The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2396, Chapter 2396 of the Prince of Tennis

The nearest shadow of volleyball has been flying high to the air, directly down the ball!

095 chapter, first take a point (seeking a self-defined)

! On the field, the movement of this grabbing of the shadow and mountains is not so uncomfortable, but it is more faster than him is the heavens of the opposite white bird.

Some weird Tong Tong's arms have been out of their long, plus his bouquet and neurore reflection, after he jump, almost instantly stopping the bulls of the shadow and mountains.

"Block, this is our ..." The replacement of Bai Bird Ze just wants to stand together.

Said, behind the shadow mountain, the day, Xiang Xiang, once again, once again made the goddene who brought the ball.

"Hey!" The day is heavy to the forehead, and a dull low, and immediately fly.

"Shenzhen!" Ze Village is too late to see the situation in the day.

"Give me the ball!" At this moment, the long wind in the back of the night, the whole person flew to the air.

This time, the night-long wind is not intended to play with the white bird, and the more attack tactics is not a tactics that is not allowed to stop this training.

Directly on the front of the hard strength, the night length and Niu Island are the same, I like to attack in this way.

"Come!" The shadow hill quickly jumped in the front row, and the hands were holding the volleyball in the air, and then vigorously pushed to the high altitude.

"Good high toss!" The front of the white bird is surprised by the hidden Tourist of the shadow and mountain.

This kind of tuistor is high in them. It must be a two-leader, which is too big. If this is the problem, the back-row attack hand has more time adjustment, but their block has more time to adjust Prepare to block each other's button.

bass! However, when the three people in the front of the white birds jumped Qi Qi, when they formed a three-person block, they realized how it is true.

As the number of two hands in the Miyagi County, how the technical ability of Huishan flying and the skills may have such a low-level mistake.

Only one of him like this, he is to put the ball so high, so that the night has a higher hitting point.

"You jump too low!" The night long is like a rocket-like figure reaches the vertex, the three-person stretched arm of the white bird is not worthless.

He is in the air, and then the right arm is vigorously powered by the whole body.

In an instant of the ball, the volleyball was tapping, the powerful force was passed from the volleyball in an instant to another.

The whole volleyball with a whistling wind, like a bullet, a triple triple block with a pretty height of the white bird.

! At this moment, the rear row of Bai Bird came from the body of Niu Island that did not participate in the defensive. After he was very fast, he was very fast, his body was very fast, and the right hand consciously went enough to whistling volleyball.

! However, Niu Island is still slow, his body response speed and technology are enough, but after all, the first ball is still the first ball, Niu Island is not prepared to defense, volleyball with huge strength from the cattle The right arm of Island is rotated and rolled away outside the court.

10! The first ball of the county contest in the Wuye High School and Bai Bird College can say that Mars is splashing. The two sides have played a number of rounds.

At this moment, the two team players rose the same idea, today will not be a relaxed game.

At this moment, the entire gymnasium is quiet, and the audience is dumb.

The first ball for the whole stage is so thrown, which is so thrilling, is really unexpected.

"Too ... is too powerful! Is this really only the final of the Miyagi County Competition? I have seen the national contest finals will be so fierce!" Commentary Fujihara also the first reaction. Come over.

"Yeah, the strength of the two teams today is at least the level of the national level, it is really rare, Miyagi County can have two such level teams!" The explanation of the commentary, the guest Tao Li Hao is more surprised.

The entire Japanese high school students, the strongest is to the Tokyo District, and the number of their national contests is also the most.

In these years, the quota of Miyagi County is almost every year, and the Bai Bird College has an unique impression that the impression is deeply rooted.

Today, the reunion of the reunion is in the Ueni high school to announce the Tongcheng County, and even the Japanese volleyball team will open new chapters.

"Wow! It's too handsome, night long!" At this moment, the Wuye student who reacted on the stage screamed loudly.

Many of them are holding a lively mentality or is raised by a friend for the Uen.

Recently, the night-long's night-long wind is conquered to conquer these Wuye students, and this goal is to see the ability of the wild and national high-strength white birds.

"Oh! Dry, long wind!" On the field, Ze Village is also very excited.

Although it is just the first point of opening, this first point is important to the Uen High School.

All people in Wuye saw a lot of competitions before the Bai Bird College. In these videos, there was a situation to make Wuye intention.

That is, if the be island, if it is, it is involved in the defense, whether it is blocking or receiving the ball.

The general team includes the Qingcheng High School, and the Bai Bird Academy only needs to blow the ground to win the victory.

Today, Niu Island, if the first ball is involved in the defensive, and has not yet received a high-profile gun who has a full-length power.

"The whole country is three strong? But so!" After one by one of the teammates, the night grew coldly swept away from Niu Island.

At this time, Niu Island is completely dark, he does not give the night's long wind, and the murderous murder is going out.

"The arrogant guy!" White Bird College's expression is the most abundant or a five-year-old five-color, he loves him. The first ball is very unhappy.

"White Birds! White Birds! White Birds!" The white bird surrounded by the white bird Ze, who was in the shocked, began to be aid.

They don't want to admit that the Wushu High School is already a grade, and the bouting believes that Bai Bird is just the opening of the opening, so that the Wushou will take the amazing point.

On the field, Ze Village continued to serve.

"Good!" Ze Village was flashing in the eyes of Ze Village. He was in his hand, and the heart and gas were raised more than one grade.

"We have the long wind and shadow mountains, our Uen is the strongest team in Miya Prefecture!" Three years waiting, finally climbed to the peak, Zecun's heart excitement is can't suppress.

"One more!" Ze Village throws the volleyball high, rarely jumped in the servant, vigorously

Vigorously dance! Ze Village This is to suppress the rhythm of white birds!

096 chapter, the celestial trump (seeking a self-defined)

call! Ze Village's vigorous jumping ball does not have the speed and strength of the shadow and mountains and night-lived winds, but the drop and the angle are very drilled. $ Miscellaneous Worm $

And it is the idea of ​​attacking the other party's first grade freshman, in Zen Village, the most weaker passing of Bai Bird Ze is the most weak.

bass! On the field, I looked at the speed of the speed flying, the five-color rapid lateral inclined stepped steps, ready to catch the ball in a moment.

His action is very simple and profound, and it is very solid very solid.

It is important to know that the Bird's Academy Volleyball Department has gathered the good seedlings in Miyagi County, which can stand in the position of Bai Birds, and the five-color technical capabilities that have floated surface are naturally not poor.

Snapped! Moreover, this ball is not picking up at all, but directly lets open, and the volleyball is directly hit on the outer boundary of the field, the difference is a little bit.

"Out of the world!" The side cuts were discovered.

11! Ze Village's serve has a small mistake, directly giving a white bird.

"Unfortunately, the quality of this ball is good!" There was a neutral fans on the stage unfortunately.

Many people in them are coming to see the lively. I naturally hope that I have to look at the Uen High School of the weak party, so that there is a suspense this.

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