The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 2387

"Hey? It turns out that your sister, your sister is so good!" Nightly swept a shake of the Oufa.

"Hey! Your kid wants to play my mind, I don't let you go!" Tanzhong was shocked, this guy is not afraid, the only fear is the sister of the family.

! After a small episode, Wuye and the Jiulu South game officially started.

The Wushen first lineup is the same as before the game, and the front line of Jiki is a high 177-cm white stone, the height of 186 cm, the height is 174 cm.

The back row is the second pass flower mountain, the deputy attack hand mening and the freeman Qiubao, and finally the main attack hand ACE is only 173 cm.

As far as the average height, the two teams are close, as for the exercise ability, they will see the true chapter.

After the start of the game, the servant is first served with Jiupan.

Ze Village has stabilized the servant and the servant of Jiupu South, and it is very in place and accurate. The two sides are in the test phase, and there is no player who is playing like night long wind.

"First use the fast attack to get a point to improve the momentum!" The shadow mountain flying in the second hand, the body moved the volleyball to the other end of the ball in the air side.

"Wow!" At this time, Tian Zhonglong was called, and after the whole way, he went straight to deduct the straight line.

10! Wushu High School opened a lot of momentum.

"It is beautiful, Alang, handsome!" Tian Zhongzi has come to the migration of Wuye, and there is a good way to play in Tianzhong, she is very excited.

"What, is the fast attack just?"

"It's so fast, is there such a strong in the wild?" It took a few aunt at the Taiji South in the table.

"Well! The next ball is still in color!" Zhongdao did not care too much about this momentum like a ball.


"Good!" And the people in the Kui Valley seem to be surprised to the crockery of the wild, a pair of self-confidence.

Out of the outer Wushen replacement, the joy of the joy is in the face of the junior people.

"It seems that the other party has studied our competition. Since studying our game can show this easy expression, tell the truth, I have been very admiring!" Wu rushed to speak self-speaking.

On the court, I arrived at the tee of Huishan flying andro.

There is not much hesitant in the shadow, and after the high height, the two steps will be placed, and it is directly a murder.

086 chapter, Reissue version of the small giant? (Ask for a self-defined)

! After the volleyball in the shadow mountain, suddenly flick, fell, and fell towards the right bottom corner of the Jiulu South Stadium.

This dealer is very good, both strength or falling, is very fit.

"Good feelings!" The shadow mountain felt this ball directly in the air.

! However, the midway moved with the Zhongdao in Jiupu, and the murder of the shadow mountain was stabilized in the absence of the center of gravity.

"What!" Some accidents in the landing mountains.

"It's a great servant!" Zhongemao studied Wuye's game. He knew that there were two major players in Wushou, one is a night-lived, one is a shadow mountain flying.

And Jiulu South is also fully prepared to have a good time to dance, but I really have this powerful serve, and feel different.

"It's good!" And the two-handed hands and mountains of Jiupu South, with both hands.

At this time, there is a day in front of the day and the field, and the two attack hands in the Kui Valley and Kawashima started ahead of the front, two people run fast.

! In the eventual flowers, Huashan passed the volleyball to the Sichuan Island that jumped behind, and the Sichuan is jumped, and the volleyball crossed the block of the field, and hit the floor on the wooden floor.

11! Take a ball with Jiulu South.

"The pineapple head came up from behind, the speed is really fast!" There is a speaker on the table.

"Cut, actually didn't stop!" The fierce god of the field glanced at Kawao.

"Teamwork is very tacit, and the Hulu South Tactics is level." Just an offensive and defense, the night-lived wind can see that there is no better deal with the Jiupan.

Tactics and cooperation take a lot of proportion in this movement of volleyball, two opponents in Wuye have not strong tactical ability, very good to wear.

Such a team will be easily hit by the mounted replacement lineup by the ukin.

This is a huge difference in tactics.

Of course, the ball is just the ball, and the unfold defense has also been a problem. It is mainly due to lack of experience, and is confused by the opponent's run.

In exchange, the night length will begin to move after the flower mountain touches, so that the opponent's running and tactics have no effect.

Of course, the neurore reflection and exercise capacity of the blockbus network is too high, and the national player can make the player who can block the net like a night.

On the court, I was trying to dance with Jiupu South White.


The night length wind is in the back of the heart, and the white stone's dance ball is stabilized. It seems like a hammer of hundreds of racket veterans.

From the night length of the wind to now, the most advanced, the biggest progress is the ball.

"Fast Attack!" The shadow is a step forward, and the day is almost at the same time, and the two will jump at the same time at the same time, it seems like a double attack.

! On the day, the bow is buckled, and the opponent's block.

"Fill in!"

"Can't wait!" However, the free person of the other side seems to be very strong, and his fish picked up the day, the world, the world, the fierce deductible.

"The defensive repairs are also very fast, and the tactics of Jiupu South is very high!" The off-site Wuao is frowned. He found that he is much stronger than him.

"Please, the last attack!" Huashan put the volleyball to the other side of the net.

Ze Village, Tianzhong and the day to three high-speed movement, three people block, prepare to blocked the bullion of the Middle Island.

A slam, but the Zhongdao fierce the three-person block without any hesitation, directly and right arm.

The volleyball is heavy, on the left arm of the day, rebound at high speed, flying directly on the table.


twenty one! And Jiupan continuously talked.

"Just now, he is deliberately aiming at my hand!" The day is full of eyes.

"This guy technology is good, the lag is very strong!" The night is swept behind the Island.

The semi-finals of the county contest, the night-to-fall wind that is going to fall asleep finally filed a little interest.

"That No. 1 is really hard to deal with!" Even if the volleyball, the Wudata consultant also seen that China island is hard to deal with.

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