field, flashing a surprised.

"After I arrived, they have been insisted for ten minutes." Sugar filial piety is earlier than the field.

"So exaggerated? Haven't broken it?" Tanzhong was surprised.

"Well! The reaction of the long wind is far exceeded the level of general high school students." Sugar's filial piety is calm, the heart is the hurt, he still can't believe it, night long wind is in contact with the volleyball for a few days Guy.

"Yingshan, faster! You are too slow!" Night wind did not pay attention to Naudo and Tianzhong, he was already in the state of forgetting me.

In this state, the faster in the night is the fastest, and he even feels that you can control every muscle on your body, the body's senses also reach the extreme level.

"Breast ..." Call ... "And at this time, the movement in the hand hills is getting slower, his consumption is actually bigger than night, because he wants to take the ball in the ball, although not to move and jump However, the rhythm of the night-catching ball is too fast, and he has to take the ball.

This is equivalent to a short sprint, the body can't absorb enough oxygen, the shadow and mountains are already panting, the body pressure is getting bigger and bigger, and the movements are getting slower.

Until the final sound, the shadow and mountain lost perception in a moment, actually took the air.

The ball is straight in front of the shadow mountain, and the rhythm of the night, the rhythm is interrupted, and everyone in the venue is a glimpse.

"Yingshan, you are fine?" Sugawa's filial piety came back to God, and asked some worried.

At this time, I went back to the gods and mountains, my face was completely black.

"This little child is really strong!" The night cost stopped straight into the body, eventing the lower limbs, the training intensity of the current is indeed too big.

Night wind did not continue to stimulate the shadow mountain. He now doing basic practice is busy with four feet. It is not too good at all.

"Saigan predecessors, I have a few questions to ask you!" The night grew to the front of Naji Xiaoyi.

"Oh!" Naoto Xiaodiao took a little bit.

Night live winds are also unbelievable, starting with Sugar's filial piety.

Although many books on volleyball training, the night grows still thinks with the solid players to explore, how can they quickly improve the basic pace on the volleyball court.

The book on the book is always dead, only the experience on the court is alive.

The morning exercises are always very fast. One go to 7:00, the night long and shadow mountains have had to flash people, after all, they are not the party of the volleyball, only to continue to practice on the playground.

"This little child is dark all day, and a few million, it is really a mouthful!" The night long can't hurt the shadow of the shadow of the black face.

And after the night length and shadow were left, Zen Village came to the gymnasium, and two teenagers were still standing behind him.

"Nahara, Tana, you are coming so early!" Ze Village swept a horn filial piety and field, and the two were yawning.

"Captain, you are coming!" Tanzhong smiled, and then noticed the two people behind Ze Village, "these two?"

"I will introduce you, they are the first-year ministers of newly joined." Ze Village pointed out two people.

"Please give me a lot of advice!" The two stepped together and loudly.

011 chapter, the first grade opponent (seeking a self-defined)

Wushu high school playground periphery. ? Miscellaneous?

After leaving the gymnasium, the night lengthy wind and the mountains ran to continue to practice, and the day also participated in the training.

After all, it is necessary to form a three-person team, and the tacit values ​​of the three people can almost ignore, and they need to be strengthened.

However, there is no sphere here, and the three can only do some simple exercises.

"Feed the king, you also send me a ball, let me deduct it, I will find it!" After practicing the ball, the day is not honest.

"Cut!" The shadow and mountains heard the title of the king, immediately met his head, his face was black.

"What's going on, the long wind, I call him the king, he will be angry, just a foreign number, what is the relationship!" Day to see the shadow, the mountain is angry, and call the night.

Snapped! When the night is on the head, the mouth is in a slight radians, "You don't want to call him the outer number again, I don't want to look at the guy in the sky."

"And! It's going to play, before this, we have to strengthen the ability to pick up the ability, your kid doesn't want to tend to tend up." Night wind rolled up the volleyball in his hand. Turn on the moment, "watch the ball!"

Night long wind suddenly used ten fingers to the day behind the day, after a week of hell-like practice, on the technology, the night growth has great progress, the volleyball is rotated, and the sun is flying to the day.

"Good! I will not lose to you!" The day, the volleyball that came to roll up has been flying to himself, and immediately prepared to jump into the ball.

Snapped! However, at this time, the day suddenly extended a hand, steadily grasping the volleyball in the air.

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