The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2322 of the Chapter 2322 of the Prince of Tennis

"Is this not the guy that magnifies the big words? Block him!" Jintian first three people jumped at the same time, and three high high-tops have made a high wall.

Have to say, it is still very important in the volleyball project, the three major highly composed of the three major highs of the Qingfei City, it looks very powerful.

However, this is nothing to use!

When Jintian found himself, he had already jumped to the vertices. When the body started, the night long's body was still constantly climbing.

"What! This is how high it is jumping!" Jintian is still stupid.

"First of the first thing!" Disdainfully glanced over the people in front of him, and the wind and right movement suddenly showed.

Then, it is from top to bottom, a large angle of violence!

The ribbon, the volleyball in the night, from the golden field, the thunder, and the Songchuan feet of the back row fried.

10! The night long is brooding, first takes a point, the opposite youth, the West, etc., is completely ignorant.

"Oh! Dry!" The night long-lasting wind of the blood in the world and steadily landing.

"Pretty! Beautiful!" Ze Village is also loose, and the night is more than he imagined.

"Wow, do you see the bulls just now?"

"Who is that person, jump too high, is our Qingfei City West, why haven't I seen it?" Night Changfeng This Thunder's thunder killed the third gymnasium is being trained. Come over and watch the lively.

"Damn, is it too early to be too early, time is poor?" Jin Tian, ​​who came back, angry, smashed his eyes.

020 chapter, hit the pause (seeking a self-defined)

"Oh, oh ... just the Changfeng Jun?" The exterior high school volleyball department of Wuhin High School Volleyball, Tudian, was also shocked, this is his first time to watch the night. ""

"Oh, the guy of Changfeng is playing handsome!" The moon is small, but he had to admit that no matter who seeing the elderly and strength of the night, it will be shocked.

However, the momentum of Wuye high school has not continued for too long, the second ball, and the day has been directly incomplete, and the ball is hit together.

11! The mistakes in the West are easily got in the day.

"This idiot!" The shadow and mountains were thoroughly speechless.

"Don't care, don't care!" Ze Village comforted the day.

"Continue offense!" And the day is different, a goal, the night grows is to do full, at this time, the night is like a captain.

"Pay attention to the top one!" After the first violent buckle, the attention of all people in the Qingfei City is completely attracted by the night.

On the randie, the heavy guns have always been eye-catching, and the dumbficks just just now are not only heavy.

However, when Ze Village easily attaches the opposite servant, the volleyball will be paid to the top of the shadow and mountains, and the talent of this Ball and Mountain will show it.

The night-hearted wind jumped on the right side of the court, attracted all the attention of all the blocks of the Qingfei City.

The shadow mountain did not take the ball to the night, but put the ball to the other side of the blood male field.

"Oh! Eat me!" Tanzhong completely jumped, then it is full of deducting!

! Volleyball hitting on the empty space of the Qingfei City West.

"Goodball!" All people in Wuye shouted, although there was no power in the field, but the momentum was not behind.

"The death, being cheated! It is a bait!" Jin Tianyi is very uncomfortable to look at the shadow mountain, and the hateful feeling in the country is controlled again.

"Awesome! Wushu high school attack power is very strong!" The staff of many young Yexi Volunteles in the field were discussing.

On the court, both players came to me.

Wushu High School appeared in the field, the night-catching and field in the front row, in the front row, the tacit understanding, plus the scheduling of the shadow and mountains, and the Ueni High School smashed the current appearance of the current appearance.

But in the defensive end, the mistakes in the Uen High School are too much. The light is the day to lose the seven or eight points, and the night long wind jumps and the borders are also mistaken.

Wushu High School relies on the buckle score, and the two teams have rely on the opponent's error score, and the score of the two teams increase.

Until the night, the wind is used to get a thunder's deduction ball, 16-14, Wusong High School leads 2 points, this 16, more than half of the night is very windy.

As long as the night long wind buckle balls are in the boundary, the players in the Qingfei City will not get up at all.

This is still a night-catching, not a key score, and the night is not wanting to expose too much strength.

! As the shadow and mountains have a direct score, just 17 to 14, the Acacia City West Coach has been suspended.

"Wow! Is it so strong in Wuye High School?"

"The one is simply heavy weapon, can't stop!"

"We will not lose it, we are the top four in the county!" The people of the Volleyball in the Qingcheng high school were turned.

Wushu High School Rest Area.

The day is still a nervous look now, and walks together.

"Hey, I said the day, you are nervous! Do we not lead?" Night loudly smiled and took the next to the back.

"Hey, your kid is not really thinking about what we have to look forward to you!" Tanzhong is not suitable for the clock.

"Yeah, every player players are stronger than me, I will do it yourself. Don't think about those who are chaos!" I heard the field, the day is calm down.

"Haha, this exercise tour, we won!" The nerve strip day laughed, and instantly converted the state.

"Is there any switch on this guy?" Moon Island couldn't help.

"Oh, month, you can go to the game ..." Yamaguang is still a complant.

"Hey ... I said the Yamaguchi, don't put out the pair of expressions, it is very disgusting!" The month is completely speechless.

Anti-Giry City West High School Rest Area.

"Hey, Jin Tianyi, the shadow and mountains are different from you. And don't seem to be a master!"

"I don't know what is going on, how can I have a guy who can cooperate with the guy! I can only say that I have some monsters!" Jintian, full of sweat, has not returned to God.

It is usually the main force to break up, he still didn't take it today!

"You can't do this like this." The Qingfei City West coach entered the hands of the hand, and the eyes swept through the people of Qingcheng.

"Coach, the other's offensive points are too much." Songchuan couldn't help complain.

"I know. The opposite side should be called the night-winding. The strange name." The coach took the information in his hand. "As far as I observe, his physical quality is absolutely not under the Biu Island of Bai Bird. , But his movements are somewhat strange, maybe it is a volleyball beginner! "

"What! The top three in the country! Beginners don't find the north, this is possible?" Jintian did not believe in the face.

In the Japanese volleyball circle for decades, the eye is quite powerful.

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