The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2374 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

" ! ! !" ..................

Snapped! Snapped! In the servant, and Sichuan took the volleyball.

"First turn back a game and say it!" This is the most authentic idea of ​​Chuanhe.

At this time, the scene, the day, and the village and the night long wind in the position of the back row, the day, the day, the right side, is just convenient and Sichuan attack.

"Amount ... What should I do now?" The day is stared at the eyes of the Kawaki to kill people.

"Don't take care of him, sink, keep your position!" Night Changshuo a pair of captain.

"Well!" The day nodded, his feet opened, but his face still saw tension.

This is also something that there is no way, and the power of Sichuan, the day, has been observed in the nearby time, and he has no confidence to pick up and the serve of Sichuan.

072 chapter, moving (seeking a self-defined)

! And Sichuan's unhamers, do not hesitate to dance, although the third bureau is hit, the second bureau has greatly consumed, but the power of Sichuan's vigorously jumping the ball and opening is not too big, even more drilled. ζ ζ

Anyway, it has been 2 to 0, and the sure is released, and the tee of Chuanchu is like the shells.

Dang! The day is nervous to have some machinery, and I haven't finished my down. Volleyball is on the bottom line behind him.


"Out of the world!" The Qingfei City West and the Wushou people gathered to the referee of the bottom line.

The edge of the side flooded the red flag down, indicating that this ball is in line with the line.

75! And Sichuan got a 15th point of his game.

A two hand won the highest 15 points from the team, which has to be said from the majority of the Tsing Yicheng West from another aspect.

"Goodball! And Sichuan Premie Genes!" The response group on the Taiwan West is cheered, as long as Sichuan is still playing, they will believe that there is still a game.

Half-theielous, and all the people in the Qingfei City are not asked to celebrate after the past, but the silent hit, the team player expression is determined, the concentration is more focused more than before.

"It is the old fox, the team will not panic, the discipline is very strict!" The exterior of the exterior, the advice, the advice, the advice, is still very admired.

"Don't care! Daily, strive to defend!" Zhidun took a very hard day.

"Well!" The day, nodded, but more nervous.

At night, look at the expression of the day, and kick it directly on the day, kicking the day.

"Ah!" The day is screaming, look back to the night, "Changfeng, why do you kick me!"

"What is your child nervous, no one is too big for you!" The night's long face is serious, and the impact of the Wyeang deficient after the bottom of the West is higher than what he imagined.

"Xiangyang, if you can't do it, you can't move, this is your advantage." Night-catching wind knows that the day is very reluctant to pick up Chuan Chuan, but the ukin body shape is closest to the West.

From the neuronal reaction and absolute speed, the day, there is even possibilities more than the West Valley.

The night-long's mouth said that the day does not have a expectation, it is to reduce the pressure he made to himself and let him really release himself.

With the experience of the night, there is a bit similar to the day of this type of player, and the Sakuragi flower in the plant world is similar. Once he focuses on the game, it is easy to exceed horizontally.

"I can't move, I'm driving the feet?" After listening to the night's style, he was obvious.

The opposite ball and Chuanche can't plan to let go of this weak point, and the night is in the back row, but he still puts the attack point on the day.

The night, the night's wind did two times with a foot, left a deep impression, he didn't think that the attack of the night is a good choice.

! It is also a strong tee, and the volleyball has passed through the wind, and the speed is thrown to the area where the day is in the area.

This time, it is still very nervous, but he is at least at a very foot, a small step.

From this step, you can see that the neurore response of the day is far super ordinary.

However, the body movement now has not followed his neuro reaction, and the volleyball is in his eyes.

Dang! What makes the audience stunned and the Sichuan's serve actually played on the face of the day, high high.

Get your face!

This is no longer the first time at night, seeing this stunt, every time he can't help but want to hilarious.

However, he doesn't have this time now, and the volleyball is high, rebounding towards the direction of the Qingfei City.

The night-catching wind is unbelieving in the audience. It is like a panther who started, two large steps forward, jumped directly, and the body has a sense of prematurity in the air.

"He is chasing that ball!" All people in the Qingfei City are all spiritual, and they will do a good job of defensive attitude.

Snapped! When everyone thinks that the night grows to glitchest, his finger wrist, passes the volleyball.

Is a hanging ball!

"Worse!" Songchuan jumped on the Internet jumped with the volleyball from his own strength, no one thought that the night lengthy is still playing in this time, it is simply in dazzling skills, showing off the body. Quality and ball feel.

"Not that simple!" However, the freezes of the Qingfei City West is very focused on this time. He uses a moving action in front of a fish jump, and saves the garde of the night. .

"Well!" The people of the Qingfei City, seeing this ball couldn't help but scream.

"Attack! Fast!" The coach shouted in the field.

This is a good time to counterattack. The night is not falling well, and he has no way to participate in the block in the back row. After the Wushen West Valley, it is really a great opportunity to attack.

The first person in the county and the first person of the county and the first person will not give up such an opportunity. He high speed pushes the volleyball to the right side of the sphere.

It is necessary to jump into the whole game, and in the case of jump in Tianzhong and Zecun, forcibly slammed the ball.

It can be seen from this ball that Jintian is not a strong ability. After all, it is also the attack hand from Beichuan, but the first two games are too dead, and the pity is less.

! The poor golden fields have finally taken the slogan, and the night-catching figure suddenly appeared behind Zencun and Tana, step-by-life, and the night-long-lived movement lounged Jintian will be the bulls.

"Ah, I was connected!"

"It's No. 1 in Wuye, Scorpio, he is crazy today!" It was a champion on the stage.

Serve, block, buckle, with feet, night long wind today, all the things you can do today, now I have to be packaged, this is a kind of whole trick.

"The shadow and mountains, cover!" The night is shouting.

"Don't tell you, I also know!" The Tiando Mountain, the mountains and mountains moved to the place, gently jumped, and put the volleyball to the other side of the net.

"This ball is mine!"

Dang! I have disappeared for a long time, there is no waste of this kind of opportunity, and the very powerful line is deducted.

67! Wushu High School is still niche, it is a pace of zero-sealing.

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