The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2323 of Wangzhao System, Prince of Tennis

"This is not the focus, the focus is that the Wushan Mountain in Wuye has a good dispatch, and he is a two-handed personal ability is also a number of counties. This Wyen High School is still not enough, but attack The force is already the beginning of being achieved! "The coach was slowly analyzed.

"Coach, how do you say, are we not derived?" Songchuan is very uncomfortable, in his opinion, the Wushu high school has long been not falling, it is impossible to compete with the top four in the county.

"Oh, don't I say it? They are not enough, and there is obvious weakness!" In the eyes of the coaches, "the short one is five!"

"After you go to the game, the main attack No. 5, while stopping the attack opposite the second bald head as much as possible! Finally, it is as good as possible!" The team lacks the core, what is not in the coach Complex tactics just make it play as much as possible.

"Go! Take out the top four in the county, let the Wusong high school look at your true strength!" The coach waved.

"Yes, the coach!"

The pause time ended, and the two players returned to the field again.

"How to come to Wuye, I have gone to Wushu, I have greeted our school before, but he didn't come to our school. Now I suddenly take a night, I really regret! If they come Our words of Qingcheng ... "The coach of the entrance to see the wilderness of the field, not from sigh.

021 chapter, win the first place (seeking a self-defined)

Snapped! After the race restented, the buckle of the first ball of youth was launched by the field of the back row. At this time, the night long wind has been rotated to the back row, and the moon island is replaced to the front row. Α α √ α

Qingcheng High School Jintian Jintianyi people think that the opportunity is coming, and the high walls of the three people have erected.

However, the biography of the shadow mountain is very in place, and the island is easy to escape the blockbuster of Qingcheng, the buckle score.

18 to 14!

With the exquisite Towers of the shadow and mountains, the tall and high-strength moon island has become powerful.

"Month! Being well!" Yuele Island Yama is shouting.

"Goodball! Continue to keep!" Nightly shot the back of the island.

"Changfeng this guy really takes himself as a captain." The month is a little helpless, and he also didn't have a way at night.

"Your tumer is too precise, it is really annoying!" The Jue Island did not forget to have a poisonous tongue.

"Ah?" The shadow mountain is about to die, "Do you want me to just aim at your glasses?"

"It will be sent to the fines!" The two were quarreled.

Snapped! Snapped! At this time, Zecun boss took the shoulder of the two people.

"I said that you can do it, now it is still in the game!" Ze Village has a bit helpless, and the strength of Wuye has indeed improved a lot, but the team is all problematic.

After the arrival of the island, the day is also rounded to the front row.

After the front row, the day has played his bounce advantage, starting with the moon islands and shadow mountains, and the effect is very good.

In the back row, although the ball is not strong, the other party can't let the ball can't let the ball, the night, the night, the ultra-fast reaction can always connect the ball, plus the Ze next to it. The remedy of the village.

The defensive defensive in Wuye suddenly suddenly, and the offense did not decline because the night length wind turbine was replaced.

!! The mereal island to start frequently, and even the day is also started using the fast breakball to achieve the score.

24 to 15!

Wuye High School a wave of 6-1, directly got the first part of the exercise competition.

"Dry, day, month!" Ze Village applauded, so that all people in Wuye gathered together into a circle celebration.

In the first place, the Wushu High School team finally has a point of the team, and the error rate is greatly reduced.

"Can be evil! How to get better in Wuye, the higher strength of the other party is not bad!" After the players in Qingcheng high school, there was no results, but more and more impatient.

"Wow! It's so fast, I was bony, is we output?" The scene is a shot of the people.

"Well ... Hey!" Qingcheng high school entrance coach took the chin, eyebrows, "Two deputy attackants, the night, the moon, the bouncing and the height are good, the captain Ze Village is playing, there is The wind of the general, there is also a personal ability to superpen, plus the big bald man! "

"Is this still the unusual ukus? This should be a dangerous team in a speed of growth!" In the coach, the forehead took fine sweat.

Bang! On the field, as the night length wind is a flying ball, it is a burst of explosion, and a thorns.

25 to 15! The Wushu High School won the first game of the practice competition with a great advantage.

Among them, the night long winds have won the highest score of the entire team, and a pair of kings.

"Nice!" Ze Village and night lengthy wind, a clear water jaws that have no expression outside the field have also changed the change.

"Ah seems to have no effort!"

"I really can't believe that we lose a game so soon!" The scene outside the field began to scream.

"Be evil!" Jin Tianyi, Qingtian, Qingtian, etc., Qingcheng, is a frowned, and a game is better than usual.

"Changfeng, your state is very good!" When the night is back to the replacement, Nangui filial piety is handed to the energy drink.

"Thank you, my predecessors!" Night floors, "This Qingcheng High School is really four in the county? How is it so weak?"

"Indeed, it seems that they have not played strength!" Ze Village also had some doubts.

"You can't fall to lightly!" The shadow suddenly opened.

"Oh?" What did you find on the shadow? " .

"Probably this, the other two hands are not the truth of the two hands, but the substitute ..." The shadow mountain voice did not fall.

I suddenly came out of the stadium, "Ah, the first game actually lost so miserable?"

Qingcheng High School's entry coach immediately turned back, a tall man appeared behind him.

"Oh, you are back, how is your feet?" Entering the coach.

"Very perfect! It is already an ordinary practice, just slightly injured!" Come and smiled.

"And Sichuan predecessors! You are finally here!"

"And Sichuan predecessors! I love you!" The second floor of the gym suddenly sounded the girl's universal response.

"Is this?" Yingshan felt a little familiar and suddenly turned back.

"What happened?" Zhongzhong high school is more than a face.

Tian Zhonghe Daily Two guys immediately raised his ear, "It seems to be a girl's voice!"

"Who is the guy, the opposite of the trump, you can't get the fox of the fire in Fengchuan Maple!" The night's eyes swept over.

It is quite a big brunette teenager, height and night length, appearance is handsome, the head is a head shape of the fairy on the head, but it is very suitable.

This person is the current minister of Qingcheng High School Volleyball, the two leaders and Chuan Chi, and the popular guys are very popular.

"It's really, be careful, it's really worried!" The coming coach expression relaxed, and the mouth is not still qi.

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