The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2324 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Sorry, the coach." And Sichuan touched the back of the back.

"We are doing can't start by the other party!" "The coach is coming to the coach."

"Ah, is it?" And Chuan only smirked.

"Pre-Sichuan predecessors, please don't force!" The unique sisters on the second floor should ring.

"Well!" And Sichuan smiled and nodded.

"This guy is really uncomfortable!" "Night wind and the tacit understanding of the fields.

The shadow is at this time, but it is a big enemy. "He is a two-handed two tricks, and I think his abilities are top levels in the county."

"Oh? The shadow mountain is the evaluation of him so high?" Say and others were shocked.

"There is also a very bad personality! Maybe it is bad than the Moon Island!" Yingshan still did not forget to add one sentence.

"You say this, I am more and more expected to him!" The night's mouth is slightly tight, "Are you very familiar with him?" Yingshan. "

"He is the predecessor in my country!" The Yingshan cold voice, "My serve is also learned from him."

"Oh? So, his vigorous dance is worth looking forward to!" The night is relative and the more interested in Sichuan.

022 chapter, and Chuan Chi (seeking a self-defined)

"Hello, Xiaoyiong, I haven't seen you for a long time, you grow up!" And Chuan actually ran over to the shadow mountain at this time. ξ ξ

"Oh, and Sichuan Church." The shadow hit a greeting and turned away.

"Ha? Is still so shy!" And Sichuan somewhat smile.

At this time, the entrance coach in Qingcheng High School stood up, rushed to Sichuan, "Hello, and the Sichuan quickly warmed up, and still worry about it!"

"Yes, coaches!" And Chuan hippie smile, start warm up on the court.

After five minutes, the second game of the practice competition in Wuye High School and Qingcheng High School, the two team players returned to the field.

The Qingcheng High School has not been replaced with Chuan Chuan, and the Wushu High School is also the lineup.

"He is special to see the predecessors in Chuan, how can he still don't play?"

"Stupid! It is not good to be hurt, the seniors have not been warm!"

"Hey - that can't be ok!" The female fan of the Chuan is discussed.

"Oh? Not yet, then play your best ..." The night grew in the eyes of the hot enthusiasm.

"Shadow Mountain, give me all the ball!" Night wind and feet stepped, ready to fire.

!! After the opening, I really cut the big kill, the continuous heavy guns were buckled.

"Damn, the guy jumped too high, the blockbuster was homible to him!"

"I can't get up, the guy of the guy is like a boulder, too heavy!" All people in the Qingcheng high school were continuously scored, and the momentum was still declining.

"Good momentum, Wuye can't stop!"

"The No. 1 in Wuye is very good, it is very handsome!" And the Female Fantasy of the Chuanyu fairy.

When the night's wind is open, I will take it very much, and I have a 10-2 -+ high school in Qingcheng!

"Oh?" And Sichuan is warm and warm, and it is very dangerous when he is at night. "That No. 1 seems to be dangerous, is it a heavy gun player like Niu Island?"

"Be evil! Don't be too proud!" Qingcheng High School is not completely no counterattack. After all, it is a team of four in the county. After the night length is replaced to the back row, the Qingcheng high school begins to counterattack.

Jintianyi uses the height of the height and frequently, and the night-lived wind has begun to come out of the championship.

"Sure enough, it is difficult to catch a lot than the button, but it is not a guy who is in the mountain mouth and Ze Village." Night long wind energy feels that the Qingcheng high school is indeed powerful.

The reason why they were plagued by the Wushu high school, on the one hand, the strong wind, on the other hand, the current second hand is completely suppressed by the shadow and mountain, and did not move the team.

22 to 15! After a lot of scores in the Qingcheng high school, the two teams began to rise alternately.

The players in Qingcheng high school began to frequently attack the day, and there was a lot of mistakes under heavy pressure, but it was not so nervous, and some balls can be picked up.

As long as the Wushu high school can connect the ball of Qingcheng high school, then the Qingcheng high school can't stop the violent deduction of the night.

16 to 22! With the bowl of the flower roll, the Qingcheng high school is not easy to take one point.

"Good ball! Currency!"

"Don't care, only three points can win the game!" Qingcheng high school scored, and the situation was still firmly mastered by Wushu High School.

"Ah, the situation is not wonderful, coach!" And Sichuan quietly went to the back of the coach.

"How is your warm-up?" It is also anxious.

"Very perfect!" And Sichuan smiled and put the OK's posture.

"Okay, let's go!" I nodded.

On the field, the referee suspended competition, No. 13 and Sichuan replaced the country to see the country.

"I finally came up!" The night is very good, "see how much strength do you have!"

"Go to death! Quality male!" Field is rushing and in Sichuan.

"Come here ..." I saw that the expression of Huashan, the expression of the shadow and mountains changed.

At this time and Sichuan held the volleyball standing in the servant, he got up.

"Even if the attack power is so strong!" And Chuan is very equipped with the moon islands, "If you can't connect the ball to the attack point, it is meaningless!"

"What is he doing, what is it to do in the island?" Older Naoto had some doubts.

bass! At this time, the football was throwing the football left hand.

"Oh" The 3rd gymnasium sounded a support for jumping balls.

Among the huge momentum, and the whole person crossed the whole one after two steps, the body was flying in the air, and the right hand vigorously filling.

"Sure enough, the serve of the shadow is a movement!" Night long super dynamic vision can not completely capture the serve of Sichuan, can only see the trajectory of rapidly flying through the ball, high speed rotating volleyball.

"Moon Island!" When the night is growing, he already knows and the meaning of Sichuan's gesture, he wants to send the ball to the moon island.

"Hey!" The island looked at the speed of speeding, and the lower hand of the next consciousness went to pick up.

Dang! However, volleyball hit his wrist in an instant that was not clamped in the mensimmer arm, and then he was high to stand on the second floor.

17 to 22! And Chuan vigorously jumped directly to score!

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