The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2341 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince


"What happened?" The day and the shadow of the mountains attracted attention by the big voice in the field.

Tanaka raised the volleyball week magazine in his hand, "You see!"

"Oh, there is a magical righteousness!" The night long wind put the strength of the equipment and walked over. "

"Japan's strongest high school student report." Daily staring at the big character of the magazine.

Strongest high school students?

The night is always interesting, and I also took the head.

"There are three most famous Japanese high school students this year. Among them, there is a direct relationship with Bai Bird's Niu Ruo!" Tian Zhong solution.

"Oh, the white bird is not the school of the shadow mountain?" Which pot is not mentioned in the day.

"Multi-mouth!" The shadow and mountains were still omnipotent.

The night-long wind is to gather on the brown hair on the magazine, and a sharp guy in the eyes of the eyes.

'Overwhelming strength and height! Super high school students! 'Magazine gives a very high evaluation of Niu Island.

PS: The game system has been modified.

039 chapter, mysterious banner (seeking self-defined)

"Is this Niu Island? The strongest high school students in the country can be blown!" Night wind pointed to the photo of Niu Island. Miscellaneous?

"Hey, your kid is really high school before starting to play volleyball, Niu Island can be the strongest ace player in our Miyagi County, and it is also the top three." Tian Zhong explained.

At this time, Zhun Village also came over. He told the chin, looked at Niu Island, and slowly said: "Sure enough, there is a feeling of ace!"

"Ah, one county, then don't hit him, we have no way to enter the national contest!" The day has begun to consider the national contest.

"Ha? What is your kid thinking, someone is a seed team directly to advance to the national contest qualifiers, but we have to fight the preliminaries!" Uu raised a form to come in.

"This year, our opponents can not be!" Uu ranked the table paper, pointed to the top group.

Being good at defensive and maintaining and the Jiulu South, their freedom is very powerful.

There is also the Ida industry named by the iron wall. They said with an ultra-high block, and the wild in the wild last year is in their blocking.

Of course, there is also the four high school high school in the county, don't think that they can overcome them, you can have no worries.

Their core and Sichuan have not played!

A series of unspecite of the Uenhorn is quiet, and the nearest Wushen High School Exercise Reception will win. Everyone is self-confidence.

However, different from the first grade, the second grade West Valley and the fields, and the third grade Nahara, Ze Village and others have can't forget the fiasco of last year and the previous year.

The exercise competition is an exercise competition, and the level of the real game is completely different.

"Who is he is, it will not be possible to win!" Night live wind no matter how much, it is not necessary to worry about the team in the county.

Miyagi County is not a region in Tokyo, in addition to the white birds, there is nothing to be too jealous.

"This little child!" Wu rushed by night, and he was originally wanted to educate people in Wuye high school, let the people of the volleyball will calm down, do not be too confident and expanded.

What is unknown in the UHR is that night long winds never look at any opponent, even if their first round of opponents are the normal wave high school in Wanda's first ride.

But the night grows will not be worried about the opponents and the game before playing, as long as the end of the field is endless, when the game, it will naturally have gains.

The competitive competition is always so, it is not a strong party will win, but the winning party is stronger.

Time has come to eight o'clock in the evening, and everyone in Wuye has ended the joints of the day and prepared to go home.

Ze Village is planning to ask all people to eat buns, the most captain, Ze Village should consider things, he hopes that the players in the team will be as much as possible, so that the macity will naturally improve.

"Changfeng, the earth says to ask the guest to eat buns!" Warm male Sugawah saw that the night length of the clothes is going to leave, and hurriedly said.

"Oh, I am sorry, I will have something, I still have something, next time!" The night's wind rushed to hook, so soon disappeared in Naudo.

"Washing water, do you want to go?" Say is a little confused and asked for water jaws.

The clear water is slightly shaken, "I have worked hard, I also have something, first!"

The clear water is also soon replaced the uniform and left the second gymnasium.

"Well? The stinky boy and the water sister have things? Al, they will not be ... dating!" Tian Zhonglong's big shouting.

"Dating!" The West Valley and Shamshan and the mountains have grown their eyes, "No!"

However, there is no such romantic, and the night-hearted wind is recently investing in the practice, and there is no time to pick up.

The iceberg beauty will not say it, even if she is meaningful to the night's long, it is impossible to take the initiative to open.

The island supermarket, the night long wind is alone, I came to this supermarket.

"Is the island predecessors are there?" I entered the supermarket, and I asked without any scruple.

"Hey! You are not the first grade kid of the Wushu high school?" Island Fei recognized the night's wind, no way is too impressed.


The night is over, "Hello, I am the night growing in the Wuhe high school volleyball."

"Ah, night long wind, strange name." Island pushed the glasses on the nose, "Do you have anything to find?"

"Hey, I want to learn your predecessor your pitch!" The night grew in the eyes.

Shimada is shocked, he didn't expect that night long-lasting wind still remembers this matter.

"Oh, I listened to Wuao, I have to start, I have to start it in the past few days. I have to learn to get the ball in a few days!" Islanda seriously replied, "I have learned for a year." Basically, the words come back, your kid is so powerful, there is no need to learn to dance the ball? "

"Seniors, you won't forget. I am a genius!" The night's eyes looked at the island field, the golden light flashed, "and I want to become stronger, it is better than everyone!"

"This little child ..." Island field is not comfortable to be uncomfortable by the night long-term grown eyes.

I don't know why, someone else said this, island field will think that he is crazy, and the night is saying, but the island field feels unlimited possibilities.

A few days later, tomorrow is a district qualifier, and all people in Wuye High School only conducted the drill of tactical routines, which also reserves the material.

"There is something to say!" Just when everyone was ready to go home, the Wudata consultant convened everyone.

"Hey? The sister of Qingshui has something to say!" The West Valley and the field are called.

"Amount ..." There is a small shy, "excited and what I am excited," I am not good at ... "

"Night Jun!" Qingshui knotted to see a night's long wind.

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