The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2343 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Oh, the hairless boy will regret it." The smile of the night-long's mouth makes the hair behind.

"Hey! You should not hurt again!" The Yingshan found that the day is nervous to be like a robot.

"I ... this is excited to shook ..." The night is very weak.

"Okay, the game is going to start, preparing to warm up!" Ze Village clamped his hand.

"Yes!" All people in Wuye high school should drink.

In order to prepare a pre-selection, Wuye High School is hard to prepare for a month.

"I haven't seen it for a long time, Ze Village!" At this time, a guy wearing a normal wave of success came over, as if it was an acquaintance of Ze Village.

"Oh, it is a pool! I haven't seen you for a long time!" Ze Village saw old friends, and his face was smile.

"Older friends? Captain, let's go first!" The night is full of enthusiasm.

"Oh, sorry, let's go first. I am here!" Ze Village said to talk to his old friend.

Soon, all people in Wuye have entered a huge integrated gym.

"Wow, ah! It's so big, it's so spacious!" When I went into the gym, the day is like a native bag into the city.

Indeed, this Sendai Comprehensive Stadium is very larger than the Shande High School.

Night wind is around, the lights and venue conditions are also good, and the stands in the four sides are also very neat, which looks at least to accommodate tens of thousands of viewers to the scene.

041 chapter, the first game (seeking a self-defined)

Twenty-five minutes from the first game of the Wuye High School Qualifier, and everyone in Wuye began to admit.

At this time, the four strong teams in the county also walked into the library, and they did not entrine the finals of the county contest last year, so they still have to participate in the district qualifiers.

Only two teams in the finals are the seed teams of this year's county contest, do not need to participate in the district qualifiers, directly enter the county contest.

There is no doubt that the Qingcheng high school has attracted the attention of all teams that are warm in the ball. Last year, the four high school strengths in the county have been obvious. Last year, it is not in advance, and it will not fall to the county contest. finals.

It can be said that the team of Qingcheng High School in various partial qualifiers is a national team, and the biggest enemy of their qualifiers in this district.

When I walked in the final side of the team and Chuan Qi entered the gym, there was a large number of women's forsyles waiting for a large number of women's forsyles and asked for signing.

In Miyagi County, Sichuan is very famous, he often pulled the advertisements played in some counties, with its own fan group and club.

In this regard, the famous Niu Island, who is known as the whole country is not all the opponents of Chu Chuan.

It is hard to cope with the enthusiasm, and Sichuan is pulled away by the coach.

They have a lot of competition today, although power is strong, they can't agree.

"Oh, it is a little flying, there is the stinky boy!" And the Tuanmang has turned his head and saw the people who were warm-up.

"Cut ... is a predecessor in Chuan!" The shadow mountain is cold, and Sichuan is he became the biggest hindrance to the first two hands in the county.

From the middle of the country, the shadow and mountains are very concerned with Sichuan, and interested in imitation and Sichuan competition style.

However, the night-catching wind did not pay attention to the arrival of the Qingcheng High School. He is doing a variety of warm-up actions at this time.

Let your body before the game, completely hot, even to reach the appearance of the hot air.

After that, so many worlds have developed very strict and good habits.

"Seniors, you are ignored!" Jintian is a little.

" ... seems to have more free people, and have never seen it when the exercise competition is experienced.

"Oh, the young man is ... Is the new guidance coach?" The coach of the junction did notice the heart of the U.In, "It seems that there is a small change in the uncerse, I don't know how they are now. ? "

Since the exercise tournament is lost to the wild high school, it is necessary to study the competition video of the exercise competition, not only to defeat the Uenh-Yezhong high school, and in order to break through the county contest this season.

After ten minutes, the referee station has gone on the referee, and the two teams in Wuhe High School and Changbao High School are also warm, formal collection.

It is also a salute before the game, please advise.

The night-catching wind is actually a bit bored. This completely unnecessary guest condom, as well as the top and lower relationships of the former reorders, but the Japanese are very concerned about this kind of courtesy, and the night is not good.

"GOGOLETGO Ida Industry !!!" Just when the game in Wuye, the Tourist Group of the Ida Industrial Association in the stage of the Sendai Stadium suddenly sounded, the momentum was huge, and many people came.

At the same time, at the first game in Wuye High School, the first game of the Ida industry has also begun. The audience is obviously more interested in the Ida industrial in this iron wall. Time, the audience is awkward.

"Wow, many people!" The day was officially scared by the Ida Industrial Association.

"It's really noisy, let them shut up!" The night is very uncomfortable, and his entire body is completely hot.

In order to the unique performance of the high school in this case, the night-length wind can be a desperate training in the night.

People who have talents are not terrible. It is terrible to have a talented person to work hard than anyone. This is terrible.

"Refueling, Wuji! Come on!" The Wusian consultant also speaking, and the public in Wuye enclosed into a circle. There are fewer excitement on everyone's face. Each of them includes the substitute for the player for this game. There is no less sweat.

It is time to test the results.

"Let's go! Go!"

"Oh!" On the other side, the Changbao high school of the 10,000-year-round tour has not stressed, and their goal is to break through the first round.

The game is officially started, and the lineup of the Ueno High School has not changed before, this lineup is not a short time.

Unfortunately, the first warmer of the first warm man is still sitting on the troops, and the moving mountain is almost perfect. The position of the team's main two leishes has been firmly occupied by the shadow.

Always wave high school, the average height of the team is general, the highest involved valley is only 182 cm, and others are very high as Zecun.

However, when he saw the lineup of the Wushu High School, he saw the lineup of Wushu, which has a high moon is like a high, and there is a 162 centimeter of height.

The height of the freedom is a lot, rarely playing the position of the depth attack, and the bench in the Wushu high is a higher player.

"Hey, the little child is not free to be free!" There were also people who were surprised to look at the day Xiangyang.

- In the whistle of the referee, the Wyen High School and Changbao High School Competition officially started, first serve the normally.

! As soon as possible, the players in Changbao High School are ordinary playing nets, there is no power.

"Changfeng!" Zhun Village turned back and shouted.

"No problem!" Night long-term eyes gathered in slow network to fly on his own ball.

Cockup, squat, pinch arm, pad! All the winds of the night are all the movements, and the movement is purely like the old hand. Volleyball is very perfect before the louder, and the route is very perfect.

"Oh? The parent is so big?" The entrance of the entrance of the entrance to the entrance is shocked.

In the exercise competition in the Qingcheng High School, the ball of night is still very embarrassed, just more than a month, progress can be said to be the sky.

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