The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2331 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"The kid running and the ball are very rough, but the momentum is really strong!" The joy of the wear is also the heart of the night, and the heart is shocked.

"Good save!" The first reaction came to the back of the West Valley.

"Well!" The West is nodded. It is dead to lock in the opposite night. "The kid actually reflects it better than me!"

It is very clear that the siki that can cross the stross saving action is clear. It is necessary to show that there is a high quality of the nerve reflection that needs to be exhibited.

At the first grade, the West is unable to make such a save action. After a year of special training, the West Valley can complete a variety of stunning stunts.

However, the night-length wind is clearly guys who have just contacted the volleyball, and did not lose their own with his high flexibility, this is the most incredible thing in the West.

"Changfeng Jun and West Valley are all very powerful. If Changfeng can practice more exercises, you will be able to pick up the ball!" Wu Tian consultant two eyes.

"Ha? What are you talking about, the kind of ball can not pick up every time, it is not a time to get it!"


"During the high-speed competition, the volleyball flew to the unknown drop, the ball was standing for two or three meters away, and the success rate of this ball was very low!" Urnipers will explain.

"It turned out to be. But it is still very powerful ..." Wutian consultant is still two eye light.

On the field, the game continues.

Wushu High School, finally started to have a hair loss, the day and the moon island and the night-catching three people have improved, but after all, it is necessary for a long time to practice technology, three people will still appear frequently frequently. The champion of the ball.

However, once the Wushu High School connects the ball, it is completely unable to stop the killing of the night long.

There will be a high height of the tall, and it is directly louder, unless the night costs go out of the world or deactivate the ball, and the other is the night, the other is the night, the other is directly to the ball score.

And with the process of the game, the night long-term wind is getting hotter and hot, the ball is getting more and more serious, gradually, and even the siki will start the ball.

! On the field, the night lengthy wind is a strong deduction of the exhibition arm, and the volleyball instantly turns into the bottom corner of the opposite course.

Dang! The free man is flying fish and save the ball, but it will finally fly the ball.

2015! Wuye High School leads 5 points!

Once this power is buckled, it is impossible to pick up each even in the West.

However, although there is a absolute advantage in the Sae High School, the situation is not as large as the last and Qingcheng High School exercise competition.

In addition to our own active mistakes in Wuye High School, the experience of the city's inner rules in the field also allowed them to have a lot of scores.

For example, the fake movement of Island is often unexpected, and there is a dragon's button, deliberately playing on the arm of the night, the two people of the moon island, and the manufacturing block is out of bound.

This is the place where the volleyball movements and other two big balls are different, even if the talent gap is obvious, there is also a fight, a field, a ball is likely to reverse the situation.

"Well ... this group of guys beyond my imagination, especially that No. 1, it is simply a monster." Unconsciously, Wuhao has completely put the attention on the night.

On the course, in terms of technology and comprehensive strength, the shadow and mountains are impeccable.

But when a real game, the presence of the night-catching wind will be very strong, it seems to be everywhere.

Some low-level mistakes are temporarily not to talk, and the nights of the attack and defense are almost completely compressed experienced.

"It's evil, this kid is too tall!" Just at this time, flying on the sky in the air again, one single pair of single-pace of single-person iron walls that face the night long wind.

No matter how many times have experience, the dragon will be plumed by this shadow of this shadow of the day.

! Any time, dragon is bucking toward the right side of the night long arm, I hope to play the ball to the nightly wind arm, then pop out of the world.

"Seniors, the same trick repeatedly, it will be invalid." Flying in the air, the right hand, right-handed, lightning, right.

Dang! The dragon's button was stopped directly, just like a meal, volleyball fell in the foot of the dragon.

This blocking score, even in the West, it can't be received, and his believer is not overline.

24 to 21! The first game was quickly played, and the Wushu High School has achieved a bureau.

"Calling" This time, there will be a lot of people to be panting. Although they usually play, they have graduated, and they have graduated, their own learning and work, it is impossible to practice every day as high school, physical reserves are seriously declined. .

"Really, this kid is really a high school student? Still a year, I can't believe it." Sen considers the sweat dripped by the forehead. The eyes swept through the opposite ball.

"Not only is the little child, this group of high school students have two brushes, the two lectures of the facial paralysis have not lost their mistakes now!" Island Tian pushed the eyes on the nose.

"Really, island, Xiaosen! Don't be looked at high school students. We should take out the truth!" Dragon's game was very depressed, and there was no button in the current position. It has been divided by the opponent's blocking error.

"Hey, the long wind, you serve!" The day threw the ball to the night.

"Oh, ok!" The night grew fashion grabbed the roughness of the day, slowly walked to the servant.

"Go to the bureau!" The night grewer with the volleyball in his hand, and his eyes locked the south of the opposite ball.

"Well, it feels good." The night has a shot of the volleyball with the left hand, and the whole body is relaxed. Then it is tight, and the whole person suddenly started.

"Come!" Xi Vali saw the movement of the night, he knew that night long-lived winds wanted to dance, he stepped open, knees, and immediately prepare it.

030 chapter, pitch the ball (seeking a self-defined)

At this time, the night-long winding is very rhythmic, and the whole person will jump, and the body is between the first instance, the body of the night is gliding in the air. It is very elegant, it is really flying. same. § § § §

And the volleyball that was thrown by the night, just throws up to the best position, just in front of the night.

"This kid is going to jump!" The farmer's ukura has been stupid.

Previous night, the long wind has not used greatly to dance, so this is the first time in the utmost to see the night, and this jump is scared to jump.

"Very good! It is this feeling!" The night-long wind in the air suddenly stopped his body, and the waist and abdomen suddenly put it, just like a bow of a bow.

Immediately passed the urgent force on the waist and abdomen to the backward right hand arm, which immediately slammed, heavy tapping on the volleyball.

The rumbling of the stadium, the volleyball high-speed flying in the night long-lived, almost in front of the West Valley.

"What!" The West Valley suddenly contracted in a flash of eyes, he didn't see the route of the volleyball flight, just felt a strong wind, blowing his horn high.

When you are, the sophilate has no reaction, but his subconsciousness and body muscle memory have reacted, the body is lightning, and a two-handed buffer wanted to push the bomb. Volleyball.

"Ah!" Xigu actually received a killing of the night, but the power came back from the volleyball, and the West Valley even losed his arms at a moment.

! Volleyball is high, and the border is popped up, and the heavy play is on the wall of the ball.

25 to 21! Night long wind vigorously dances directly to the first bureau.

"Good!" The night-long windstound, and the murdere of hell-like practice, the murdere of the murder, and the murdere of hell finally achieved substantive results.

"Head boy!" At this time, the West is already sitting on the floor, the arms are red, soon, they will soon.

"West Valley, you are fine?" Warm male is worried about the West Valley.

"Nothing! But this kid is really big, it is a non-human beast!" The West Valley stood up, the active arm, gradually recovering the pain coming up from the perceived arm to make it habiting.

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