The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2354, Chapter 2354, Chapter 2354

Moon Island is a steady player in the sericulture, there is nothing power, the volleyball is fluttering over the ball, and the fall is also general.

Today's island's state looks very general, yesterday two games have indeed a little burden on physical strength.

"See you!"

"Yes!" The backfield of the Qingfei City, the country is easy to pick up the boy, one pass and the top of the Sichuan.

At this time, and the Sichuan is the new generation of Huishan Feidion.

The shadow and mountains are staring and Chuan Chu, this feeling of the top two leishes in the county makes the shadow and mountains are more exciting.

At this time, two balls of the two balls before and after the cycling city are forward, respectively, respectively.

It can be seen from this simple double running position that the teams encountered before the Siye High School of the Tsing Yushe City have more tactical.

Chapter 052, the players of the players (seeking for a self-defined)

"Who will pass it!" Just in Wuye High School, everyone observed the double-course of the Qingfei City West. Ψ Magazine ψ

And Sichuan suddenly jumped, left hand a single-hand buckle, directly suddenly jumped, and buckled the ball to the neutrality of the Wusong High School.

! This sudden deduction makes the wilderness of the wilderness, no one has reacted.

10! And Sichuan is not a pass ability, but its weak offense and ultra-high player.

"This guy is very clear about our position!" The night is cold and cold and Chuan Chuan.

And Chuanchu's domestick is very drilled. It is the empty place where the Wuye high school is transferred. It can be imagined, and Sichuan must be a record of the prior game in the past few games in Wuye.

"Don't be sent, the warning! We can be different from the last time!" And Chu Chuan's face was laid in the Wuye High School.

"It's really a big bastard!" Tana is getting a forehead green bumps.

On the field, the Songchuan serve in the West of the West.

! A ordinary jump ball is easily attacked by Ze Village.

"This ball let me come!" It's very hot, the field is actively invited, jumped high before the network, and the speed of jump is very fast.

bass! The shadow and mountain respond quickly, the finger wrist suddenly hardered, and the volleyball quickly trocked to the other field of the ball.

The bloody male field is naturally a super strong slope to kill, and the blockbuster of the Qingfei City has not reacted.

Snapped! However, the free crossfree of the Qingfei City is very fast, and he has rescued the vigorous deduction of the field.

"Hey ... You see the two hands of the Qingye City West jump!" There is a speaker on the table.

"Is it a second attack?" All people in the wild.

"Don't look at people!" The landing field continued to jump, and Ze Village formed a double block, completely blocked and the Sichuan's button.

However, flying in the air and Sichuan sudden suddenly changed its movements in the air, and the hands of the volleyball strokes the other direction of the ball.

"It was cheated!" Tanaka Hesham Village was shocked.

The rock springs of the three grades of the Qingfei City jumped highly, a single-hand buckle in the exhibition, volleyball is like a shellfall in the Wye High School.

20! Opening, the Qingfei City West shows a very good state, especially the Sichuan, continuously and is playing.

"Hey, the ball just passed a little bit!" After the land, the rock springs were not too excited, but turned around and the Sichuan.

"Oh, sorry! But you still hit the small rock!" And Sichuan smiled.

"Good two hands!"

"In the air, it is so accurate in the air, it is really strong!" It is amazed to watch the people on the stage.

"And Chuan Chuan ... I love you!" And Chuanquious female fan group was even more excited.

The momentum of the Uenhorn High School is a little low, the field of the field failed, the ear is all the cheers of cute sisters, the whole person is not good, the death of the teeth is staring at Kawatt.

"First attack our weaknesses with a secondary attack, and then use our defense of his second attack. It is a little smart!" Night smile laugh.

"Your kid is crazy, how is it still laughing?" Tanzhong is angry.

The night-long shot took the shoulders in the field, laughed: "Tanzhong predecessors, not so big! They use this little smart tactics to be afraid of us!"

The night's greater style is very loud, and the young people in the Qingfei City listened to the fire.

"Odor boy!"

"Oh, oh, I'm already smashed!" And Sichuan's eyes suddenly became sharp as knives.

On the field, Songchuan continued to serve.

The backfield is stabilizing the volleyball, and the volleyball flew to the top of the shadow of the shadow.

At the same time, the night-lived winds from the back row, the whole person flew to the air.

"Wow, he jumped high!" The on-site look at the night, the crowds of the night, exclaimed.

All the attention of the Qingfei City is attracted by night long winds, and the shadow of the defeat of the exercise tour is also deeply impressed in the mind of all people in the Qingfei City.

! However, when you organize the stoppers of the Qingfei City, you have prepared to intercept the nightway and the back players and the rear players who have retired, the shadow mountain suddenly fell to the left hand, and the volleyball is a little.

! The volleyball suddenly fell in the middle of the Half of the West.

12! Secondary attack in the shadow!

"It's easy to be deceived, and the predecessors in Chuan, it seems that you still have to play with your brain, just a little smart is not enough!" Night wind pointed his head, deliberately provocative and Chu Chuan.

"The stinky ghost!" And Chuan Chuan's feet of the green gluten, he opened the tactics who wanted to use the psychological war to get a leading advantage.

Say that Sichuan is still too small to read the experience and IQ of the night growing and shadow mountains.

This kind of psychological war is completely the rest of the night.

"Great! Yingshan!"

"Beautifully dried, flying!"

After three attackers, the situation appears to be tilted to the two-handed dowtry.

On the surface of the shadow, it is still facial paralysis, but the heart is much more excited. He has always wanted to prove that he is the first two leaders in the county, which is the best opportunity.

However, it is precisely because of too much!

The shadow and mountain vigorously jumped the ball too pursue the fall, directly out of bounds, and sent it to the Qingfei City West.


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