The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2316 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Changfeng! Nothing?" The day was immediately surrounded.

"Not good." Saiman also stood up and wanted to run into the stadium.

bass! However, at this time, the night cost is a squid to fight Ting, jumping directly, except for the forehead, there is no one thing.

After all, it is volleyball, elasticity or nice, if a baseball or tennis, this is not a brain shock.

"Is this kid been a monster? Isn't this a little?" Yue Island was shocked.

11! Due to the night long-term jump, Zencun team is a bit.

"Wow, I am laughing at me! Call this stinky boy out of the limelight, this is enough!" The picture of the laughter in the field in the field in the field.

"Basic skills are not to be perfect, and the night is shaking, he finds that he is too young to see the movement of volleyball.

Unlike basketball and football to emphasize the exercise of physical confrontation, the volleyball emphasizes more of the control of the body, and the feeling of the ball.

Vigorously jumping the ball is far more difficult than the night long weather.

"Lucky! Lucky! If the mistake can continue to serve, we should win it soon!" The island continued to provoke the night.

However, the night-long wind does not pay attention to the island, but he is not a day or shadow mountain, it will interfere with someone in the court to interfere with the emotions and state.

Unless the mere performance of the ruling level is made, the night grows will not put the merits in the heart.

"The careful quality is mature!" The arrogant is turned, ready to serve.

Snapped! The moon island is also a relatively conservative front, but because of the good relationship with the high and tee technology, his power is mostly in the mountain.

Moon Island quickly sent volleyball nets, after volleyball, fell in the direction of the night.

It is a good time to think that the basic cost of the night is very good.

! However, the night is still easy to pick up the serve of the moon island, although he can't receive a very accurate position, but for the night, it is not a problem.

After the volleyball is connected to the night length, the shadow hill looked up at the volleyball in his head. The position of Yu Guang swept the audience, the day and night wind and opposite block players were like being scanned into the brain of the shadow.

As a two-handed hand, the shadow is very talent, one of which is his vision, controlling the position of the stadium space and people.

This is talent, others are hard to imitate the reference.

"Daily!" The Yingshan believes that the success rate of night long-term winds is higher, but the night's long wind jumps and mistakes, and it needs to be calm, so the shadow and mountains have given the rear interpolated day.

"Trusted the ball! Oh!" The day is very excited to move to the front row.

"This kid is really fast!" Night-catching acceleration capacity is very appreciated.

This instant acceleration after this leg is not anyone, which is a kind of talent.

The shadow has talent, and there is also his own talent, and there is a stronger plasticity in the day.

Chapter 014, the light in front of you (seeking the self-defined)

"This is the first ball of high school volleyball career!" The day has jumped from high height, and he has to say that the height of the day can jump to such a height is quite amazing. ∧ π π π π ∧ ∧

"This ball is under!" The day lifted his right hand and took it vigorously.

Dang! However, just opposite the sphere, the high wall erected in the island is ruthless to stop the ball.

Block directly score!

twenty one! The Zecun team has overtakes a score.

"How can this be ..." After the day, he wanted to look at the month in front of the island.

"Oh, you are really high, if you are 30 centimeters, can you become a star!" The Jue Island continued to ridicule.

"Can be evil! Go again!" The day is really active.

Dang! The shadow and mountains have passed a ball to the day, and the day to the deduction is stopped by the month, and the net score is directly stopped.


"Ah ... this is the first a few goals, let the long wind guit is to deduct, I have to be divided." The moon island poisonous tongue is everywhere.

"Well, the strength of the island is good, it is much better than I imagined." The night is swept away from the Moon Island.

The technical and capabilities of all aspects of the island are above the ordinary high school students, plus a good height, and indeed growing up a chance to grow as a star-level officer.

"What's wrong? You don't say that I want to cry and quit the volleyball, we can lead now." The moon island looked at night long.

Although on the surface, the month is very relaxed. In fact, his inner heart attaches great importance to the night's wind, and even he is not aware of himself. He is a bit too serious.

"Collapse your set, the array is not used by me." The night long-faced face has no expression, these two balls he wants to look at the state today.

Obviously, the day has not found the feeling of duckling. After all, in the Sino-Times, the day will not find a teammate that can practice at all.

"One more!" Continuous score of the body is not excited by the autonomy, which allows the moon token directly trying to dance.

It is not very jumped, but the ordinary jump of the pursuing false.

! However, the island has turned into a game, and the initiative to give the opponent.

twenty three! Both parties have mistakes, and the ball has returned to the night long wind.

"Do you have any activity?" The jade island smashed his hand.

"It seems to be a bit different today!" Some of the hills of the city of Moon Island have some doubts, always feel that today's month and usual differences.

"Yingshan! This is played!" The night-catching wind rolled to the foot of the feet, and threw it to the shadow.

"Ah! Killing people!" The day is called.

Snapped! Snapped! The shadow is coming to the servant, and the right hand is tapping a few volleyball.

"Even if I can score it!" The shadow is thrown, followed by start, jump, exhibition arm, shoot the ball.

Vigorously dance!

The movement of the shadow and mountains is a lot of exercises, and it is experiencing countless exercises. His action is very standard.

boom! Volleyball in the shadow and mountains is also like the shells.

"Sure enough, is there a problem with my efforts?" Under the super dynamic vision of the night, all the movements of the shadow and mountains were seen by him.

The hopping ball of the shadow and mountain is more simple, and the force is also faster, so that the night long wind feels more beneficial, and there is a mold that greatly dances the standard posture in the threshold.

"Score!" Yingshan is also very satisfied with his own serve.

bass! However, opposite the ball is opposite, the Minister of Village, the Uenhthral Volleyball, is moving laterally.

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