The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2388, Chapter 2388, Chapter 2388

"Yes, China is likely to be a player in the county in the county." Urvestment of the wear. "

"Hey, is this?" Wushu is very surprised.

On the day, Xiangyang hangs the little giant in the mouth, but the county is the most like a small giant, but the Sino-China Island of Jiupu.

On the field, the Jiupu South continued to surround the Island of China.

China island fiercely in the same way, playing volleyball on the day, causing the unusual exit.

31! Sino is the Sino-Island.

"Can be evil! Nothing to stop!" The day after landing is anxious.

"The guy's play is really uncomfortable, deliberately go to the people's arm!" After three goals, the night long wind wheel was exchanged to the front row, the West Valley replaced the day.

On the field, the white stone in Jiupu will continue to dance.

The West Valley pushed the volleyball in the backlight. The shadow and mountains immediately jumped, and the hands were pose.

At this time, a black figure on the front of the dark, high jumbled in the air.

"Jump is high!" And the people of Jiurgan were shocked, and the night long wind wings, there is no flower shelf, there is no double running, is a simple single attack.

But the night grows too high, although the night's game has been seen in the long-winding competition, but the feeling of this player and height players are totally different.

And Jiupu South's deputy attack hands Songjim is desperately jumping to stop, but the Towers of the shadow and mountains are high.

The night grows is still rising, and the Song Island body after jumping has begun to decline.

Dang! Thunder's deduction, night long-term war ax deducted, directly deducting volleyball.

twenty three!

The freedom of Jiupu South has not reacted, high-rebounded volleyball, directly pops the table, and the height is very amazing.

"Wow! There is a haunting!" I saw some special trips on the stage to watch the fans of the night long wind game and jumped.

This kind of violence and aesthetic combination are very perfect, few people are not attracted.

"It's amazing, this is the trump card!" Zhongdao suddenly raised his finger at night, "your next buckle, I will pick it up!"

"Come on!" The night grew angle raised, and he liked like to like and this arrogant guy.

On the venue, the serve of Zencun.

After the blessing in Jiulu, I launched a double run again.

This time, the night cost stop in the front row, Yu Guang stared at the other party's two-handed man.

Huashan took a hidden back to attack the ball, holding the volleyball to his body.

And the white stone in Jiurgan starts from the backfinder, directly deducting, their attack is very smooth, and the routine drill is very familiar.

Dang! It is unfortunately, the white stone's button cannot pass the single iron wall of one person, and the volleyball is pressed directly in the night, and the heavy fall is in the middle of the Sino-Island.

33! When the night, the long-lasting wind is back, and the Open's attack and defense is different, which is the performance of the so-called influence and domination on the court.

087 chapter, explosion of China island (seeking for a self-defined)

"I am evil!" The reissue version of the small giant Zhongdao slammed the words of the rock, and it was shouted by the night, and the eyes suddenly came out. ∮ α α α α α ∮ ∮

"Blocking, long wind!" Ze Village and a night-catching night with a stable land.

"Yingshan, a little higher!" After several rounds, the night-lived wind has completely entered the status of the game.

"This guy is so excited to be so fast!" The shadow swept a night, and nodded.

On the field, the shadows began to hold high radians, and the night long-winding is heavy. All the front is deducted, and the Zhongdao is slammed on the ground, all of which are the anti-defensive area of ​​the Sino-Island.

boom! boom! boom! A three-ball, the night-length image is a wild beast to take the poor little giant to tear the torn, bombard.

China Island is extremely good, and the reaction is also very fast, but the ball of night is too heavy. He can't get up at all, even if it can be picked up, you can't be transmitted.

The members of the aid group on the stage and the Jiurgan have not yet sounded, and the heavy blows at night are like a boulder hit their chest, which is not breathing.

And the Kui Valley South Defense is completely exploded by night long, they only have a variety of tactics that are changed by the offensive end, very laborious.

Dang! Also arrived at night, and stopped the Burrow of Sawe Island with the blockbuster.

199! Wuye has opened a difference in the first game.

"The rhythm of the game is so fast, I don't know that Wuye has been ahead!"

"Will it be a slaughter, this year is too strong! The whole team is a monster!" On the table, many fans on the stage reversed the side of the wild.

The wild play is gorgeous, and the night long-term wind buckle is pulling thousands of people, so that the audience who likes volleyball can not stop.

"Beautiful, Changfeng!" The Wudian consultant sat on the mat, and the flag was shouted.

"Today, the kid is playing very much!" Uu raised his eyes and looked at night.

The first two games, the night long wind almost didn't force, and today, the game, the night grew, according to the other's ace, a pair of hands to tear the front of the opponent.

"..." The first game, Sino Island is already sweating, and there is no gasping.

In the face of the madness of the rain, China Island has not been psychologically prepared.

China Island will now find something stupid to provoke the night.

The night's wind will be used in the Sino-Middle Island. It is also because of the provocation of Zhongjim Island.

The night-long style has proved that people who provocate him will pay the price.

This is like Mu Uncle Mu, who is shaking his fingers, followed by Qiao to help the landlord, and shake his finger.

It is one of the secondary winds in the arena.

"Very good, just take advantage of the game now!" Ze Village is also very excited, since he entered the county contest, he dreamed every night, thinking that one day and Bai Bird College a high.

The dream of the national contest in the year is now in front of you.

"Bastard, we haven't lost yet!" Pineapple Head, is is unhappy.

"It's right, the game has just begun!" Zhongdao fiercely looked up and his eyes closed his eyes.

Zhongjim is ambitious, the ability of the night-catching wind is far above him, but this guy who does not represent this play passion will give up such a game.

In any case, it is also necessary to fight until the Sino-Island is more than just a ball like a small giant. The person who does not care is also like a small giant.

On the field, the Towers of the mountains, the sudden hanging ball in the island.

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