The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2342 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Is there anything, Qingshui?" The night's doubt is a little confused, and the Qingshui went to the stairs of the gym.

"Ah, no! These two people won't be to announce the way to communicate, the scorpion! Qingshui, clear water, the stinky boy is too hot!" Tana is not working.

At this time, the night-long wind is a banner that has been taken in the clear water jack.

"Is this a banner?" The night is a bit surprised, so a huge banner is a person who is time to do.

"Yes, can you help me hang up?" Today's water is more gentle than usual.

"No problem!" Night-lasting style nodded, picking up a huge banner roll, climbing on the second floor of the gym, then climbing it up.

Two people pulled two heads in the banner, the whole of the whole, and back to the Wushu High School.

"What?" The Wushu High School of the first floor is a doppious expression, I don't know what the two are doing.

040 chapter, flying! Wushou! (Ask for a self-defined)

"Prepare, one ... two!" Night wind and clear water knot were standing on a head, and then the black huge banner back to everyone forwarded. ξ ξ

! The huge black banner is in the wind, and the front is a huge two-piece font.


Siming is simple, but it seems that there is an endless charm. It is like a big word that is really going to make the Wushu High School.

"It's so powerful!" .

"Good burning, goodness!" Tanaka and West Valley have a climax.

The end of the rush to get off?

The night's long eyes looked at the clear water mean to say by side.

"Everyone is quiet, the school sister seems to have something to say!" The night grew well wore the heart of the sorrow.

"Add ..." The summit of the water jeans dripped a fragrant sweat.

"Add?" All the people in Wuye were quiet.

"Come on ..." The clear water seems to have exhausted the whole body and full face.

In the first moment, the entire alley is quiet.

"Good cute!" This is a true heart. The beautiful side of the iceberg is also ashamed. In the cold appearance, it is a hot heart.

In the three years of Wuhin High School Volleyball, the water junction witnessed the team's volleyball, from the national high, and met people to deceive.

I have been joining this year, I will join the night, the heart of the shadow and the mountains, and the hearts of the Qingshui have rushed forward, and the yearning for the national contest!

After finishing the five words, the water jade immediately squatted, hiding in the night long, and saw that all the people in Wuye had almost all to tears, she was more shy.

"Clear water ... 555555!" Lianze Village began tears.

"Hey ..." Tanaka and Xiugu were crying into tears and did not send a little voice.

The first grade of Moon Island and Shamshan also stayed, they didn't know that this was the first initiative to issue a response.

"Oh! The first battle is absolutely won!" After a short silence, the second gymnasium in Wuye is boiling, and the senior ministry is all invited by the water to be touched to the heart of the heart.

"Sister!" And at this time, the night's long wind turned his head and the knot was reached out of the right hand.

"Night ... Jun ..." Qingshui is still a shame of the bliss.

"If we enter the national contest, let's join me!" The night's eyes looked at the clear water mean.

The clear water first, and then held the hands of the night, stand up, and stood up at night.


The next day, the Sendai City Stadium.

A pedestrian in Wuye High School came to the gymnastic, and the team arrived in front of the gymnasium, and a group directly entered the gym.

At this time, it is a group of guys who have a high high-incmity, and they are wearing neat white jackets, on the chest, printed with the Ida Industry.

They were eliminated in Wuye High School last year, and there was an Ida industrial volleyball unit called the iron wall.

A black white, they are completely opposed to Wuye High School.

At this time, the Ida industrially walked in the front white-haired high-tech men suddenly stopped, the right hand was lifted, the index finger was erected, and the land of Zeze Village was straight.

"What is dry, you are a boy!" The West Valley suddenly fired.

"Don't do it, do you!" The seniors of the Ida industry were also shocked, and quickly stopped the furry heroes.

Yushan High School, Zezen Village also pulled the West Valley to be prepared.

"Who are you are ace?" No Mao Xia Qinggen suddenly broke out.

"Ha? Who is looking for me!" When the last night of the team, he opened the shadow and mountain and others, and went to the forefront.

"Sorry, I am sorry! This guy has a blame, it is necessary to radar tracking each other's ace!" The two of the Ida industrially apologized to everyone.

However, his tone can not apologize, for his own strength, these people will clearly have absolute confidence.

"Oh, there is no eyebrow guy, I hate someone to point to me!" The night's long eyes instantly sharp, like a knife.

Qinggang heard no eyebrows a few words immediately fired, it was clear that the guys in front of him must be mad than him, and the two people were in front, and almost the face had to stick together.

"Hey, the long wind!" Ze Village killed the night, "Are you crazy?"

"Oh!" The night-long winding angle turned a smile, and the right hand stretched out, holding the right hand of the green root.

"Let's come to a match without regret!" Night wind and right hand slightly.

The green face is immediately red, and he is clear that he is holding a fist, but it is almost painfully called by night.

"The provocative people will die very miserable!" The night-long shot glanced glanced in the Emdor industry, slowly pressed the green roots, and then left.

"Who is this guy, is it born a year? I have never seen it, I have to be crazy than Qingtang! I am interested!" I looked at the back of all people in Wuye, smiled.

However, at this time, the green gang is full of thin sweat, the whole fist has become popular, even a lot of a circle, and the expression is painful.

"Hey! Qinggang, what happened!" Ida industrially shocked.

On this side of Wushu, Ze Village is long, he just thought that the night length and green root should be played, and it was scared to be half dead.

If you play it here, the two teams will have no doubt that will be disqualified.

"Changfeng, you are nothing?" Warm male is a little worried about the night.

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