The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2314 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Hey, are you really practicing outside?" The two movements appeared after the day.

"Oh?" The night is free to sweep away.

A teenager with a brown-haired hair, the body is nearly one meter, it looks hard, it is very suitable for volleyball, followed by a pair of teenagers, full of freckles, obviously in adolescence, look very Ordinary look.

"Wow, it is better than the long wind!" The day is also a look back, it is scared by the height of the high teenager.

"You are the first day of the first day, the first grade newboy is there?" The high teenager smiled overlooking the day, and the hand did not stop playing with volleyball.

"Bastard! Take me!" The day suddenly jumped, and I want to grab the volleyball back.

However, the high teenager responds very quickly, and the right hand puts the volleyball high, and did not let the day to grab it back.

"Time is not early, primary school students should go home!" The high teenager looked scorn the jumping day.

"Primary School ..." Japan to the forehead green gluten.

"Hey!" Just laughed out of the night, the night length of the night.

Whether it is a height or a long phase, the day is indeed like a primary school.

"Who are you!" The day, I asked with high juveniles.

"You are the other grade new students who Ze Village to join the volleyball team?" The night is suddenly opened.

"Well?" The high teenager saw the body and strong night, and his eyes were very high. "This guy is very high, and it looks very bad."

"Month, he is almost too high!" Standing in the high teenagers, the freckles were coming out, ran to the long-term wind, "How much is your height?"

"I haven't measured, about 186 centimeters!" The night is free to reply.

"It's so powerful! But it is a higher monthly, he has 188 centimeters!" Said the freckles male.

"Hey, what are you proud, Yamaguchi!" Moon Island is somewhat speechless, and then lock the eyes on the night.

"I listen to the minister said there is a door that has just learned the volleyball. Is it you? You should go to play football or play basketball. If you play volleyball, is it some waste?" The Jue Island deliberately provocation night long wind.

"There is still the last side of the guy. You are the shadow mountain of Beichuan Middle School. This elite will run to the wild, it is really unexpected!" The monthly moon is now open.

"Ha?" Yingshan was stared at the Moon Island immediately by the moon.

"The young man, arrogant, it needs strength." The night grew up and looked at the island.

The three high high-level, the poor mountain mouth and the day are completely ignored.

"Hey! We will defeat you tomorrow!" The day is unwilling to be lonely, and yelling in the island.

"Oh ... this is this." The island bowed to look at the day, and it was unfamed.

"For you, maybe tomorrow's game is very important, but we don't care here. But if you can't win, you should be very troubled!" Moon Island knead, he laughed with the night long wind and the mountains and mountains. " Need ... I put water? "

"Don't put water, follow you. But after tomorrow, you may say that you will cry, you want to leave!" The night's eyes look at the moon island.

"This guy!" Moon Island was taken by the night's strength, no matter whether it is arrogant, absolutely confident, this powerful suffocating momentum is that the moon island never looks on others. Arrived.

"Ah, a terrible look!" With the back of the mountain mouth after the moon island, he retired a big step, , almost fall.

"Oh, it's a community activity, why are you so serious ..." The reacted month, smiled two, turned around to cover your own embarrassment.

"Continue to practice, fast! Today's practice is still not enough!" Night lives no longer ignite the monthly and mountain mouth, greeted the day and shadow and mountains to continue to practice, and his guys don't have smartly.

"Cut", the moon is laughing, sweeping a three-person who once again practiced the sky, turned and left.

"Wait a minute, month! How can I go back so soon!" Yamou faithfully chased it.

"I hate the guy of the blood!" The jade island has joined his mouth, and the eyes flashed unknown.

Night night, the night, the day, and the three groups of the shadow mountains, they lived at home.

The next day, Saturday, Wusong High School Second Gymnasium.

Today, there are competitions, night long winds and more have come to the gym.

I went into the gardens in the gym, and when the night's wind saw the bald field, a blossoms were in the mouth.

"Well?" The night length turned to see the direction in the field, and it was printed into a black straight glasses.

A deep blue long hair shawl, exquisite facial faculty, smoking, and lovely playful nose, a pink glasses, there is a little bit of light makeup, there is a beautiful man who is not aware of the perception, and it is emitted up and down. The temperament of the iceberg beautiful outside the shares will refer to a thousand miles.

"It seems like ice doll wood village," "Night long-awaited was attracted by the glasses, and the caught in front of him reminded him to cross, and a Japanese actress, a Japanese actress, a Japanese actress.

Chapter 012, three pairs of three (seeking a self-defined)

"Changfeng, have a beautiful woman! Look, is the beauty ... Manager?" The day, I saw the glasses of my girl. ψ

"Your kid gives me a serious warm up!" The night grew in the day, the hard to turn over, and he was shameless to sweep away on the glasses.

"She should be the ice of the ice, the ice of the world, and it is very temperament." The night's greater wind can basically determine the people in front of the world.

"Take the long style, this guy also said, I still don't look at it." The day can't help my heart.

"Okay! The three-to-three entrance team will start, you are hot, they are less than one person, I will join the moon island." Ze Village greeted the night long.

"Ah, the captain, you also participate?" The day, the big voice retrans back to reality.

"Don't worry, I will not put water!" Ze Village smiled and looked at the night.

"Two odor boy, this time you must give you a little lesson." Ze Village is dark.

"Little elf, muscle man, which one is defeating first!"

"Ah, yes. I also want to see the king's shadow and mountain loss!" Moon Island made a small discussion, the sound is not small.

"Hey ... month, small point. They all hear!" Yamuo is anxious.

"Just to let them hear, they are more beneficial to us, and they are more favorable to us!" The island does not have the first big belly black.

"Moon Island, you are really smile!" Lianze Village couldn't help but vomit.

After listening to the moon island, I heard the moon island, and the body of the shadow is completely black.

The night-long wind is to do a variety of warm-up exercises on the side, which is the habit of his all-year-old movement.

Whether it is any game, the night growers will make your body hot before the game, which is not easy to be injured, and it is easy to play a good state.

"It's really noisy guy, let the jade island's kids to make your mouth!" The night's wind took off the coat and threw it on the side, "Let's get rid of them!"

"Amount ..." The shadow and mountains and the day are all, the momentum of the night is too weak, as if you are the volleyball superstar.

"This little child is really mad, don't be called for a long time, I'm crying for a long time!" The bald field is ready to watch the lively.

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