The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2353 of the Chapter 2353 of the Prince of Tennis

"Call ... is a good game!" Wu Yang is a long-awaited, and the ball is really thrilling.

At this time, the night's long wind is looking at the West Valley. He keeps chanting in his mouth. "It can take a ball with a foot, haha!"

- At this time, the referee contracted inward, while blowing the whistle that ended the game.

After two teams, it is also a handshake salute, thank you for your advice.

After the two games, the game today, the game today is over.

"How, Samuo, I feel good, I'm trying to win the game, I feel good?" The night is laughing and hitting with Nauguan.

"Ah, if you can, I really want to stay on the court." Sugawara appearance is as usual, but the heart is surging.

"Haha, if you can put the shadow, you will be better on the bench!" The night is very laugh.

"Cutting I don't exist ..." The shadow mountain speechless turned over a white eye behind the two people.

051 chapter, fight Qingcheng (seeking for a self-defined)

Just gathered together in the Wuye High School, the Urnipers' Hearts are summarizing the process of today's two games and some places that need to strengthen exercises and attention. § § § §

"Wow, ah, ah!" However, it is really a scream, "and the predecessors, I love you!"

"Good yeah! Good yeah! Qingcheng! Stress! Stress! Qingcheng!" In addition to the Sichuan female fan group, the number of people in the Qingcheng high school is also a lot, and more than that of the Ida Industry .

After all, it is a team of four in the county. The Qingcheng high school is still very famous in Miyagi County. Many young people who love volleyball came to Qingcheng High School, which is to join the volleyball.

"Oh, the game of youth is also started!" Sugawa's eyes turned to another stadium, and Yingshan was staring at the death and Chuan Chu.

The preliminary opponent of the Qingfei City West is a high school, strength and constant wave high school.

Such a team is naturally impossible to be the opponent of the Qingfei City West led by Sichuan.

Especially and Chu Chuan's serve is unpubated.

The Wushu High School is watching the whole game at the scene. It is different from the previous exercise competition. The state is in good condition and the Sichuan is full of two games. Under his organization, the Qingfei City West is like a team like a team. .

Attack and defense, from one opening, the score is opened, and the big will not be held.

2514! 2512! The Qingfei City is easy to win, of which the two leaders and Sichuan are actually the players with the most scores of the Qingfei City, most of whom come to the ball.

"The stomach is hungry, go eat!" Night lives looked at the state of Sichuan, but the strength of the big was too weak, and it could not let the Qingye City West made true kung fu.

After watching a few balls, the night's wind was sorry, and it was proposed to eat directly.

The stomach has long been hungry, and the day of the field is of course a hands up, and the Wushu is divided into two.

Urnipers and Wutian Consultants have left the competition of the Qingfei City West, while other players are a special bus back to school.

The next day, the second day of the district, today is the last day of the district qualifier.

After yesterday's two rounds, I finally entered the top four, and I have the opportunity to compete for the quota of two county contests. The team of four schools.

, , and Cheng Valley College.

The game is divided into the afternoon, the morning is a semi-final, the afternoon is the final.

There is no big look at the morning, and the Qingfei City West 2 is 2 to 0, and the Wuye High School is 2 to 0 Cheng Valley College.

The strength of the Qingfei City and Wuye has too much opponent. There is no suspense in the two games. The two teams are winning the big score, and successfully advanced to the national contest qualifiers, which is the county contest.

The finals of the afternoon qualifiers have nothing to do with the two team players, but no one wants to lose to each other.

Especially the Qingfei City West, since the exercise tour is lost to Wushu High School, they are waiting for this chance to reach the four strong strengths in their county.

Miyagi County Integrated Stadium.

The audience presenting this afternoon is more than yesterday. One of them is a female fan of Sichuan, and there are hundreds of people who add up more than other spectators.

When I walked into the court, and the responses of Sichuan's fantasy fans were endless, they were in the West Valley and the fields and hated.

"Start warm up! Take out our momentum!" Ze Village as the captain, naturally encourage a lot of people.

Both team players began to warm up on the court. At this time, they saw that the shadow and mountains and the two major two-year-old two-leader style.

Shadow and Mountain self-self-training exercises, very small with all people in Wuye high school.

The opposite and Sichuan has been completely busy, and the teammates have been communicating with their teammates.

"Good state! Currency! Clean!"

"Sorry! Jintianyi, just the ball is a bit higher!"

"Small rock, your strength is not over, no girl is watching you!"

At the veteran Wutian consultant noted that Sichuan, this guy did not say anything, and the value of super high is not said. The technology is also strong, and there are many words, and the leader is very temperament.

"And Chuanjun is carefully observing the status of the teammates!" Wutian muttered, "although the technology is something, I don't understand, but I can feel that their team is very good. And the last time and Chuanjun is not At the time, it is completely different! "

"Hey, day, carefully do tensile movement!"

"The field of the field, you are lazy!"

"Yingshan, how can I not send a sound? Seeing and the Sichuan is very afraid?" The night long-lasting wind that finished the warm body is a bit tight, and it began to shout.

"Amount ... I want to go to the toilet!"

"Stinky boy, you dare to say your predecessor, you are not lazy!"

"Drink ... ha!" Yingshan and others have been emotional by night long wind.

Ze Village and Naoto nodded and nodded, "It seems that Wuye doesn't need our old guys!"

"We also have a leader here!" Wu Tian put down his heart.

Speaking of the leadership temperament, saying the gas field, said that there is a sense, and Chuan Chuan can not be able to pass the hundred wars, it is used to the big scene of the night, the game is the same.

After ten minutes, the referee made a whistle, and the two team players had a warm-up, each entered a half, stood a position.

The Wushu High School is the same as the top three games, and the cycle of the Qingfei City is not big.

Front row Surogawa, Sichuan, rock spring, rear ride, Jintianyi, national parties, and flower rolls.

The biggest change is that Sichuan first debut, but the momentum of the Qingfei City West is like a team that is completely changed.

For the Siya City West, the two passions and Sichuan is the soul of the whole team, and they are very dependent on the two leaders.

Only when Sichuan is playing as a commander, the top four of the top four of the top four can play a wonderful song.

Start in the game, the Rights of the West of the Qingfei City.

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