The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2373 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Give it to me!" Anti-Radical cross-step across Ze Village is across the village.

! At this time, it is gently jumped and Sichuan suddenly reversing the body in the air, forcing secondary attack, and put the volleyball in the back of the wild.

Once the other party has weak offensive attacks, this is the style of Volleyball in the Qingfei City.

"Daily!" The shadow and mountain suddenly turned back, he did not think that Sichuan is still so chaotic at this moment.

In fact, the Sichuan is also helpless, before the long-term wind and incredible single blocking network makes the Lichuan very taboo wheel to change the night long.

He had to admit that only his own ball is unable to break down the iron wall block of the night.

A small heavy gun hand like Niu Island is like a smart.

"Ah!" The day of the death of the life was shocked by the Sichuan's button, but his body actually moved.

! On the day, the movement looks funny, but before the volleyball landing, he brings up the ball.

"Goodball!" The night grew and the mountains were excited.

"Show!" Ze Village and Tianzhong shouted.

Although the night is connected, it is not good, the ball is very high, and there is no position to pass it.

bass! However, at this time, the shadow is moving, he has two steps to walk around, stabilizing the body in the air, then the finger wrist is extremely pressed, and the volleyball is pushed to the right side of the entire unmanned ball.

Dang! All people in the Qingfei City only felt a black shadow in front of them, and they have not responded. The re-ranking of the volleyball hit the ground makes a few people stunned.

Electro-optical rock offense!

2826! On the end of the Wushu High School, I won the second game of the ups and downs in the core of the night long wind and the core of the shadow.

2 to 0! In the finals of the five games in the five games, Wushou won the most critical game, and will be entered the game.

071 chapter, winning game (seeking for a self-defined)

"Wow! Wow in the wild!" The watch on the desk boiled, and they jumped in the wild as their own home team. Miscellaneous

The night lengthy winds that steadily landed on the ground did not look at all people in the Qingye City, and the right hand was hit, and they finished the Xiki, which finished the bag, returned to the Wushu.

"This little child is really done!" The excitement of the West Valley, or if the ankle is hurt, you have long jumped to celebrate.

Snapped! At this time, the night length and shadow of the shadow of the mountains and the mountains have been extended to the left and right hands, and they have a touch of tacit understanding.

This shot and the back of the two jerseys and jerseys on the 9th have become a classic, which is always in the memory of all people in the wild.

"Little Feifeng! Night long wind!" And Chuanhe's eyes were locked on the back of the two.

The two personality so strong is actually cooperative, there is no hint, which is a little unexpected.

As a nation's top two lectures and Sichuan, I am very envious of Shaoshan, I can find a king ACE like a night cost in the first grade!

However, such a player can be encountered, especially the players such as the night-catching wind have exceeded the definition of the Japanese high school volleyball team for super genius players.

A guy who only played two months volleyball, showing strong ruling power at both ends of the attack, and he has a change in the unpredictable, and the ball is also high, it can be soft.

In addition, the big heart at the critical moment, there is also the temperament of the leader, which is a person who has never appeared in Japan's high school volleyball team, which will make people feel unreal.

Sub-tension of the Tsing Yushe City.

The brows of the entrance coach have been wrinkled, the second game, Wu-Ye just started to put a little water, the sky, the sky, the sky, said that all the strength, but still can't win the game. .

The most important thing is that the entrance coach now can't think of a way to limit the night's wind, which makes him think of that Niu Island, who can't limit the white birds last year.

The score on the field is 0 to 2, and I want to know that the hard-erased rogue in such a black-in-one.

And now the Qingfei City West is frustrated in addition to the Sichuan and rock springs.

Today, the long wind has completed too much buckle on Jintian, and the flower rolls, but also stopped too much to deduct.

This deterrent not only affects the game of Jintian and the flower roll, but may even affect their entire high school volleyball career.

This is like J Dr. Ji, which causes a lifetime of a lifetime.

When a player shows absolute dominance in the arena, he will have such deterrence to affect the process of the whole game.

"Listen! I know that you are now very tired now, I know that we have already behind two games, but now we will forget the score, earnestly lay the attack and defense of every round. Remember, don't get the referee blowing the whistle, there is no match At the end! "The experience of entering the coach is rich, and this scene he has also encountered many times. He knows how to guide the player to go out of the decadent shadow.

At this moment, what you said reversed the game, you don't work hard, and the players in the Qingfei City have been exhausted in the second game.

It is the case of this desperate, that is, I have to forget the big score on the field, lay every ball, wait until I finally see if there is any possible possibility.

In the view, the young city West is not there yet.

Wushen is now a lot of problems, and the player's physical consumption is too large, and the most important leader of the defenders is free to be injured in the West Valley, it seems that it is no longer possible.

"Concentrate on the first grade of Xiangyang and the moon island, the ball must fight!" I took the PI shares of every player of Qing Ye Chengxi, "Okay, go! Don't let people who support us!" "

"Yes, the coach!" The main expressions of the Qingfei City are a lot.

Wushu High School, the ungroes did not say too much, and left the time to a few main rest and drinking water.

This game, the universal heart as a coach, is there really not too much space that can be played.

The only second-game tactics did not have an effect. As a coach, the experience of urenex care is too small, and he doesn't know how the night's long wind and the shadow mountain will have unexpected action on the court.

Wuye's temporary composition was grinded for two months of chariots to come to the present, no one knows how far they can go.

However, in the heart of the Urdlets, there is always a hint in the heart, if the team is more tactical, the player is more personal, and the wild can overcome the opponent by the play of now, this is very Big a question mark.

! With the whistle of the referee, the two players returned to the field and continued the third game.

At the opening of the game, the Qingfei City West took the arrangement of the sun to attack the sun.

The day is frequently brought down, and it is too early to bear the madness of the other party.

Of course, the offensive of the wild, the Qingfei City West cannot stop, and the homes and mountains have ushered in a small orchestral in the end of the second bureau.

Not only the assist point of the night's long wind buckle, but also has a score of secondary attack.

After a fast-paced attack, the two teams rose to the division, until 6 to 5, and the Temporary Yasu City West is temporarily leading.

And it is over and the Sichuan's tee.

At this time, the huge vulnerability of the Wushen defense line after the Wushen Guardi Shen Valley was exposed.

After the West Valley, who came to pick up the killing of Chuanchuan?

Only the only ball in the wildflowfield is strong, only Ze Village, he can only hold the area of ​​the halfball field.

It is known to use PI shares to know and the Sichuan will serve the day or monthly.

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