The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2365 of the Chapter 2365 of the Prince of Tennis

! Suddenly, and Sichuan shrewd the volleyball high.

Continuous serve does not seem to affect the action of Sichuan, and the movement of his hammer is still so smooth.

Speed, angle, strength is not weakened.

Dang! Volleyball whirlwind is in the spatial in the middle of the mountain and the middle of the mountain.

1913! As soon as I came up, and Sichuan used a murderer to give the night long and the shadow.


" ! ! !" Turing the aid group on the Taiwan West, the resort in the hand waved the inflatability of the hand, the unusual excitement.

"When I got it, I got it, and the ukus made a momentum, now I am not clean." Some of the strategies that support the Uenhorn are very dissatisfied.

"Drying well, and Chuan!" Rock Spring and Guichuan suddenly hit.

And the Richmond has no expression, just picking up the volleyball from his teammates, and the eyes are more sharp.

boom! It is also the killing of the Kawaki!

Ze Village desperates the fish to save the ball, it will save the volleyball.

"Show!" The posture of Ze Village was not completed, and the high-bombed volleyball was directly flying in the back of the wild.

"Let me come!" The West Valley turned and took the ball behind the back, and took the ball directly through the ball.

"The ball is coming back, the opportunity ball!" Yanquan shouted.

The free people in the West of the Qingfei City will be stabilized to move the volleyball and Sichuan.

"Give me the ball!" Golden Out of the momentous moved quickly and shouted loudly.

"Jintian!" And Chuanfang wrist, volleyball immediately rolled into the top of Tamada, the perfect Top.

At this time, Jintian has jumped in the air. There is no block player in front of him. The offensive of the Qingfei City is very fast, and the front row island and the fields have not responded.

! However, when Kimada used a near-vertical angle to force the ball, behind the moon island, a black lightning figure flashed.

Volleyball that has almost had to fall on the floor is actually gone by this black shadow.

"What!" Jintian is unbelievable to look at the sudden nightdance of the appearance in front of him.

In a moment, Jintian saw the night's feet gave the ball.

"The shadow and mountains, cover!" After the night's wind, the body was coherent, and the body was jumped directly.

At this time, on the front of the shadow mountain, a high-speed side, then bomb it, in the air, in the air, take the ball point to the sky.

bass! At this time, the night length of the speed is flying to the highest point. The two of the golden fields and the flowers of the ball is standing, and the feet is rooted as rooting.

Dang! And the night grows will not be polite with them, it is directly to be a master to deduct a master than Jintian's angle.

1419! Wuye finally broke the momentum of the Qingcheng continuous score.

Chapter 063, seven points behind (seeking for a self-defined)

"Just now, I am full of blooming? Is the No. 1 of Wenhini put the ball pad with a foot?" The members of the Qingfei City, the new Net Tour Group, stunned. ≦ ≦ = = insects

"Isn't this foul?"

"Stupid! Volleyball can be connected in any part of the body, but he also leaves it too much, actually use his feet to pick it up, and the precision is still so high!"

"Hey you saw that there is no, No. 1 in Wuye ... It is too exaggerated!" The crowds on the desk are constantly coming.

All people in the Wushu High School stand up, can't help but call.

"Gar well!"

"NICE button!"

"Changfeng! Changfeng! Good ball! Wushou! Wushou! Tighs!"

On the field, the West Valley and the field were excited to grab the night.

"Your kid is not bad!" Tana is not stopped behind the back of the night.

"Limed, you responded, your feet is good, haha!" The nerve reflection of the night long wind is not as good as it is.

Night winds are some little proud, I haven't used their feet to handle the ball, but I feel still.

To know this guy, it is not too difficult to use the foot pad to make a football.

However, the effect is so good, and the night cost is not thought.

"It seems that you have used much with your feet later." The nozzle is angled in the mouth.

Of course, he just thinks, it is not an emergency, and it is absolutely not a good choice with foot.

"Hey! It's good!" At this time, I even smiled and laughed to the night greetings.

"What is your kid, a pair of my head, the tone of my head ..." Night is lazy to vomit the Tao Jiao Yingshan.

The golden field of the opposite side of the net is now crazy, "it is evil! Is this kind of thing not luck?"

"Okay, calm down!" And Chu Chuan is always a kind of expression, "there is no need to panic, just a ball, this game we only have to take a point, go to 20!"

"Yes!" The members of the Qingfei City, the low grade members should drink.

"The guy and the guy didn't have a stinky!" Yanquan couldn't help but spit.

On the field, the tee of the shadow and mountains.

The shadow and mountain movement is very smooth, and this speed and strength are good, but the fall is not good.

! The rock spring of the back row is very easy to pick up the tee of the shadow and mountains, followed by the double attack in the Qingfei City West.

The two people in Jintian and the flower rolls are almost started at the same time, one of which is a bait, and the other is the main attack.

"Who will you give it?" The shadow of the mountains always locked the jump and the Sichuan.

"Wait for him, don't knew it." At this time, the night-long standing station at this time in the center of the center, waiting for the Trushes.

"This guy is planning to move again!" The half of the air and Sichuan used Yu Guangzhi's night, "Since this is the case ..."

! And Sichuan will be the leftmost end of the volleyball, almost close to the side line.

At this point, the flowers of the attack on the left are highly jumped, there is no one in front of the air, catering the volleyball in the air, is a slanting.

"The speed is too slow!" In the moment, the night of the ball, the night length is behind, step, step out of the two meters, the flower roll has not completed the buckle action, the night length is waiting for the air, Have a blockbuster blockbuster.

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