The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2332 of the Chapter 2332 of Wangzhao System

"Call ... It's okay. You don't know, when Changfeng will come to the volleyball department for the first time, but the net is flying." Say is still new for the first time in the night.

Several Uncle will look at it again, and they have been embarrassed.

"Hey, isn't it that the Wushu volleyball is not falling?"

"What ghosts, the first grade kid is so bad, vigorously jump, the ball is actually so good!"

"It's really true, this we have to lose your face ..."

On the field, the urenesses were quiet, and he had decided to supervise the Wushu High School Volleyball Department.

I have seen the unique high school volleyball game, and I have already appreciated the characteristics of all people of Wuhe High School Volleyball.

It seems that this is not just a young team with potential to hit the national contest, but a team with potential to dominate the country.

Their advantage is highlighted, and the same disadvantages are also protruding.

After a game, the two sides did not have a rest, but exchanged the venue in accordance with the meaning of the Urnipers.

The tee of the Naka-machi island.

"The Glanks of the English brother, it should be fine!" Night long-standing is locked on the island's body.

At the game, he has received the teenage of the island field, all without threats.

However, this time island field rushed up.

"Do you want to dance?" The night is very windy, "it is wrong, he is still in the world."

"It's a jumper!" Experienced Ze Village saw the intention of Island.

Snapped! Island field is not high, the hitting point is also general, the strength of the volleyball hitting the network is almost no difference with ordinary playing.

Volleyball swaying the sun to the row of row.

Japanese! "

"No problem!" Do not put this slow and floating ball in your heart.

! However, when the roller is prepared to pick up the volleyball, the volleyball suddenly changed in the air, separated from the day control.

"Oh!" The day is called, flying, ready to save.

! But there is no success, the island is very good, very deceptive, simple and simple.


"Wow haha, have you seen it? Dragon." Islanda proudly laughed.

"There is no appearance of a little big person ..." Dragon is full of contempt.

In addition, the Wudata consultant was shocked. He saw this serve for the first time.

"This is the ball, it is powerful! It's all the volleyball that will not rotate, suddenly change, it is like a change in the ball in the baseball!" The night long-distance windside to beside the day is clear.

This kind of balloon night is also the first time, before I saw the introduction of jumping balls on the book on volleyball technology.

The so-called pocket is that it is necessary to float, otherwise there is no meaning.

The pitch of the island is very good, the ball is floating in the air, it can be said to be a magic ball.

"Let's come again!" Islanded confidence and came again.

This time the goal is the front row of fields. After the discharge of the volleyball, suddenly falls in front of the field.

"Be evil!" The level of catching the ball is also general. It is not able to get the pitch of the island, flying directly.

20! Island is relying on jumping balls.

"Ah, even the predecessors in Tianzhong can't get up!" The island started to poison tongue.

"What is your boy saying, is it dead?" Tana is angry to die.

On the top of the net island field, it began to cut the big kill and continued to use jumper.

The goal is mainly on the first grade newcomers such as night-long and arrogous islands, and several people are not strong, and there is no way to face this game.

30! 40! Or until 50!

Island Taki won five points, and it will be slightly slim in the ovary.

"Dry, island!" Dragon and Sen and other people and island Tima.

Island is more and more confident, the height of the ball jump is getting higher and higher, and the volleyball is getting more and more floating, and the difficulty of catching the ball further improves.

This is the case on the court. Once you have a confidence, you are likely to have superior levels.

call! The sixth time, island field issued a ball, this time the goal is the night-to-rise.

"Changfeng!" At this time, the village of the night long-term wind shouted.

The night-length wind will lead, immediately let the opening, Ze Village step forward, the body suddenly sinking.

031 chapter, Bi Su (seeking a self-defined)

! Ze Village has stepped forward, and the whole body is pouring, both hands closed, and simply lifting the boiling ball of Island field. Ψ Magazine ψ

"Good, seniors!" There was a little bit of the shadow and mountains.

"It is worthy of the team's customs!" The night is sighing, and the whole person suddenly moves back to the back of the Yingshan before.

"Blocking the little child!" The dragon and Sen people opposite the mesh net moved to the night long wind, preparing for the double block.

However, the slow hous and mountain of the slowly jumped, suddenly the direction of the air volleyball trust and the block, and the night length acts as a premium bait.

"Worse!" The West Valley behind the Internet has also attracted attention by high-jumped night lengthy.

On the other end of the ball, the bloody male field is also flying, and the whole person launches the body in the air.

"Thank you for your enclosure!" Tanzhong drunk, and then a strong bow.

! Volleyball is like the shells of the artillery.

"Not so simple, dragon!" In a critical moment, the ultra-fast response ability of the West made him suddenly changed, and then flying fishing saved the bulls in the field.

"Drying well, the West!" .

"What!" Tanzhong was shocked.

Tian Zhonglong's melter is full, but the strength and high gap between the strength of the night are too large.

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