The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2366 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Dang! The buckle of the flower roll is directly fanned by the night, and the weight falls on the foot of the golden field.

1519! After the night is re-opening, the effect is immediate, especially in defense, and the second game is not a grade.

"How is this possible!" The poor flower brother's world view must collapse, he has never seen a man's oblique step, step by step, and just almost a static body.

"This guy used to practice track and field?" The whole gymnasium was quiet in an instant.

"Don't care, it is my fault, I am too slow!" And Chuan Chi took the initiative to shoot his chest, indicating that this ball is his pot.

In general, people's speed will not pass through the ball, but the physical quality of the night is really too metamorphosis in high school volleyball, plus him today, so the speed of short distance acceleration is very exaggeration.

After the public two translocutors will be recognized in the county, the county may only have a night with a night.

! Just when the viewer marched at the speed of the night, and the Sichuan used a very fraudulent hanging ball to return to the night long wind.

2015! Qingfei City West first got the 20th part of the second bureau!


"Drying, and Sichuan!" Compared with the helplessness of the first game, the play of the second bureau in the second bureau is much better than the first bureau, at least Chuan is in the state.

"Oh, I am not old, the little child!" And Chuan Chuan deliberately provocating the night.

Night wind is not ignored at all, and he is now immersed in the happiness of playing volleyball.

In terms of experience, it is still not worth two months. Volunteers are still very lacking. Every time I ran a tactics in the West, I have an experience in the lifetime.

On the field, after the 21st, after the 20th, they suddenly accelerated the rhythm of attacks.

Because at this time, the relationship between the night long wind turbine is changed to the back row, the strength of the barbar in Wuye is reduced, and the rock springs and the country have a continuous buckle score.

2215! The score gap is still pulled, this second game, Wuye looks a little weak to day.

"The difference is seven points, is it to be a pause? Coach!" The Overseas Wutian adviser asked.

"Wait again!" Wu Raised Heartedly, at this time, he regretted his inner, he was too small to see the city West, the second bureau's strategy failed.

The first bureau of Wuye makes the urene-rearing system somewhat confidently, and the young city West is the top four in the county, and the status of Chu Chuan is also better and better. The situation in the competition is in contrast to the opposite of the Ukao. The direction is developing in the direction.

In the end, the Urban Heart is too underestimated to the strength of the Qingfei City West.

Even if the night length of the first game is opened to kill the god mode, there is no power, but the loaf of the loaf of the loaf of the city is strict, and the player has never panicked, and it will not be more defeated.

"It is evil, pressed!" The field of the ball is very uncomfortable.

At this time, the night long is a few words with the shadow mountain, and the shadow is revealing a secret expression, and finally nodded.

Green City Xi Yanquan is getting happily.

! The sound of the rock spring is high, it seems that it is not good, it is not good.

However, as the West Valley of the Wushu Guardian, this floating ball is not stress, he stabilizes the volleyball to the top of the shadow mountain.

Chapter 064, Electro-optical Francite (seeking for a self-defined)

"Pay attention to block!" The rock spring shouted. $ Miscellaneous Worm $

At the same time as the shadow mountain, the three people, the moon islands and the night-catching three people move at high speed, of which the night long winds are very eye-catching, and the speed is extremely fast.

The attention of all people in the Qingfei City is attracted to the night, and the attack must be a night, including the same ideas in the brain of the Qingcheng, all people in Green City.

When you encounter a critical moment, the team will trust the king ACE, which is almost the axioms of competitive sports.

Snapped! At this moment, no one pays that the angle of the bunch of the shadows of the hill and mountains of the hills is almost doubled, and the muscles of the arm are also murdered in an instant.

He continues strength, then uses the power of the whole body to put the volleyball, no, it is pushed to the back row.

bass! The volleyball blinks arrived at the top of the night, and the night long-lasting winds did not hesitate, the body was not fully opened, the right arm was like a long whip.

Dang! When the volleyball lightning flies on the floor in front of the freezes in the West, I have stayed in the floor in front of the free crossfree in Blue Leaf City.


Simplified, completely in the expected fit, the night-catching wind is not usually the force, the Towers of the shadow are more like being chaos.

But the wild is score, and it is easy to score, and there is no one in the West, and the volleyball is landing.

Just because of a word, fast!

UI! Night-hard wind and shadow and mountain flying trend have just exceeded the category of common sense, and it is not too human to describe it.

"Hey ... what is the one just!" It is stupid in the Qingcheng high school on the stage, and the audience also stayed.

On the volleyball field, there are various fast tactics, A fast attack, B fast attack, etc., but these say that it is fast attack, but it is only fast in the rhythm.

At night, long wind and shadow and mountain flying and hometown are the real absolute speed, fast ball, fast speed, fast, this series of incredible fast combination is a real speed offense.

"Hey! The just offense is accidental?"

"I don't know, I have a good time! I can't move it with my side!" Wu wild replacement boiling.

Sitting on the sorrow of the sides of the troops hide the surprised, the pink glasses have fallen a silk.

"Urnor the coach, just that is a fixed tactic? It's so powerful!" "Wu Tian consultant excitedly called.

"This ..." The ungry is awkward, he doesn't know that his disciples have this hand.

"It is simply an offense of electro-optical rock, and only the shadow and mountains and long winds can make such an offense!" Nango Kanni is in light.

"Electro-optical flame? Good name, just call this! Our offense!" On the court, the night-lived wind and the shadow of the mountains lift their palms.

"It's a big fire, these two guys!" The arrogant island.

"Is that the secret weapon of Wuye?" Qingcheng's entry coach stood up, his eyes drift to the heart, "this kid still stayed in this hand, super high speed toss, enchanting bomb Speed ​​and action frequencies, only the national class two hands and main attacks can make such offensive! "

"Let's come! Just offense!" There was a speaker shouting on the table. Many people had just clearly seen them.

"What jokes, will not let you succeed!" Yanquan glared at night.

Dang! Soonlight, the long wind made the rock spring, because he was buckled from the top of the rock spring.

It is an offense of electro-optical rock!

1722! This time, all people in the Qingfei City have been mentally prepared, but no one should pay the speed of the night's wind.

Absolutely the speed!

When the speed of the opponent is outside the extreme category you can react, any stop has become meaningless.

!! 1822! 1922!

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