The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2386 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

A few people in the Shan Temple were also immersed in the shock of the night-long-winning air movement, and did not respond at all.


In the consciousness of the Book of Shan Temple, the right island is the best in the national high school volleyball team, which can make a super-player of a variety of magical movements.

And when they saw the movement of the night-hearted sky, the volleyball born to the plane was born, and their worldview was refreshed with night.

"This kind of ball can save it!"

"The action is still so handsome, is the Wushen No. 1 before practicing gymnastics?" The entire course desk turned.

"Good yeah! Have you seen my handsome bow?" After the bulls in the field, Yang Tian happily laughed.

"Changfeng, save it!" However, poor field was ignored, and the wild in the wild and the night was cold.

"I won the first game in a breath!" Ze Village shouted in the servant.

"Oh!" The public should drink in the wild, just now, it is a big point, which is very improved.

After this ball, the Uenful super offensive ability began to break out, and the Temple of Shan Temple was also a team of weakness, but the two teams scored, and the gap between the number of people can score is very obvious.

Every time the Temple of Book is, it can take at least four points below.

I have been going to the pick-up ball of the Book Temple, 25 to 7!

Wushou won the first game with a very disadvantage, and the landscape has exposed his biggest problem in the last ball.

Like Xiangyang, he has excellent talents, but basic skills are not solid, and the critical moment is easy.

"It's so fast!"

"Wushu high school is so strong this year, no wonder can overcome youth."

"This year's finals should look very well!" After this game, the audience on the stage had not reported to the Temple of the Temple.

Wuye High School was not a crow that did not fall in the past a year. Now the Wushu High School can fly, and it is still rising.

The second game, the two sides exchanged the field again.

The Wu Raifting complements two cores of the shadow and mountains and nights, and replaced the hills and mountains.

"I am evil! It's been a little!" The main people in the Shan Temple have some fire, but they have to admit that they are now not a grade.

For the Shan Temple, Wuye Main Renovation is a good opportunity.

However, the second game begins, the high school people in the Shan Temple realize that the miles of the wild are not a group of lambs to be slaughtered, but a group of hungry wolves that are no longer eager to debut.

085 chapter, war and Jiupan (seeking for a self-defined)

On the field, after the second game, Naji filial piety has accelerated the rhythm of the wild. "∞"

Compared to the shadow and mountains, Nangoi's habits and advantages have been more deeply in-depth. He is like a lubricant, so that Wuhe's so-called second lineup has burst powerful offense.

In terms of defensive, after night-long wind, Wuye's blocking ability is affirmative, but there is a more and more mature moon island and the backfield.

In the face of the attack desired by the Temple, Wuye defensive cooperation is very tacit.

1510! Even in the wild, even the substitute is replaced, it has always maintained at least five points.

At this time, the situation in the field is more clear under the field, and the players and spirituality of the Shan Temple High School players are good, so they can play the so-called play with the best in the previous game.

But once you encounter a real strong team, you will have no doubt that the weakness of the Qingcheng or Wuhe Temple, the tactical skills and the ability to attack the taste.

It is also the sentence that the team who is eating by talents is not until the last, and the Shan Temple can be said to have a talented night.

"The guy also has a lot of space!" The night was swept away from the car.

! The voice just fell, and a whole-halved hair ball is directly engaged in the world, and it is partially ignorant.

"Oh, I am out of bound, the Kings Temple did not get up all!"

"The No. 1 of the Shan Temple is very powerful, but this year's Wuye is too strong!" Many viewers on the stage are very optimistic about the county contest this year.

After the servant Temple, Wuye is not polite.

Moon Island and Junior ruled the next game, the two cooperated with quite tacit.

The height of the island and his players plus the great efforts of Naudara, and the two have caused a lot of trouble on the two ends of the attack and defense.

! I have participated in the final attack, and the sho of the island is directly stopped by the island.

2513! The two bodies in the Wuye Sheng Sheng Temple High School and easily entered the top four of the county contest.

"Okay! Win!"

"Moon Island, well!" Everyone in the wildflowfield is very excited.

The arrogant is still facial expression. In fact, he has been with yourself before, from the second game, you can see that the progress of the moon island is very obvious.

"I am not bored, can I get a more powerful?" Night lived on the tension, looking up looking up looking up at the gym of the gym, inner heart without winning the thrill.

On the following day, the third game of Miyagi County Prefecture Competition.

"Come on! Come on! Heyu Gunan! Come on! Come on! Hey!"

Wuye is in the gym, and the opponents of their opponents today and the auctions of the Jiupan High School have echoed throughout the alley, today and Jiurgan has come to many people.

Of course, there are many fans in Wuye. These people are not Wuye school, but it is a fan of other schools and is attracted by the gorgeous attack by Wuye.

"Hey ... people are more than yesterday!" Sugawahuan looks at the court.

"Haha, there are so many people, playing the ball is cool!" Tanaka laughed.

"Xiangyang, you won't want to go to the toilet?" The night grew is a bit helpless to walk in his body, and the movement has become a mechanical day to Xiangyang.

"Feeding the concentrated spirit! Start your fever!" Ze Village has taken his hand, letting Wu wild people put their attention to the game.

The previous two chopped gaps have little to make the Wu wild players somewhat expanded, and they did not put today's opponents and the Kui Nan high school in the eyes.

"Please give me a lot of advice!" After 20 minutes, Ze Village and the captain of the Dowen High School of Jiunan were smoking a greeting in the middle line.

"Board! He Yulu South! Webwood! He Yulu South!" He saw the game and the Jiulu South Association Association will begin, and the cheers is even greater.

"It's really noisy!" Tian Zhong was squatting.

"Hey! Aron! Come on!" At this time, next to the banner hanging on the Wenye look, a good beauty rushed to Tian Zhonglong.

"Ha, how old is the old man!" Tanzhong took a look and scared a big jump.

The coming is the sister of Tianzhonglong, the field of the field.

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