The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2317 of the Chapter 2317 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

Quick slide! One of the most common steps in volleyball movements.

! Ze Village is extremely rapid, and it is easy to play a great jump in the shadow and mountains.

"Well?" The shadow of the mountains widened his eyes, and Ze Village's emergence capacity made him a bit surprised.

"Yamaguchi!" Moon Island welcomed volleyball picked up by Zencun, directly to the mountain.

The Yamaguchi will make a whole force, then a single-hand deduction.

The ball is unhappy, but volleyball is still draped from the reaction of some slow shadow mountains, high-speed flies to the neutral.

bass! At this time, the night long wind is sliding into the neutral position.

"Do you have to be fast than the predecessors in Zize Village?" The fields outside the field have grown their eyes.

Sliding to the night long wind is not strange, there are many slimming motions in basketball, on the horizontal sloping speed, the night is absolutely above Zencun.

However, all this is nothing to have!

A sound, the night-long wind wants to pick the volleyball to the top of the shadow, but the power is too large, directly hit the net, and set the network.

42! Ze Village still maintains two points.

"Damn!" The night was frowned. "Sure enough, the championship of the ball is still very high."

"It is evil! This ball is my mistake." The shadow is biting his teeth.

"Kids, I admit that you are all talented. But you think you can get a bit, even if you don't have a prominent talent, I will practice two years more than you, don't think so easy, you can knock me!" Ze Village is seriously sweeping over the night and other three people.

"Is it? Seniors, you seem to be confident!" The night's mouth raised the arc. If the start is invincible, then it is not meaningless.

What he enjoys is on the racquet, and the process of gradually grows.

"Shadow Mountain, give me the ball!" The night is rushing in the shadow mountain.

"I know. Don't ordered me." Yingshan is still a expression that owes him money.

On the field, Zecun's serve!

The servant of this subcun is lifted by the day of the back row, although the quality of the ball is not high, but after all, it is still connected.

"Ball!" At this time, the night-lived wind began to move, and several steps, the limit accelerated to the front right side of the net.

"In the right!" The Moon Island immediately moved with the night length, the opposite tactics was too obvious, and the monthly is still angry, and the ball of the night should be intercepted.

"You are upright!" When you move in the moon island.

When the night is long, the right foot is suddenly pulled, and one hundred and eighty-degree changes, moving to the left.

Such a sudden change to the night growing is like a home, it is very easy, after changing, the speed does not fall.

"Ox!" The month is like to keep up with night, but his feet will not listen to the call. In such high-speed movements, it is not easy to stop, let alone become extreme change.

"As long as I am, you can take the ball you want to do, don't doubt yourself!" Night wind shadow flashed, in the eyes of everyone in the volleyball.

The blink of an eye came to the left side from the right side of the ball, stepped on.

"Go!" The golden light in the eyes of the shadow, and his body cells were very happy in a moment.

In the Times, he has always been looking for a teammate that can cooperate.

But his level is too much higher than that of other teammates, plus it will not change, so the shadow mountain will be isolated, and finally, it is called the lonely king.

Nowadays, the shadow has seen a light and saw the door to open a new realm.

bass! Volleyball is fully compiled by the shadow, this time is a complete effort to force, the volleyball high speed rotation, accurately flying to the front of the night!

Chapter 015, single iron wall (seeking for a self-defined)

"Awesome! One instant follows the rhythm, reaction, consciousness, and power resistance of Changfeng Jun, which is the true ability of the genius second-handed shadow and mountains? This is what I don't have. Can you! "Sugang filial piety was sigh.

As the current main force of the Wuye High School, he felt great pressure. ≧ ≧ ≮ ≮ ≮ ≧ ≧

"That kid's violent bowl is coming!" The ball network opposite the village of the earth, the eyes were completely locked in the night length, and the Village has decided to pick up all my best.

As long as you pick up it, then prove that the murder of the night's violent deduction can be attached, which is great to improve the team's self-confidence, which is experienced old.

! At this moment, the night length is flying in the air, and the whole person's body is laterally gliding in the air, such body control and lagging ability are general volleyballs do not have.

"Eating me!" The night's cold shouted, and the right hand suddenly came backwards. The volleyball with strong rhenever was just paused at this moment.

However, the next instant, the people of the whole ball stay, everyone thinks that the night grows, but the night is only the same, and it is actually gently.

Snapped! After the volleyball rolled over, suddenly falling, like a kite that broke the line.

34! The night-catching movements have deceived everyone, including experienced Ze Village, the drop in the volleyball network is perfect.

"The feeling of the hand is still!" The night was soar, and the right hand was lifted.

So far, the two technologies in the vague ball, the two technologies are still in the stage, but this action is to the point of the ball, and the night growth is very familiar with the basketball court. He can easily Put the basketball playing basketball in the basket.

On the volleyball range, the night long wind can almost touch the volleyball point to the position he wants.

In the three-to-three volleyball match, the space on the racquet will be very large, and the power of the penalty network will be greatly improved.

"Genius! Changfeng Jun and Fei Jun are both genius! The combination of these two people is too amazing!" Say is aware of the fist in the field.

"The body is controlled in the air, and there is a point of touch. Is this guy really playing a few days of volleyball guy?" The shadow is once again shocked by the night.

"It's good! Yingshan!" The night grew yelled and took the back of the shadow mountain.

"Very painful ..." The shadow mountain is speechless, but he is not aware that his inner heart has begun to agree with the night.

"Senior, don't forget to use this play!" The night length turned to look at some of his hair, and his right finger refers to his head, and his mouth is slightly tight.

"The stinky boy wants to say to play with your brain!" Ze Village was mad.

"It's really annoying." Moon Island is even unhappy.

This is the case on the court, the strength is not good, you are still useless.

For players with strong willpower, you can only conquer them with rolling strength.

"The day is going to serve, pay attention to the net." The night long wind throws the volleyball to the day, then standing before the ball, the body is slight, "Now we have to start speeding up the rhythm."

The second gymnasium in Wuye High School, the game continues.

On the day, I have sent the ball on a front. The ball has passed the ball, and the speed of the ball is slow and positive, and there is no threat.

"Opportunity Ball! Moon Island!" Ze Village was played by the captain, but he smashed a belly. He simply quickly picked the first drop, and the volleyball was taken to the top of the metro.

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