The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2397 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Wu Ye is too eager to seek, the captain Ze Village is too embarrassed, this is also a young team to make mistakes." The monette is a pity.

"Indeed, after their first ball, the mentality has changed, it has become more aggressive. It is good to see their next play!" Tao Lihao Second is a former country hand, see the problem is more Deep more.

"Sorry!" On the court, Zip Village was a little annoyed to shoot his head.

"Don't care, the next goal!" All the people in the wild are not nervous.

The first point in Wuye gave the unusual confidence in the main people in Wuye. It is other team. In the face of a white bird, it is likely to have a series of mistakes in the heart.

Sichuan, Sichuan, Sichuan.

Snapped! A ordinary player, the tee of Sichuan is flat, and it is actually playing in the wind, and the net is turning into the half of the wild.

"I am coming!" Tian Zhonghe and the day shouted.

Two people are too positive, almost knocking together, and finally the field will take the ball.

"Ah! Cover!" The day was hit by the field, and he didn't forget to shout.

"Two idiots!" The shadow and mountains have no choice but to the field in this busy situation.

The volleyball is rolled to the net, it is too close to the net, not treated.

In the end, the shadow has chosen the secondary attack and put the volleyball point to the neutrality of the other side.

"Is a hanging ball!"

"Smart choice!" Two explanations look at the shadow mountain.

However, the glowing ball in the shadow and mountains is clever, but the other's free people have an intention of the shadow and mountains in advance, and he stabilizes the giddier of the shadow.

"Pay attention to defense!" Zhun Village, the two passions of Bai Bird Ba Yilong jumped, put the volleyball directly to the sky behind him.

Rear row offense!

Bai Bird Zai's offensive routine, playing is a point of Niu Island, very common offense, all people who have seen countless times on the video.

! At this moment, a step-up of Niu Island will open the body in the air, and the left hand is ignored to the field and the block island's blockbuster.

boom! The slash of Niu island was built, and the volleyball whistling instantly run through the three-man blockbuster of the wild.

Like night growth, Niu island has the ability to have a super heavy gun hand who ignores the opponent block.

"Small Valley!" The field is still suddenly turned back.

Wushen Guardian Kindu Taro uses his super-sensitive dynamic vision to capture the trajectory of the volleyball that is like shells, and instantly rolled down, reaching a pass.

boom! However, the West Valley underestimates the power of Niu Island, with huge power, and the border of the West Valley, immediately pop up the boundary, and there is no time to buffer the unloading force to the West.

twenty one! In the surprised eyes of the West Victor, Niu Island will take the first point of his audience.

"Left hand, this guy's power and the small boy are a fight!" The West Valley is awesome, "the whole country is three, the name is unimagled!"

"Wow! Niu Island! Niu Island! Niu Island!" The meeting of Bai Bird on the stage looked at Niu Island, and it took it.

"Goodball! The captain of the Bai Bird Xuechuan, the ace Ace Niu Island, if you believe everyone is very familiar, this game seems to have a good state, some are there!" Commentary of Fujiwaoyang.

"Well, I have heard of this young man named Niu Island, this year, the National Youth Army should invite him." Tao Li Hao has exploded a big material.

"Is this? It's amazing, Niu Island is so young, I hope that I hope that the country will play."

On the field, the night-length wind sweeps the cow island, or the expression of facial paralysis, you can't capture his inner ideas from his expression.

"Is there any way to pick up Niu Island? This game really has to spell!" The field is frowning.

"Give me three goals!" At this time, the West Valley raised three fingers to the wilderness, "I will be used to his dash."

"The guy is left-handed, and you will pay attention to you!" Night long-range head.

He has never doubtful to the power of the West, but the heart of the night does not think that the West can really adapt to Niu Island's heavy burglaf ball in a short time.

The left hand will be less in the volleyball, and the cow island has been described in the world.

On the field, Sichuan continued to serve.

Ze Village stabilizes Sichuan's hanging ball, Wusong fast attack, Huysius and Moon Island Firefly, fast attack.

The big flat lion sound of Bai Bird is simply lifted the bullion of the moon. At this time, it reflects the power of the overall strength of the white bird.

Each player has almost no short board, the offensive and defense is good, and the personal ability is highlighted, and it will not interfere with each other.

The tactical system of Bai Bird Ze College is not deep, but it is simple and practical, as much as possible, the individual energy of the main players of Bai Birds.

Dang! It is also Niu Island's ignorant ignorant block left hand slash button!

This time Niu Island is faster, and there is no touched in the West Volleyball.

31! After opening a big point, Bai Bird seems to have retrieved his score.

"Niu Island! The strongest! White bird Ze! Win!" The whole gymnasium must be overturned by the sound of the Bai Bird Ze College, and the worry and a hint of hidden worries With the bull island's way to play smoke.

This is the role of the heart, stabilizing the military, enhances morale!

097 chapter, violent ancestors? (Ask for a self-defined)

"Available guys!" Tanzhong is very uncomfortable to have an expressionless cow island. ≒ ≒ ≒

Niu island gives him a bit different from the night long wind, the night of the night, the field is complete enough, the hitting point is too high.

And the left-handed left-handed ball of Niu island is to let the field feel that he can stop, the last result is not enough to stop, and people are more unhappy.

"Let me come!" At this time, the night grew the shoulders in the field, he changed from the rear wheel to the front row.

On the field, the night-lived wind is in the front row, and the white bird is a few people who have been in the night, and others are ignored by gorgeous.

Especially the talents, the eyes are dead, and the eyes are shun, and they look at some excitement.

! However, it is unexpected that the Birds and Mountains are unexpected, and the shadow mountain does not give the ball to the night, but to the field of the back attack.

The field is smoking in the unfair-defensive situation, and the one point of very dissolved.

twenty three!

"! Seeing no, this is the strength of this uncle!" The fields after the goal were soaring.

"Be deducting, field!" Wuhin replacement is unison.

On the field, the right to send returned to the hands of the wild, the gallow of the moon island.

In this month, the tee of the Moon Island has also improved a lot, he is high, the bounce is not bad, and there is a good vigorous jump and go.

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