The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2352 of the Chapter 2352 of the Prince of Tennis

Even the Moon Island's mouth can't help but show a smile, saying that volleyball is just a community event, but the inner heart of the Moon Island is extremely loved.

He also wants to be the same as at night, and breakdown from the front breakdown of the so-called iron wall of Ira.

"Damn!" Idard's people exposed a unwilling expression.

If it is defeated by the night-catching attack, they will recognize it.

But now Wuye is obviously not the strongest lineup, but re-retrans the active in conjunction with Idard.

This shows that the two teams are originally not on a grade.

It is a proud of life. It is not willing to fail before the game, even if the physical consumption is huge, he is still working hard to move the speed before our net.


1917 ... has been 24 to 22!

Wuye High School rely on the day of the fast attack or first got the game of this game!

050 chapter, can you use your feet? (Ask for a self-defined)

"Very good!" The troops were worn on the chiff. He nodded. He did not have any hope for this temporary lineup. - ∮ ∮ ∮ -

However, this lineup is really good, although it is a bit boring, but it still presses the Ida work and got the game.

"Qinggang! There is no end!" The third grade matrix took the back of the green roots, "the game is now just beginning, you must make the Niye night long!"

On the field, the ball was taken to the servant.

Snapped! The day is jumping, slow through the net, and finally farther away, flying directly out of the bottom line.

Out of bounds! 23124! The day is given to the opponent one point.

"Ah ... Sorry, sorry!" The day quickly apologized.

"Don't be in your heart! We have a match!" Ze Village smiled and took the shoulders of the day, let him not have pressure.

The sleeper is shaking the head, not everyone who has a night-long wind, the more stabilizing the heart.

The day is growing up to grow up. In fact, the night's long wind is not a calm mind at the critical moment, he is relying on countless major competitions.

The natural heart player is not not, but it is a phoenix rolling role, and there is no one in thousands.

On the field, the Ida industry is modest to dance.

In the case of the opponent hand, you don't dare to get too much, and there is no big threat to the ball, and it is easy to pick it up by the West.

"Moon Island!" Sayt stabilized the volleyball.

Fast single front offensive! There is no problem with the guys of the moon islands and Naji, and there is no problem. Just play a time difference, put the volleyball's backfinder to the other party.

"And do!" Matron suddenly turned back.

The freedom of the Iard industry is very fast. His high-speed landscape moves, and has picked up the murderation of the moon island.

The anti-attack ball immediately following the Eardian industry has also been connected by the field. This time Saoto will hold the volleyball back.

From the rear row, it is Ze Village, and he flew in the air to explore the body.

All the past, Ze Village is a player who is a ball and a stable overall situation, he rarely takes the initiative to attack.

However, this does not mean that the Village's offensive ability is weak. In fact, it is basically a certain offensive ability.

"Can't make them score!" The three iron walls of the Iard industry struggled, and high walls were erected in front of Ze Village.

! Ze Village's strong bowl was eventually blocked by the iron wall and the high speed pops up the rear of Wuye high school.

"Worse!" The Village of the landing land suddenly turned back.

At the critical moment of the decision of the battle, Wuye Guardian Shen Valley once again, he turned to turn around, directly a fish, right-handed, left hand to save the volleyball back.

"Scorpio, this is saved!" It was a shocked voice on the stage.

At this time, the volleyball flying over the front of the net seems to be vertically fallen, the mensimin and the three-person blockbusters have jumped together, and the hand has a strong force, wants to go to the air drop. Volleyball.

Snapped! The hands of the green and the moon is just hit, and the two occupies one side, almost simultaneously apply to the other party.

! In this moment, the strength of the moon is is not able to compete with the green root. Volleyball is pressed directly into the green root, and it is necessary to fall on the floor of the Wushen high school half.

On the occasion of this millennium, his eyes flashed in the West Valley of Jinguang, and his body was moved.

bass! A side shovel such as football movement, Xigu actually uses the left foot back to take the volleyball before landing.

"Actually with the feet?" The onlookers on the stage were watching.

"It's really a guy!" Urnipers also looked stupid, before the brain reacted, the body of the West Valley has made it, which can be said to be a subconscious condition reflection.

"This Nima? Can you use your feet?" The night grew up his eyes, he didn't know if the volleyball is actually balling with any part of the body.

The new rules adopted at the 95-Year Volleyball Conference allow the volleyball players to bring the ball with any part of the body, and of course the feet.

However, the general player will not take the ball with his feet, and the reaction does not come, the second is that the stability of the feet cannot be so high.

Of course, there are some national talents. For example, the Brazilian women's volleyball team can often see them to save them in the game.

On the field, after the feet saved by the feet, Naji immediately reacted, directly put the ball for the other side of the ball.

"Come once!" The public shouted in the Wenye high school.

! At this time, in the ball network, Ze Village is also two eyes, he never wants to waste a wonderful saving ball so exciting, the deduction after the whole exhibition, Ze Village will be deducted to each other Half.

! At this moment, a white lightning figure suddenly appeared in front of Ze Village.

It is a green root!

The green roots move with his beast-like instinctive high-speed, then erected a single iron wall.

Ze Village's button heavy hit on the right side of the Qingtang's palm, and the volleyball instantly flew to another head of the ball.

! In the surprised eyes of the audience, the volleyball turned out on the mesh belt, staying after a few seconds, slowly rolling through the ball, and fell in the Half of the Ida industrial.

Dang! The Ma Ting and the two of the Ida's work are already struggling to make a life, but it is still a step.

2523! Wuye High School relied on the whole team to win the game, 2 to 0, but the Ida industry in front of the game.

"Oh oh oh oh!" After landing, I made this key Ze Village rarely shouted like a field.

Sugawah and West Valley are also very excited. All people in the Uenho High School have jumped.

Last year's defeat, last year's clouds, smoke at this moment.

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